Cello. I really think there is no greater instrument (maybe the church organ). It has such a range, from quick and frantic to dark and brooding. Forreference, check out anything composed by Gabriel Saban.
Hah. That reminds me of the time when I was a kid we went to a Chinese restaurant. We were from a rural area and visiting a city, so this did not happen too often. We get the menues, decide on what to order etc etc. The waitress comes over, takes our orders and recites them while writing them down. Thing is she has a really heavy accent and recites “fried shrimp with rice” as “flied slimp with lice”.
My stepfather is trying to keep a straight face but just can’t hold it in. He’s squirming, red-faced, and tries to hide behind his menu while the waitress keeps reciting the orders. He then excuses himself to the restroom and you can hear him giggle all the way there, then full-out laugh in the echoes of the tile walls.
It doesn’t end there though. During dinner we start discussing where to buy chopsticks (we’d never seen them in stores and internet shopping wasn’t a thing yet) so when the waitress comes around to ask how we like the food my stepfather (still trying to keep the giggles in) asks where to buy them. He then blurts out “can I buy these?”, waving the sticks in his hand.
“You want to buy the sticks???” The look on her face was priceless. Utter shock and disbelief. But sure enough, they gave us a pair each when paying the note.
Holy mother of cringe I’m still embarrassed over this event.
Not really my cringiest because there were so many moments to choose from, but to use a severe one, every year in school, students do a heritage project. It includes things like recording physical traits (eye colour, hair colour, etc.) as well as ancestors and their nationalities and whatnot. Only, to this day, they never, ever, ever factor in that maybe someone was adopted. So imagine insecure me trying to charade the message to a teacher whose mind it never even dawned on without trying to get the classmates to know, all the while having to blindly progress through the assignment. The result? I ended up lying a whole lot on the heritage assignment, which went where else than on display and in the records like all the other work done on the heritage assignment by the classmates. Because it was a showcase.
I should clarify I know my birth parents and “met” them, but nothing beyond that. So, out of fears of getting a failing grade, I ended up creating a family tree that was a mix of stereotypes about myself, historical inaccuracies, and other things that only got worse because my sister was doing a similar assignment and put in a completely different family alternate history. Someone ended up worried and had a talk with my adoptive guardian about her authenticity, and I probably came close to being relocated again, or that’s what the anxiety would’ve made it feel like. Eventually, I was told not to do the assignment, but it was too late, I had made lies that were forever associated with me.
Do what they tell you, to recover. The surgeon looks bad if you get a bad outcome, so they’ve truly got your best interest at heart. Don’t cut corners!
Yeah, you might need to set up some ongoing help with your pets until you are firmly back on your feet. You will start to be able to do stuff but still need someone to “spot” you in case a pet bowls you over or gets underfoot and you lose balance.
Edit to add: Purring helps heal bones, so be sure to cuddle up and scritch those little chins and ears!
My parents are helping me with my pets. I’ll be staying with them with my dogs after my surgery. My mom will be stopping by mynhouse twice a day to care for my ducks and check on my cats. My dogs (especially my beagle) love trying to make me feel better, so I expect them to give me so much attention when we are reunited. I already have a great support system. My work is even being hella supportive even though I’ll be out for a while. All of the people in charge have texted me to see how I’m doing.
Terrible. The pain is so bad that morphine isn’t even taking the edge off. I’m waiting to see if I can have something different for the pain. I haven’t had surgery yet either. Not looking forward to how I’ll be feeling after that.
Actually you might feel a little better after the surgery. Your body knows the bones aren’t in their right places, everything that connects them with the rest of you is stretched wrong and screaming with every movement. Even though the surgery will cut some things, it will realign and stabilize things as well so they can start to calm down.
I’m hoping that the surgery will fix the pain a bit. I broke off the bone in the back of my ankle and I feel it moving around with each movement. It SUCKS.
I have a deep love for Halloween season. I always wanted to get a waterphone. They are just a little to expensive for something that would 100% be a novelty.
Thank you for reminding me that this exists. FYI, it is out of patent and Mr. Waters is now deceased so, one could ethically and legally make a copy. (Patent no. US-3896696-A)
I’m intending to make one for myself at some point, as I THINK I have all the necessary tools at the Makerspace.
EDIT: Just investigated a bit. I absolutely do have access to the tools!!! Now, just to get in to practice TIG welding so that I’m not terribad at it.
You are going to be on some heavy painkillers for a little while. Really not a big deal, just remember no matter how you feel good/bad, ect. You thinking will be a little off. Don’t make any real decisions and don’t worry if your mood is weird. Just ride it out for a little bit and the cone back to your self.
You are going to be on some heavy painkillers for a little while. Really not a big deal,
For most people…
A small but significant amount of people metabolize opioids faster than they should.
So if they’re supposed to take a pill every 8 hours, they might get 2x as fucked up the first 4 and no pain relief for 4 hours till their next.
Which is like a recipe for prescription misuse and eventually opiod addiction. Especially when doctors up the dosage instead of spreading more pills throughout the day.
And if you are one of these people whose pain isn’t controlled, or you’re feeling overly fucked up - CALL YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY. Better to be an annoying patient once, who’s just trying to get their pain under control, than to risk addiction. Shit’s no joke.
As givesomefucks said, Docs have other options besides just uping the dose, but you may have to advocate for it. Different timing, different meds and combinations, and even RICE can do some magic.
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