When I was in 8th grade we had an assignment during black history month where we were assigned an important person in black history and had to make a slideshow about them. I got Malcolm X and was really excited because I had very surface level knowledge that he was cool for some reason and I like his name. A very sweet black Muslim girl asked to swap historical figures with me for obvious reasons and I said no because I thought that the historical figures she was assigned was boring for some reason or another. Anyway I think about this weekly, I’m sorry Miriam.
To give added context I’m a white secular boy who knew nothing real about the civil rights movement and my slideshow was a disservice. To make matters worse, I lived in Texas.
I swear I woke up in a cold sweat one night years ago, remembered this, and haven’t been able to forget it. She seemed really excited to do a project about him too T-T
They abuse the technologies used by the stockmarket to buy and sell within milliseconds, so they can make a profit. They add absolutely nothing of value to the system, yet leech both money and talented employees from the market.
It'll be fine. Surgery is neat. If they put you under, one second you are awake and counting backwards... and then you are suddenly waking up.
The most important thing is do exactly what they tell you... especially any and all rehab afterward. Take the rehab seriously, because if you shirk it, you are very likely pay for that for the rest of your life.
I’ve had lots of surgery, but this one is the second most intense. I’m terrified of how I’m going to feel afterwards. They will be putting some hardware in and I’m afraid it’ll hurt more than it does now. My pain is so bad right now that I’ve been crying for hours. Morphine isn’t even taking the edge off.
This is the real reason why companies are trying so desperately to camcel WFH. Covid revealed the truth (that we knew all along) that these people add no actual value to a company. They’re only there to act as a buffer between the C-suite and the peasants.
I am just thinking of my job. The client wants something stupid, I have to pick and choose my battles. When it comes time for me to hand over to fabrication I get yelled at. Never mind the fact that what the fabrication manager sees is the aftermath of my work. They had say 13 bad ideas and I got it reduced to say 6.
and why should that be any better? just because it appears democratic does not mean it makes it automatically “better” <- name 1 cooperation which has shown success for every 1000 “dictatorships”
democracies are plagued with slow reaction time which would take away your entire market edge. Also democries require transparency. If everyone knows the costing structure/ suppliers… you are done.
not really… even for publically traded companies the you cannot tell much about their suppliers and customers. Most of the customers of the Firm I work for have NDAs stating we cannot openly advertise.
Only in services/tech sector where product differentiation is large you are a bit isolated form these concerns.
Oh please my competitors are often using the same suppliers and they have the same type of beancounters we have. Especially in my industry where we have a bunch of overlap. Just recently I had a corporate partner put together a quote for something we normally buy but wanted them to buy it. They came back with a price within a few percent of what we normally pay.
There is a reason why the three letter agencies are so good at catching money laundering. They have data on what X type of business should be buying and selling at what markup.
I bet you can do it. Just start looking at your numbers.
go freelance. you don’t have to. since your consider yourself smarter than your boss try starting a business.
it’s a trade off between income fluctuation and stability.
since you didn’t address any of my points but chose to just respond with random statements, I take it you were convinced but too ingrained with your original statement to admit. It’s fine happens to many of us.
I triple broke my ankle in my youth. It was clean so doctor only had to pull and reposition the parts, didn’t have to operate.
Crutches for 8 weeks, you’ll never have so strong lower arms again. In winter so got ice spikes that you flipped down on the crutches when you go outside. Felt like a cool weapon. I could outrun a lot of people down the stairs and on ice.
Got all the cute girls to sign their name on the platter cast.
Wasn’t too bad! Itching under the cast was really annoying. At one place the cast had been too tight on the skin so skin was rotting. Leg was a thin slivered pathetic version of its former self. It’s insane how much you lose from such a short time. It’s fine now though.
I guess piano, because I got a free piano off the streets. I could look up videos and lessons, but I’m kind of self conscious about practicing on a real whole god damn piano in an apartment building with neighbors in every direction. I also just don’t like to make a lot of noise. I should price an electronic keyboard I can pair with Bluetooth headphones to practice in perfect silence and privacy sometimes.
I would buy some cheap second hand yamaha keyboard and set it up on a table. Something like this:
RockJam RJ761 61 Key Keyboard Piano with Keyboard Bench, Digital Piano Stool, Sustain Pedal and Headphones amzn.eu/d/6uVi2Yu
They go a bit cheaper than that too. But anything with over around 66 keys would work.
See how that feels first. If you get into it and enjoy it then move over to the piano you have or spend more money on a proper electronic piano that you can use with headphones.
You don’t need a physical keyboard to use MIDI technology. Many audio production programs have a virtual keyboard that will let you play basic stuff with your computer keyboard. However, I sequenced my entire metal album’s drum track by just clicking and dragging all the notes in the editor. (Not gonna post it because I don’t want to dox myself.) You can get Ardour (which can sequence MIDI amongst other things) for free through your Linux distribution, and I believe it can be found for Windows. Else, Reaper is technically not free, but you can use the demo for as long as you want.
All of this is to say that you don’t need any training or equipment to start playing electronic music, particularly that using MIDI technology. A couple hours here and there will be enough to start producing competent music.
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