I could write a novel here honestly but I’ll keep it a bit brief:
Don’t ask your toddler which parent they’ll go with if you 2 get a divorce. If you don’t love your partner you should get a divorce. Joint custody is a thing.
Don’t “stay together for the kids” you will only cause them more mental harm in the long run.
Don’t make your young children have to be the most mature person in the room. They should be allowed to be a kid.
Be at least somewhat involved in your kids lives, if you’re not don’t be surprised when they don’t choose to involve you in their lives as they get older.
Sure, but the Fairphone 5 is €700 and, ease of repair aside, you can get a better phone for less than half the price. Repairability doesn’t mean much when buying a cheaper (and otherwise better) phone and fully replacing it ends up being, well, cheaper.
I get your point. But it’s also about support for the phone and the fair production. I know they are not perfect, but someone needs to start somewhere. I needed a new phone anyway and invested in this one.
It’s the difference between sitting down for 20 minutes unscrewing various components to get to the damaged battery you need to replace, vs. popping off the back cover and simply swapping out one dead battery for a charged one anytime you run out of power. The former is replaceable. The latter is swappable.
This. Like ten years ago, when Samsungs had swappable batteries, they were super proud of it. They would advertise it as a feature that Apple doesn’t have.
When I was at a festival, Samsung had an activation where you could tweet at them with your phone model and location and they would send someone with a full battery to trade you for yours. It was an amazing free service that I used so many times, and every time, the jealousy on the faces of all the iPhone people was palpable. Then one year, they quietly removed the swappability from their new phones.
Swappable batteries are such a huge feature that most people don’t even know that they want.
Maybe, but swappable =/= replaceable, in my opinion. I could be wrong, but I’m not sure that EU legislation says that phone batteries should be swappable, only replaceable
“ Portable batteries incorporated in appliances shall be readily removable and replaceable by the end-user or by independent operators during the lifetime of the appliance, if the batteries have a shorter lifetime than the appliance, or at the latest at the end of the lifetime of the appliance. A battery is readily replaceable where, after its removal from an appliance, it can be substituted by a similar battery, without affecting the functioning or the performance of that appliance.”
So we see here that batteries must be replaceable without affecting the function of the device. Yet waterproofing is important. What seems more likely to me is that batteries need to be replaceable without opening the entire device and therefore destroying liquid protections as per the proposed law. Easiest way to do that would be something similar to a SIM card tray where a hidden button is pressed to release the battery to swap it. The designers would have to go out of their way to make this process difficult, which the EU also doesn’t want, to avoid making them swappable. And that feature is attractive. Knowing Apple though, it’ll be harder on the base models or batteries will cost too much.
The snippet “if the batteries have a shorter lifetime than the appliance” worries me. Seems to me that modern engineers are capable of making their crap’s lifespan just barely shorter than the projected batty lifespan, and people might just be stupid enough to still buy it.
I mean, the disposable vape market is an extreme example, but somewhat relevant I think.
That being said, if the processor on the LG G5 had kept up with the market better, I don’t see how that couldn’t have been a starting point.
As for waterproofing, my GoPro stays waterproof but the side door opens to give access to the SD card, battery, etc, so it’s absolutely possible.
Nope, that EU legislation only requires batteries be replaceable, not swappable. In other words, you probably won’t need a heat gun to replace it, but you’ll probably still need a screwdriver.
Almost all my inside phone batteries I’ve had in cheaper knockoff phones have been replaceable. It’s not as easy as pulling the back cover off and instantly swapping it, but it’s not THAT much harder. It’s doesn’t exactly require microsoldering. Which is the reason why I know my last three have been replaceable despite being in-house.
Manufacturers really just need to make better and more secure charge ports. Having to resolder my last two blu phones and a Samsung because the charge ports go bad is just annoying.
Never had issues with a battery in all my years of using smartphones though.
I never lost taste/smell. But, I lost everything else. I can’t work anymore because of covid. It fucked me in the worst way. I’m an American and our disability system is fucked too. So I’ve been without pay for 2 years. I’m out of money. I don’t know what to do tbh.
