Haven’t seen Summoning Salt mentioned yet. He does great videos on the history of speed running a video game.
An example video would be Super Mario Bros: The Human Limit where the difference between a tool assisted speed run and what a human is capable is discussed. And how Super Mario Bros has an interesting mechanic allowing humans to be imperfect but still able to tie a perfectly executed speed run done using essentially a script of commands.
I love Salt, and I’m always excited for a new vid, but I think he could freshen it up by changing up the music (I know blasphemy) or using a different type of graph to show the timeline.
I wish Summoning Salt would do some more recent or different games, but he really seems to love the NES/SNES era. Just saw he released his second multiple-hours-long video about Mike Tyson’s Punch Out and I am just not the audience for that I guess.
He could do good things with Hollow Knight or Halo 2 for example, but maybe that’s just not his passion.
I think the platforming zeitgeist has shifted to 2D.
Metroid Dread, Hollow Knight, Mario Wonder, Shovel Knight.
But 3D platforming is still alive as a genre.
Mario Odyssey, Sonic Frontiers, Yooka-Laylee.
And the remake scene for 3D is popping off right now.
Crash, Spyro, Ratchet, Mario 3D All Stars, Metroid Prime Remastered.
Specifically for the subgenre of 3D third-person platform-shooters, check out Splatoon 3. For 3D first-person open-world platform-shooters, Metroid Prime 4 is in development.
But for “3D open world third-person platform-shooter,” that genre is essentially Ratchet & Clank. But these days I think Insomniac is busy with Spider-Man. You can maybe count Jak in there, but Naughty Dog hasn’t touched that franchise in ages.
I think the take away is that each franchise has it’s own niche. What you’ve described is so specific that you’re really just talking about Ratchet. Open your requirements a bit more, and you’ll find plenty of great, new platforming experiences.
Also, if you think there’s untapped potential, I encourage you to make something! Unity is actually pretty easy to use.
If I could make games, I would definitely be making a Ratchet & Jak styled game, some kind of 3rd person shooter-platformer with detailed environments. But I just don’t understand why big studios don’t jump on the opportunity, instead the Jak franchise is dead (or dormant, still hoping for a return) and they only make Ratchet games occasionally, and no one seems to even attempt to make an original IP like those games despite their success and appeal and huge potential in next gen. It’s mind boggling
All militarists know that war is horror - they relish the horror of it.
That’s why they love movies like Saving Private Ryan (which justifies the horror by ascribing justification to it) while disliking movies such as The Thin Red Line or Catch 22 (which strips any kind of justification away from it).
Ah, I see your point. I didn’t relish the horror. I didn’t even understand the horror. When I was growing up, I was taught in a way that minimized or disregarded suffering. SPR did not do that. It showcased it and in a horrendous way. While some may relish in that, I didn’t and it made me reconsider my childhood support of any armed conflict as justified. I didn’t understand the costs involved. While I’m sure the movie didn’t capture everything, what it showed was horrendous.
Idk about your point of justification. It’s been a while and I don’t remember that.
Weaponized masculinity portrays the horrors of war as some kind of “test” of masculinity - you’ll see this in a lot of fascist propaganda. It’s literally what fascists mean when they spew their “blood and soil” bullcrap. It’s pretty sick - I grew up in Apartheid-era South Africa, and they brainwashed us like that.
While I’m sure the movie didn’t capture everything, what it showed was horrendous.
The problem I have with movies like Saving Private Ryan is that they don’t address the central conceit of the vast majority of “war media” - ie, that war is an activity primarily waged by armed combatants against other armed combatants. This is absolutely not the truth - wars are primarily waged by armed combatants against unarmed non-combatants. This is especially true when we discuss colonialist warfare - it is being literally demonstrated right now in Gaza.
Idk about your point of justification
You remember Tom Hank’s little line about “earning it?” The more you think about it, the sillier it becomes.
I personally refuse to watch the film again. Not because was bad which it is not, but because it depicts war so graphically I’m opposing war even more since I saw the opening scene.
Christopher Nolan hasn't made a truly good movie since The Prestige. Everything since then has been too long, too convoluted, and/or too loud (or in the case of Oppenheimer, not loud enough).
I could hate on the Dark Knight all day. The month it came out, my brother put it best, “It’s two movies. A good, short, Joker movie and a bad, long, Batman movie.”
When you watch this film and only the Joker scenes, its 10x better.
While I haven’t watched enough of his movies to have a overall opinion of them. As the only movie of a certan trilogy that I found good came out before The Prestige and the second which I VERY unpopulary don’t like came out after. I can somewhat agree with you.
