No. I’ve had it twice and have had no long-term effects (that I know of). I’ve been vaccinated twice and gotten a booster. I didn’t even lose my sense of taste while experiencing symptoms.
My wife and I have had it 2 or 3 times. We have never lost taste. My wife lost smell the first time briefly, but it came back after she was covid free. Other than that, we only had headaches and fatigue. Super mild. Never had vaccine.
I caught Covid in Feb 2020, so I was part of the first wave when they weren’t sure it was a thing yet. I lost my sense of taste and smell for almost a year, to the extent I could stand next to a pan of frying onions or a trash can with rotting garbage and not smell it. It never fully recovered from that - I couldn’t say whether is 50% back or 30%, but it also still goes out sometimes. I’ve had every shot and booster available and have had a few influenza like illnesses since but with different levels of severity.
I’m going to hazard a guess here based on some related studies I’ve seen about the effects of covid and say that there’s likely a genetic component. I probably have a gene variant that makes this outcome more likely. I’m saying that because I’ve seen at least preliminary studies that looked at the severity of covid symptoms and found a genetic correlation.
For the majority of people who do lose their sense of taste and smell, they recover within a few weeks to a couple of months, but I am unaware of studies that show the degree to which they cover sensation. I know from my own experience that “recovery” can mean getting a fraction of your previous sensation back.
I’ve had it twice. Got my 2 vaccine doses and I think we’re up to 4 boosters? I work in a hospital in the cousin-fuckingly deep south, so I’m pretty much permanently in the middle of a plume of that shit.
Anyway, kept my sense of taste and smell both times, My symptoms were sore throat, fatigue, and horrific sneezing fits… like 10 mins straight of sneezing every couple seconds. Got to the point that it triggered nose bleeds and felt like I got punched in the sinuses.
Relatively mild compared to what covid has the potential to be, but still not a good time.
Nope, I could still smell and taste, although it was perhaps slightly diminished. I wish I would have lost my sense of taste briefly because the cough medicine I was taking tasted absolutely disgusting.
Maybe not totally related, but I think my sense of smell has always been not as great as other people, even before COVID. People will sometimes complain about a specific smell and I don’t always notice it.
Lemmy has a real problem with this. It’s like all of the angry people from Reddit came here and now we just have an angry circlejerk about anything the crowd doesn’t like.
An alarming number of people would say that this film renewed their faith in god. Granted, not enough people to prevent this film from being a net loss for the producers, but still. Yikes.
Whatever you do, make sure that you learn legally and avoid those horrible sites that steal the hard work of researchers and prevent publishers from properly incentivizing academic research by allowing just anyone to download research for free. You know, horrible sites like LibGen, SciHub, or Anna’s archive.
Totally disgusting sites that you should definitely avoid.
Do not go to! Can you believe someone had the audacity to allow access to government funded research papers for free? Everyone knows that only elite institutions deserve the benefits of publicly funded projects.
Support your local capitalist by paying them for the content they rightfully stole.
As a quick reminder to everyone: Researchers have to pay to get their papers published in scientific journals. They receive no money back from those journals. The journals are all double-dipping by charging both the author and the reader to use them. It isn’t stealing from researchers when researchers don’t get paid for your usage regardless.
In fact, one of the most ethical ways to get access to research papers is to go to journals, find the author(s) of the paper you want to read, and email them directly to politely ask for a copy. They’ll gladly send it to you for free, because they also hate the journal system that they’ve been forced into using.
YSK: That publishers do not fund or incentivize academic research.
Authors of scientific papers do not receive money for publishing them (sometimes they have to pay). The peer reviewers work for free. The high prices of scientific journals simply turn into obscenely huge profit margins for the publishers. Publishers harm research by siphoning off money from research budgets and also by preventing better ways of sharing research. Their obscene profits depend on doing things a certain way.
Funny story: Traditionally, researchers have transferred the copyrights to their papers to the journal. When the internet had become a thing, authors made their own papers available directly for download. Publishers then went after the authors for sharing their own research.
But surely the journals provide some sort of service for the researchers, right? Like paying for experts to review their scientific claims, or fact checking their citations, or even basic grammatical proofreading, right? If the journals are earning so much from research, then conducting academic research must be a lucrative field with so many publishers competing to be the first ones to publish a paper.
I see what you are asking: Why doesn’t market competition drive down prices?
People have to publish in prestigious journals to make a career in science. So, that’s the “service”. Their position in the system lets them extract payment for something that other people deliver.
Even if someone opens up a competing journal, they are not likely to get quality submissions, because publishing in some unknown journal does not help the CV.
At the same time, the cost is mostly born by other people. Librarians pay for the subscriptions. I’m not sure why there is not more pushback from that angle. Eventually, institutions need access to these journals.
The cost to scientific research is spread over all society. No one person feels it. No one can even be sure how much better things would be under a reformed system.
Progress happens only when someone goes too far and causes outrage in the academic community. There has been some progress to move to a better model. But all that money can pay for a lot of PR.
ETA: On second thought, I’m probably simply not aware of the efforts of librarians, etc.
I was being sarcastic. Many journals don’t provide any of those services. Some journals even charge researchers for the “prestige” of publishing a paper. Peer review is mostly unpaid work, and some reviewers act as gatekeepers.
No, please don’t. Do it using word choice and tone of your writing. Sarcasm exists for a reason and denoting it with a single symbol is a bad idea. Sarcasm functions through its subtlety, in writer and reader.