Why can’t you work anymore because of covid? Do you have a weakened immune system so you can’t risk being exposed to covid, or did you get covid and now have long covid symptoms? If it’s the second one, what long covid symptoms are preventing you from working? I believe you, but it’s just so vague that I’m not sure what you’re referencing
It’s actually both. I have some other health issues, so it’s not just the long covid, but covid was the last straw. From covid alone, I have heart issues, lung issues, GI issues, brain fog, extreme fatigue. And because of the heart issues, i currently cannot take any adhd meds, so my concentration is shit. I also experienced medical trauma during this time, so i have a bunch of mental health issues now too.
Basically, there is no part of my body that hasn’t been affected by covid. It is a terrible disease that i wouldn’t wish on anyone.
And yes, i am vaccinated and boosted, which i think is the only reason i didn’t die.
Id disagree about bluetooth these days. I have a pair of headset I use daily between my computer and phone. Quality is there, ive done side by side conparisons via 2.4ghz dongle, bluetooth and wired (headset supports all) and I cant hear a difference.
There may not be a difference when you’re sitting in front of a computer but Bluetooth quality can go way downhill if you’re trying to listen to earbuds while your phone is in your pocket or a bag or similar, especially if you’re moving around and/or there’s a lot of electronic interference in the area. My city commute is when I really miss wired listening.
Bro how shit are your bluetooth headphones?? I’ve had busy city commutes plenty with even cheapoid wireless headphones, iphone 6s, phone in pocket or bag…
Dude, I live in a faraday cage (lath & plaster with chicken wire embedded in it) and I can walk around my house with little to no issues. Bluetooth 4+ has been rock solid for me. At most my phone disconnects but thats my phones issue. Bluetooth to my PC is perfect an never had any dropouts.
Really? Something that has a range of 30’ (9m) and use it for a fucking concert and use the same frequencies as 1000’s of atendees?
Bluetooth is a short range low bandwidth (at least vs wifi, 3/4/5g) protocol. Using it for something well outside its capablilites is stupid. Like taking a mini mudding or hammering in nails using a rachet
You hypothetical situation is just pointing out the very well known flaws of the bluetooth protocol. So once again, what a stupid line of questioning
Dude, I miss the LG G5 and the V20. Had some pretty good ideas for the time. I liked how the V20 had a tiny always on display so the main display could power down. Although OLED dont have the power drain problem that LCD have when using AOD
Bluetooth audio can’t be bad, it’s digital. I would understand it drops packets or is choppy but quality should be given. What can suck is DAC on your headphones, which is the likely culprit.
Because chances are your device has Bluetooth version 5.2, as all newer phones have and standard has been out for almost a decade now. That version supports both aptX and LC3 codecs. Both of which are significantly higher quality than default inital SBC. In fact aptX has been around since 2009. In 2009, Senheizer released first ever Bluetooth headset with aptX support. Later in 2016 we got aptX HD.
Even Sony’s proprietary LDAC codec has been added to Android in version 8 and was officially supported by all Android devices since then. That codec can push 32 bits/96 kHz, which is more than enough quality.
Of course with all digital protocols, like Bluetooth is, received data is the same as transmitted data. If your headset audio quality is lacking, that is on headset, not protocol itself since Bluetooth supports high quality audio for decades now. Only time when Bluetooth will revert back to old codec which was “reasonable quality” as they describe it is if your headset doesn’t support better codecs.
Relying on a codec, which intrinsically plays priority on the basis of specific frequencies, is intrinsic to the limitations of using low-energy radio waves in the UHF range. Codecs are for phone calls and data packets, not full spectrum audio. That doesn’t solve the issue, it just slaps a bandage on it so it’s less noticeable. If I need a larger spectrum, rather than a patch of bass and treble, Bluetooth continues to fall dramatically and irritatingly short.
I’m glad it works for your purposes, though. I do not mean to come off like a jerk; I just prefer dedicated bands for anything wireless that cover a wider range.
