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Viking_Hippie, in Who doesn't use an adblocker and why?

I use uBlock Origin and Consent-o-Matic. Works like a charm!


Consent o matic is a new one for me. Thanks!


You’re very welcome!


One question though.

Can’t you enable a filter list on uBlock Origin that removes all cookie consents?

I think I have it on. It’s under “Annoyances”. Maybe it’s not as good since you have them both?


Can’t you enable a filter list on uBlock Origin that removes all cookie consents

What what what?!?! Ive used ublock for years and i didn’t know this


Yeah haha, there’s actually some nice block lists in the settings you can turn on.

Also region specifics.

Viking_Hippie, (edited )

I’m sure there is, but tbh I don’t know how, since I don’t need it.

The way Consent-o-Matic works is that it accepts all, securely deletes all of it immediately before it can do anything. That way the site thinks you have all of it so it won’t ask again, but you actually get none of it.

All this plus removing the consent- and other pop-ups for you. A few of the nastier pop-ups might be on your screen for a tenth of a second or less as Consent-o-Matic gets rid of it for you, but otherwise it’s like they were never there to begin with!


Does it work better than “I don’t care about cookies”, if you’ve tried both?


What is the difference between that and “I still dont care about cookies”?


That addon accepts all the cookies.

Consent-o-Matic blocks all the cookies.

Hildegarde, in How would you feel/react if your home address was announced & published very publicly the same way celebrities experience?

The nice thing about being a regular person is that very few people have any reason to care.

If you buy something online, the merchant has your name and address. They could come to your house, but why would they?


yeah thankfully I don’t worry about such things whatsoever, but we’ve all heard in the news once in awhile these things do happen, for example a construction worker on a house came into the window of a sleeping child’s bedroom one night and kidnapped her

IonAddis, avatar

The nice thing about being a regular person is that very few people have any reason to care.

One crazy ex (or, hopefully ex) and one’s tune changes quick.

Or sometimes you’re born into a shit family, and THEY stalk you when you try to get away.

themurphy, (edited ) in What do you like about socialism?

I’ve lived in a country with socialism for my entire life, and have studied the laws in my own and other countries without socialism.

I will talk about socialism as it is in Scandinavia, more specifically Denmark. Here’s a few things other than paid education and free healthcare:

  • Getting paid to study: You get paid to study as soon as you turn 18. In that way you don’t need a job while you studying. Basic salary when living away from parents: 1.000 USD/month.
  • UBI: In Denmark we have UBI for people being poor, basically. If you don’t have a job, is sick and can’t work, or any other reason you might be screwed, you get paid by the government to… well yeah, exist basically. You have to meet some requirements and actively trying to get better or find a job though, which seems fair I think. If the government thinks it’s not possible to get better, you can get the money permanently for the rest of your life without doing anything. (this is used for people with disabilities, both mental and physical, both born with it or obtained later in life)
  • Shared heating system: This is maybe the biggest “socialism” thing I can mention. In Denmark your house or apartment can be hooked up to a country wide heating system, which means we all share the same heat. This is a way to make heat distribution centralised, which has major advantages such as; price, availability, maintenance. (Fun fact: every data center build in Denmark needs to be hooked up to this system, as they will “donate” all their excess heat from their servers to the central heating system)
  • Flex jobbing: If you are no longer able to work 37 hours a week, you can be a flex worker. This basically means that you can work 15 hours a week and still get paid a full salary. The government will cover the rest of the pay and also cover some expenses for the company having the flex worker. This system is great for peoples mental health, as they still can feel a part of society even though they can’t work full time. While they still can live a worthy life because their pay is fine. It’s a win-win for the country, the companies and the people needing this.

I could go on, but I don’t want to be that guy praising my own country all the time. We Scandinavians tend to do that.


Denmark is not socialist, nor is it capitalist. It like essentially every other “capitalist” country is a mixed economy. In some aspects countries like the US are more “socialist” like in agricultural policy.


Can you explain how the US has a more socialist agricultural policy? I don’t think I’m familiar with it.


US agriculture policy isn’t Socialist in that workers control the production, but “socialist” in the since that the government controls the markets through subsidies.

For example, in the 70s their was a crash in dairy prices. To the point where farmers were dumping milk down the drain. (yay capitalism) The Carter admin, seeing the dairy industry as essential to national security (dairy was a way bigger part of the diet back then), bought massive amounts of milk at above market price to keep the farmers afloat.

You may have heard of “government cheese” as a pejorative toward welfare. Well, that’s where the cheese came from, all that milk that the government owned. People remember the children that got free cheese, but not the farmers who got government cash.


Yep correct, even still they encourage limiting production.


Aah, I get it then.

That’s what you call Government Intervention in a Capitalist Economy. The EU also does this every year, where they distribute help to farmers all around the EU to maintain the essential products. But it’s still hard core capitalism.


I love how people think that benefits are now called UBI.

I guess the billionaires successfully stamped that idea out.