Sarcasm is using categorical imprecision to point out how obvious the truth is. It’s words face-planting on purpose to get themselves out of the way of your eyes. To clearly label the sarcasm as such screws up this whole effect. It’s bird shit on the lens — now they’re looking at the surface of the lens not the thing you want to show them.
It’s a structure that points elsewhere, and requires an intuitive leap. Adding the /s bridges what should be a leap and the utility of the technique as a means of communication is lost.
If you find yourself tempted to use the /s, what you’re discussing is probably too important for sarcasm anyway and you should just say what needs to be said.
Let’s trace it back. Why do academics need to get published in order for their career to succeed? Why wouldn’t a paper published in a no-name journal carry any weight?
Does it boil down to whoever would be hiring them not having the time to read their research, so they rely on someone else’s judgment?
One problem is that one wants an objective way to judge someone’s productivity. You cannot truly judge the quality of a paper unless you are an expert in that same field. Your institution may not have such an expert. Besides, in science you really don’t want to rely on personal judgment, if possible. Maybe there’s also marketing efforts going on that encourage doing things in away that allows extracting monopoly rents but I don’t have evidence.
IMHO the overarching problem is that the whole of academic publishing has not arrived in the internet age. You have all the usual problems with reforming social systems and, on top of that, there’s a lot of money at stake for some people.
Often it’s a requirement of the workplace (typically acadaemia, e.g. R1 institutions), and it’s paid for in large part by various grants from the government. Or done for free in “spare time” as is the case where I work. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Honestly - if it’s a specific article, then just email the author. Unless they’re a blowhard they’ll usually be happy to shoot off a copy of the final PDF or at least a preprint. Doubly so if you’re a grad student and say how excited you are about their research.
OP is talking about apps that are basically links to websites.
They design the website entirely, but it’s not available through a web browser – only the app. But fundamentally, it’s a website that a browser would be able to run.
I know that; when you develop a website, you typically design mobile-first and then design the desktop version afterwards. If you’re just building it as an application you can skip a whole lot of CSS and design nonsense that would go into that process.
I worked at a company that wanted to kill their app (just a web view for the site anyway) but trying to convince all the users to move proved unfeasible
I suppose having a dedicated “launch this website” button has some level of convenience over typing out the URL
I’ve just gone through this pain with my company. It took 14 months to finally get rid of the app and the pushback from users was horrendous.
We eventually broke the app to the point that all it did in the end was show a page that made users open the site in their mobile browser and use the “Add to home page” feature present in mobile Safari, Chrome and Firefox to put an icon on the homepage like an app.
Absolutely worth it though to not have to deal with Apple’s developer hostile and shitty app tools/ecosystem while paying for the privilege. I don’t miss having to deal with the “moving target” nature of Android and iOS either where everything breaks or has a new API every 5 minutes. Mobile browsers are so capable now with javascript APIs to access most of the device hardware so apps really aren’t as necessary as they once were.
In a world, where a skilled assassin lives a public life as a barber to the rich and powerful. At night they pull of the most difficult hits that nobody else would take on.
You got a lot of good advice already. I just wanted to add: Do not share your Apple ID with someone. Always leads tk trouble, lost data and things that people see that shouldn’t have seen it.
If they are 10, use family sharing and create a Children Account for them. All the benefits, non of the issues.
oh this looks really interesting. Thanks! I’m seeing a lot of negative reviews, people saying the messages are sporadic and unreliable… Is this just a few squeaky wheels that leave reviews?
Compared to more traditional messaging protocols it could seem that way depending on various factors like time zone differences and how often devices can be online.
It seems like in general, 1:1 conversations will require both participants to be online simultaneously to communicate. Group conversations can have any online participant act as a relay for new messages to offline participants, more or less.
Check out their documentation, particularly the article on how the distributed network works. Also the FAQ is massive! I wish I had the time to read about this in more detail right now
interesting. thanks for the extra info! I’ll definitely check it out. I might go with Discord for the short term just because the rest of us are already on it, but if I want something more “texty” this is a high contender.
I'm a big fan of Microsoft Teams; full featured chat with easy voice and video calls, and you can sign up with any e-mail address (even non-Microsoft accounts).
ah I didn’t realize you could use a non-M$ acct. I have it on my phone already with my work account, but if I can have a second instance/profile open with my personal email… that could work. thanks!
Yup, my wife and kids use it with their Gmail accounts, I use it with my MS account on my Android phone. You can also use the same accounts on desktop clients and Apple devices, so it's not tied to a phone number. However, I'm not sure I would recommend setting it up for twin boys with ADHD (again). 😆
it’s much more difficult to find the address of acquaintances we know in daily life
Not entirely.
Ever since I bought my home a few years ago, I have been plagued by phone calls from random numbers of people who know my address, my first and last name, and my phone number, as far as I know in terms of personal information goes. The purchase price of my house is also public information which can be something I may not want everyone knowing as well.
I don’t think this should be legal. I understand somewhat why but it’s still creepy and it’s really obnoxious when the “investors” are offering me half of what I purchased. It’s just spam at this point. And I don’t think people should have this much information about me. People I have never met in my life or chosen to do business with (my mortgage company and insurance provider are entities I have chosen).
To my knowledge, it mostly comes down to transparency. So that you know exactly who owns what in your area. The idea being that the public has a right to know how much of their region actually belongs to the citizens who actually live there.
Sadly it hasn’t done us much good because companies like Blackrock and Vanguard and people like Bill Gates are buying up all the homes and farmland and the public isn’t doing much to show their displeasure with this despite it being public information.
I suppose there’s not much the public can do when the property sales happen in private and the only way anyone knows about it is after it’s already happened.
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