Really? I found it to be extremely mid. It took at least an hour for the film to not feel like a trailer montage and find proper pacing. The writing didn’t feel organic at all, and felt like actors reading historical quotes from a page at each other. Also, when Florence Pugh’s character started riding Oppenheimer’s dick while he said his famous Bhagavad Gita line, I burst out laughing in the theater and had a really hard time taking the rest of the movie seriously.
I think this movie will be forgotten in 3 years, if not sooner.
In general people on top came out even more so after each. Middle class and below always take the brunt of all those tragedies. Any specific person or named groups I could not tell you
I was raised a specific way with Christianity at the core of it. My mom was Catholic but didn't really practice, my dad's side had a history of church leadership, but it skipped a generation. Both of them went to a revival right before having kids. By the time I was born and aware, they were very dedicated members of a local Baptist church.
I wasn't allowed to read comics, watch most TV, listen to most music. I couldn't watch most movies, we didn't have cable, we didn't have internet, so I was stuck thinking this is just the way it was.
Even inside the church, I wasn't allowed to play with certain kids, talk to certain adults. I wasn't allowed to talk with girls... A lot of stuff I wasn't allowed or supposed to do.
I was ADHD and an Aspie, but my family didn't really like that kind of medicine so I never took anything. High expectations to meet, and constant disappointment in my failure to meet them.
Nonetheless, I believed the Bible, in God, in Jesus. I listened to the teachings and stories. I learned what I was supposed to be as a Christian: good, kind, caring, putting others first, denying yourself, etc. and I thought that was great. It made me very understanding of others, listening to them and meeting them where they were. It made me generous and kind, offering help with no hope for reward or return. I didn't mind that I never got my way, was always wanting more... That didn't matter, my reward would come later, just like the Bible said.
Enter Obama. While I was excited about the advent of a new president but wasn't yet old enough to vote, politics started to creep into religion. People blamed him and Democrats for everything, while reverting to scriptures and other doctrines to say why. After a soul searching moment related to the legalization of gay marriage, I realized that what the government did wasn't at all pertinent or related to the church.
The pastor I had at the time navigated this issue with finesse and grace. He called on our church members to follow the basics: the Bible applies to Christians, not non believers. And believers or not, we should treat everyone with kindness and love. Needless to say, he got subtly pressured to leave over the next year or so. I appreciate him a lot for speaking up and asking for love in a time of growing hatred. Last I heard he became a sports coach for a high school, living the example of showing love by doing, not saying.
After that, with Trump on the horizon... My church devolved into the cesspool of trying to reunite religious law with common law. They wanted to outlaw gays because "the Bible says so". They wanted to stop abortion because "the Bible says so". They wanted to get rid of all the immigrants... Because the Bible said so? No, beyond those two points the Bible and Jesus were left behind, and instead the hatred started to pour out of these people. There was no love, it was only hatred and spite and fear. Trusting in God meant voting Republican. Doing his will was reduced to wearing red hats and saying "Lets Go Brandon". Spending money on improving the nation and it's inhabitants was socialism, the very enemy of the American people...
And it was at that point I realized that the religion I was taught as a kid, of love and kindness to all mankind at your own expense... Was gone. You didn't need religion to be a good person and to help others. Religion was being used like a crowbar in the gears of our democracy. And it seemed to be used similarly everywhere else, too.
I had better access to the internet, interacted with more people, and found that my suffering as a kid came from a denial of science by my parents, and holding me to restrictions in the name of faith that did nothing but damage my growth.
I like Jesus, the concepts, the teachings, the story. And wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone who claimed to live in his name acted to his example? But nobody really does. I've been spending more time attempting to deprogram myself from religion and faith recently, because I'm pretty sure a day will come where that classic scenario would happen: someone will hold a gun to my head and ask if I believe. But it's not going to be some godless terrorist bent on eradicating the "good news". It'll be some proud American patriot with Fox News pouring from his headphones, following his Republican Party's call to action, killing those who don't believe in what he does because he's been told that's the only way he's getting heaven on earth.
And despite whatever I may think, that day I'll gladly say I no longer believe.
You pretty much nailed it. The teachings of Jesus are pretty great. Most important law there is? Love God and your Neighbor (okay I combined them but that’s what Jesus meant anyways). Jesus lived that way. You’d find him hanging out with the rejects of society, the ill, the prostitutes, etc. He wanted to raise the floor of society. He also was for separation of church and state. “Hey Jesus, you’ve got this new kingdom thing going on, do we have to pay taxes to the king anymore?” “Yes, give your king what’s his, and give to God what’s his.”