I think it’s right to call it UBI when you get a basic income. The universal part is maybe not true though.

And I don’t get what you mean about billionaires.


The universal part is basically the point of UBI. It’s income for everyone, no strings attached. So calling it UBI is definitely misleading I’m afraid


Aah, okay mb. Sounds like a worse way of doing it, if it’s universal for everyone tbh.

It would inflate prices, making it useless for people who need it. And giving money to people who don’t need it doesn’t make sense. It’s kinda greedy when some people actually need the money.


The idea is that the average person earning will pay the UBI amount back in tax. The taxation systems will all have to be adjusted. It’s not free money on top of what we have now.

Most people will not be significantly better off under UBI, just a base level that we can’t go below, that will be there for any reason from “can no longer work” to just “want a break from it all”.


Smart way of doing it if the tax system can be adjusted for it.


Sounds like the Danish welfare system is more robust than the one we have here in Sweden - however, I would like to point out that what we have is not socialism. The central ethos of socialism is the collective ownership of the means of production (usually through the government), and our economies are first and foremost rather successful capitalist mixed market economies with strong regulations and a certain degree of government ownership in limited (usually critical) areas of society. With the help of our capitalist economies, we create and tax the wealth and productivity needed to fund a rather robust welfare system.


In general Sweden and Denmark is mostly run the same way. Non of the countries are pure socialism, but they are sure very successful on physical and mental well-being for their citizens, and giving them a high living standard because of this welfare driven from ideologies of socialism.


Yeah but it’s scary seeing the radical stuff starting to creep in the cracks. I moved to Denmark from the US and reading the news sometimes on politics raises an eyebrow or two.

Lennnny, in Those who chose "never" in a "now or never" moment. How is it going for you? avatar

I’d met a guy in a hostel in America. I was about to finish second year of uni and we heard about this work abroad program, so we did it for the summer and I met him when I checked into a dorm room at the end of the trip. We had a little fun, and then I flew home.

Six months later and we had the odd conversation on Skype, it seemed like there was still some chemistry there. During half term break, we talked again and he suggested meeting up again to figure out if this was more than a fling. So we looked at dates and I realized my final year’s exhibitions and exams blocked pretty much everything for the foreseeable future. We hung up the call and I carried on browsing flights and then I saw it. $250 for a return flight to California, leaving in 48 hours.

He’d already gone to bed, so I couldn’t call him back to discuss plans. So fuck it, I put in my card details and my finger hovered over the buy button. It’s now or never, so I clicked the button. BOOKED. I sent him a message and started packing for my trip. Yikes.

I’d got a message back that he’d pick me up from the airport, and as the plane touched down in San Diego I was freaking out that the spark might not be there or he might decide he doesn’t like me anymore, it’s been six months and our initial fling was a drunken party at a hostel.

But he was there waiting at the bottom of the elevator, and my heart absolutely flipped its shit when I saw him. We spent the next seven days inseparable, it was one long date, and it was incredible.

Fast forward six years and we’re saying our vows in the park where we took our first romantic walk. We posed for wedding photos in the hostel room where we met. Fast forward another seven years and I’m laying in bed typing this, while he does a conference call in the office next door. Our spark is still there, and I love him so much.

Lennnny, avatar

Oh just reread this thread and saw they’re never stories. Lol oops.


It’s okay. I enjoyed your story and that’s what we’re here for, eh?

Lennnny, avatar

Aww thanks.


I’m disappointed your story didn’t have a “never” but it’s very sweet. Congratulations, and I’m glad you don’t bail.

daviddd, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?

Nothing did, I had a good Christmas :)

brblitz, in What is the goofiest Christmas present you received this year?

An emotional support pickle. I love it

umulu, avatar

What? Show us please

umulu, avatar

That’s pretty crafty. I love it!

Klystron, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?

Disneyland was charging $1850 for five people for one day at Disneyland and one day at California Adventure, genie plus (some kind of fast pass replacement), and then has the gall to make some rides ineligible for the genie plus and instead you have to pay $28 a head for the fast pass. Why can’t we just wait in line? Why did the mouse feel the need to monetize every single interaction in the whole park? As great as the design is in Disneyland, definitely left a sour taste in my mouth knowing that a poor family has an objectively worse experience than a rich one, especially on Christmas. Some rides had a 90, 120 minute wait.


120 min wait? Good lord


Imagine if the ride got stuck about as soon as it started ay ? 😕🤔😞

shinratdr, (edited ) avatar

If you genuinely want to know the history & evolution of Fastpass and why it is the way it is:

HerbalGamer, avatar

Had to be Defunctland.


The fun part is that not only do you skip the line with Genie Plus but also the folks letting people into the ride will legit let an entire stream of Genie Plus payers in before letting someone who waited in line go. With the old fast pass system they were really good about alternating lines if there was a line for both fast pass and genie plus


Last time I went to Magic Kingdom in Disney world, the park was IMO legitimately too full of people. Seemed like every single space was wall to wall people and every ride, even the shitty ones was like a 3 hour wait. And it wasn’t even a holiday or a peak season time. Just a miserable experience. Feels like they just need a daily cap or something on the number of visitors because there’s definitely a point where it gets too full to be worth it for anyone.