You’re first 2 points especially matter. I like browsing low views/newer channels/streams and I’m sorry but I’m not interested in the 200th all day league streamer. I watch wubby fairly often and he streams 3ish hours 3 days a week. A decent length at a regular schedule. I have a friend who streams for roughly 8ish people ::: spoiler spoiler every day but she does it for about an hour and a half at the same time and both of these people interact with the audience/content they’re doing.
I know some people prefer completely silent streams with just gameplay but the majority of people who go to twitch do it for the social aspect.
Actually I see failing as the key to success. It either tells me what I did wrong and what are the things I need to improve or that the thing I tried to achieve was not for me and I can go on improving elsewhere.
My partner flat asked if I still find her as attractive as I used to. After some thought I said the following, “I don’t think that’s fair. You’re asking me to rate someone I care about so much. I don’t want to do that. I love you and just want to be there for you, with you.”
Tbh, I don’t know what the right answer might be for others. I’m not that wise. All I know for certain is how I feel and hoped that was enough. It was, though I am sad that I can’t take her self-esteem and tear away those damn chains that hold it back from growing.
Yep, know the pain… dad didn’t cheat on mom, but he still didn’t teach me anything… about anything really… and now, I’m paying for it in a shitty marriage.
Well, at least I know I won’t make the same mistake with my son.
it would be quite nice if humans disappeared from the planet…
“Nice” is a human concept so if all human beings are gone, is it really “nice” and does it matter?
Because Mother Earth don’t give a F. Most of what we say about saving the Earth is in the sense of making it sustainably habitable for us humans and not to f up the economy too badly.
Mother Earth don’t care if it gets 30 degrees hotter and if the atmosphere turns into sulfuric acid because for the vast majority of its lifetime, it’s been human free anyways.
I always say this when people start harping about mother earth and climate change.
There is literally nothing humans could do currently to actually destroy the planet, even if we set off all the nukes at the same time in the worst places. There’s nothing we could do to truly eradicate all life either. Plenty of places bacteria and small animals could survive until it’s chill again to evolve. What we can do is make it unlivable for ourselves and our offspring. Not that I personally care much since I don’t want kids and neither do my siblings but we still do our parts to at least minimize our impact.
I always find it arrogant that humans right now always say that we are destroying earth. We cannot destroy earth. Even if we detonate all our WMDs at the same time earth will endure.
I don’t think anyone uses the “we are destroying the earth” in a litteral sense. Common acception is more along the lines of “we are destroying the ecosystem we live in”.
That’s an interesting question though. How much WMDs do we need to destroy earth. Like really fuck it up. I suppose if we concentrate enough explosions on one side of the earth we may be able to alter the mass of the earth. This might change its path temporarily this leading to collision with either the moon or other planets.
Kurzgast (or however you spell it) did a video on this. In short, not enough fissible material on earth (well, I guess technically it’d be “in the earth”) to completely destroy the planet. Which is kinda remarkable cos that’s equivalent to 10 billion of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima.
Since you’re being pedantic, I will be too. According to the Cambridge dictionary, the word destroy can mean “to damage something so badly it cannot be used”. I’d argue making the planet incompatible for life is a pretty fucking good example of it being damaged so badly that it cannot be used. And we are doing that, it’s predicted we could lose up to 70% of all plant and animal species by the end of this century if we continue the way we are. Dunno how long after that it’d take to kill 100%, but I’d say taking out 70% is giving it a red hot crack…
Well, the earth as a geologic entity doesn’t care about what we do or wether we exist, but it makes a hell of a difference for the living species we have as roomates. So for the earth as an ecosystem, it does matter whether we exist or not - and it’s better if we don’t.
Well that’s what I mean. OP says it’s kinda nice if we’d be all gone, and my response was what’s the point of things being “nice” if there are no humans to observe or affirm it? The only thing that is meaningful for us is if we find a way to sustainably coexist with everything, and not self-loathe our species into oblivion.
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