| Find a hobby besides reading bad news on the internet, it’s not that hard
Actually it can be, when the same world that generates that news has commoditified every aspect of your existence to a transaction. Transactions you can’t afford.
You’re conflating debbie-downers with a generation of humans living a worse life than their parents. When a damn is cracked, overflowing with water, drowning people, the solution is not, “Hey just like, don’t pay attention, man! Life is good!”
That type of advice doesn’t go very far with starving, unhealthy (unable to afford health) people.
Some of us in the United States (me for example) can give you a list of people we know who have died because they were unable to afford insulin (first died in high school twenty years ago, most recent died last year), we know what our country has become because we cannot escape the damage it is inflicting on a generation, a generation poorer than the ones before.
You’re overcomplicating it and making this far more harder than it needs to be. You hobby can be going out on walks, drawing, playing very cheap sports, etc. No more no less. There is barely an economical factor for finding a cheap enjoyable hobby.
And I’m not advocating toxic positivity or being blissfully ignorant. All I’m saying is finding something enjoyable to do in the fleeting life you have is better than being miserable all day by going out of your way to read bad news on the internet.
I love Tidal + Plex. I already had a Plex server set up, but the integration with tidal is great. Good music quality, pays the artists well, and no gaps in the library that aren’t also there in the other services. When you add Plex you can then fill in those gaps with your own music files.
I’ve recently started hosting my music on Jellyfin and using the symfonium app for android. Symfonium is pretty nice and handles offline files well, plus it has a ton of hosting options including Plex, even some experimental options like dropbox
Children’s medications aren’t scams, they have different doses for a reason (the reason is usually risk of overdose).
This will obviously very from med to med, but most stuff over the counter will be exactly the same for adults and children, just with instructions for children to take less.
For example, both children’s and adult’s liquid acetaminophen (paracetamol) are sold in the US at a strength of 160mg/5mL, and they will both have the same instructions for children under 2, children 2-11, and people 12+
my dad was an immigrant (technically so was I but I was brought here at a young age) and didn’t speak the language. so he did manual labor jobs for a long time until he felt confident enough to try his luck at his own business. now he works much less and makes much more.
leave the manual labor for the people who can’t do anything else. if you have skills, put them to use
everybody can’t be a doctor or lawyer. you need someone to clean toilets, dig holes, and carry cement.
some people don’t have the capacity or the willingness to do anything else. i work in the underground construction industry. there are a lot of illegals working digging holes and they’re perfectly happy with it. they can’t speak english, they can’t work a computer, and they don’t want to learn.
nothing wrong with it. other people, however, move up quickly. there was a girl we hired fresh off the boat. couldn’t speak english and started off essentially digging holes for $1000 a week. she was sharp minded, however, and quickly started helping with the administrative tasks on the job sites. we gave her a raise and a promotion to crew supervisor. we gave her a laptop, she learned english quickly and eventually became a foreman and by the time she left us about 2 years later, she was making nearly 3x her original salary. she updated a lot of the systems we had and created daily reports for our clients. something we weren’t doing - she just thought of it and it was a big benefit to us.
she ended up leaving to join someone else starting up their own company. she was able to get a big picture vision of the operation. some people cannot see past their job role
we have people that have been digging holes for us for the better part of a decade. they get paid their wage, they pay their bills, and when they get home they drink their beers and are happy.
it’s just the way it is. nothing wrong with it. i think it’s rude and demeaning to try and imply these people need to somehow get a better position or move forwards.
all i’m saying is if you’re in a position where you can do more, do more. you’ll get paid better and work less. and you’ll find it’s like an upward spiral. the more you do, the more things you’ll be given the opportunity to do. then you can leverage that into better opportunities
edit: For the record, I would watch this, because it would cover the history of the Catholic Church’s pedophilia ring and systematical legal issue dodging. Not for the pedophilia. That is all NSA.
Also, there is a true story movie about how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up, called Spotlight.
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