Profits , profits , profits… Corporate greed = enshitification

Lophostemon, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?

I slightly chipped my fingernail polish.

Xmas is fucking RUINED.

spittingimage, in What's the consensus on swearing here avatar

I don’t swear often because that makes it so much more satisfying when I do. It’s like rationing out my favourite snacks.


Also it makes you sound much more intelligent when you can express yourself with other words. It forces you to utilize your vocabulary.


Well go fornicate with your own self, you inadequately intelligent segment of fecal matter.


Not exactly what I had in mind. Other factors play a role as well, of course. 🙄

sawdustprophet, avatar
Grayox, in People who have made and successfully kept their New Year's resolution, what was it and how did you stay motivated? avatar

Made a New Years Resolution to quit drinking and cant believe I’m coming up on one year sober, i stepped down daily starting jan 1st with my least favorite beer drinking less every day for 2 weeks, then after 2 weeks I started drinking Non Alcoholic beer. The last time I tried to quit I did it cold turkey and had terrible Night Terrors, was able to to avoid them this time thanks to the piss water know as Miller Lite. Went from drinking a 6 pack of IPA’S a day for years, to drinking a 6 pack of Non Alcoholic IPAs once a month. Will be quiting beer all together with the New Year!

kescusay, avatar

Congrats, man! Glad to hear that watery crap beer has a use!

Grayox, avatar

Lmao right?! It really made that first NA IPA hit the spot when I finally quit. Last time when I quit cold turkey I literally woke up from night terrors and bulldozed over a dresser next to our bed trying to get away from whatever it was I was dreaming about, almost scared my partner half to death. Withdrawals are a removed and I didn’t have near as many thanks to that piss water haha

kiwifoxtrot, avatar

Wow, you did amazing

Grayox, avatar

Thanks, its still insane to me that I am sober, even quit smoking weed a few months ago after starting up antidepressants. I wasn’t a pot head i just a serotonin deficiency.


Congrats! Check hop water if you haven’t already!

wantd2B1ofthestrokes, (edited ) in What are your best flight tips and tricks?

You will be in close quarters with a lot of people. People suck and will be inconsiderate fucks. Airlines are shit and have you by the balls in terms of delays and shitty service.

Go in with low expectations and don’t make yourself more miserable by getting upset about it


Great thing for everyone to keep in mind :)

Annoyed_Crabby, in Those who chose "never" in a "now or never" moment. How is it going for you?

Avoided so many scam, so i’d say it’s going great!

pendulum_, in Is there an artist so horrible that no matter how hard you try that you cannot separate their art from them? avatar

Ian Watkins, lead singer of the band Lostprophets. Never read the court transcripts of his crimes, they really are that horrible and will ruin you for some time.


Exactly who I thought of.

Sterile_Technique, (edited ) in What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all? avatar

I saw a study that concluded toilet seats in public restrooms were actually one of the cleanest surfaces in the restroom. Don’t dispute that - it just means that the entire area lands somewhere in the spectrum between disgusting and eldritch nightmare. Due to the finding that the toilet seats were cleaner than most other surfaces in the restroom, it further concluded that it was perfectly safe to just plop down bare-assed onto that nastiness.

Abso-fucking-lutely not. The toilet paper bird-nest is a must. A few layers of splash protection toilet paper in the water before I even sit down is a must. ‘Ick’ factor aside, there are enough contact acquired pathogens to justify extreme caution in environments like that. I ain’t risking ass warts over some hypothesis, study, full-blown peer reviewed theory, or anything in between.


Look, as long as you don’t hover-squat or use other techniqies that make it more dirty, you can autoclave the toilet before using it for all I care, so long as that means you actually sit down. I hate seeing poop stains on the rim. That said I will usually sit down without a buffer.

glomag, avatar

It's probably bad form to bring this type of comment over from reddit but in this case I can't help myself.

Username checks out.


Not just compared to the other surfaces in a restroom. I believe keyboards and phones both lost to toilet seats in that comparison too.


I could see it in Quantity but not the qualities of the pathogens. A disease contracted from a toilet that has had contact with blood and feces versus a grimy membrane keyboard shouldn’t even be a contest.


There is something to be said for using squat toilets instead of sitting toilets in public bathrooms, so long as there are properly cleaned sitting toilets for the elderly and disabled (I have seen some shocking disabled public bathrooms over the years)

TodaviaTyler, in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?

Mark Rober with CrunchLabs. I feel like he’s sold himself into a more corporate world and isn’t producing the same caliber of content he used to.


He’s only good for his glitter bomb videos once a year

meekah, avatar

And even those are pretty repetitive at this point

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