But somehow these days it’s all about how you can word the Bible to help further your hatred. “Hey this one passage says if a man lays with a guy (boy? We aren’t 100% on that translation), he should be stoned, so that means we should hate the gays!”. Nope. Go back and read what Jesus was all about. Love your neighbor. Most important thing!
I can’t really proudly call myself Christian, because I don’t really fit the current model of that. I barely attend church, I don’t hate any group. In fact I find all lifestyles fascinating and valuable. I accept all religions too. Your Buddhist? Cool. Tell me about it. Muslim? Awesome. You guys have some cool thoughts on giving to the poor (2% of your assets! Imagine if billionaires did that!). If Christianity is the correct religion, and Jesus is the only way into heaven, why can’t he talk to these people after death and decide then? I find it hard to say the Jesus recorded in the Bible would be like “you were good to everyone and a light in this world, but… You were Jewish so off to hell with you for all eternity!”
It’s nice to live this way accepting everyone. I think the only reason I accept that I am still Christian is because I think this is how Christians should be anyways. It’s not about hate, despite what the current thinking is. I guess historically it’s always been used that way though.
If you have any public drug coverage and you can’t afford food, you might be able to get your dr to “prescribe” food (stuff like Ensure, Resource, etc) and have it filled for free from public exceptional coverage.
I still can’t justify people stealing stuff they don’t need so they can resell it for a quick buck. Especially people stealing from independent businesses.
I mean, yeah, sure. …but I’m still conflicted about the local heroin addicts standing in the frozen aisle scarfing a bucket of ice cream.
I mean, I don’t really give a shit about the theft, but they tend to stand there with the door open and thaw the rest of the ice cream while they’re at it. It’s enough of an issue locally that a couple of local chains have literally started chaining up their ice cream like it’s the goddamn crown jewels. I just want non-crystallized ice cream!
Also… In my experience, people mostly don’t steal food outside of cases like having the heroin hungries. Food banks do an okay job at keeping people fed at least. (Aside: When you donate to your local food bank, donate money, not food! They can buy much more food in bulk - your dollars will go farther that way!) Mostly, I see people stealing things like resaleable electronics or OTC drugs that have useful precursor chems.
Don’t get me wrong - I know fuckin’ Krogers can take it. I just see this meme about seeing people stealing food and like… That’s mostly not a thing. Food banks and food stamps work okay. They aren’t great, the food often sucks - but generally speaking, you don’t have to steal food to survive when you’re poor in America. You might need to steal drugs and airpods though.
Funny thing…being short, I’m also not that strong. I buy furniture that I have the strength to put together/take apart and move solo, without helpers. Camping tables are lightweight and sturdy enough, and best thing–I can move them around with ease, I don’t even break a sweat which is awesome.
I worked at a rehab center as a housekeeper. Im not an addict was just looking for a job and mom was working there st the time so easy in. For three months I was the only housekeeper for a 3 story mansion with 30 rooms. I did the best I could and dramatically improved the condition of the whole facility. Full time 2nd shift including weekends. I was payed less than McDonalds but I was effectively my own boss and as long as I got done what I needed to was free to spend my time how I saw fit so I accepted the low pay and shit work knowing it was a temporary thing. Over the months they kept 'one more thing’ing me with the worst being moving the dumpster 500ft to the back o he parkinglot and expecting me to haul a broken wagon full of trash multiple times a day. Kept promising they would hie me help but never got any. I took all the extra responsibility I could and was essentially a one man army. Yet my boss treated me worse and worse to the point of trying to chew me out for taking a break. I am an etremely timid person who hates conflict and argument but something finally snapped in me. that was the first time in my life I ever stood up for myself and told his ass how it was. I can tolerate low pay, I can tolerate just one more things, I can tolerate mentally ill clients, but one thing I dont tolerate is being talked down to and disrespected by my peers. I told him all that, that he was a boss to me in name only and that we were equals in this shit show, that I am not his bitch boy and to never speak to me like that again unless he wants to find a new housekeeper on the spot. He apologized and admitted to not treating me right as he has been super stressed out which I can understand.
I later quit when they denied me a few days of PTO when my foot got sprained. Fuck that! Funnily enough they magically found another housekeeper weeks after, and played them even less than what they paid me lol
I have finally proudly reached a point of mental maturity where I can tell people how it is if they push me far enough without fear, and to understand that no amount of money is worth my dignity and mental health.
Things that take place over too long a period of time. Like heart disease, injustice, climate change, diabetes, addiction etc. We’re evolved to prioritise short term pleasure over long term benefits, hence that cigarette, drink, line, burger is so difficult to say no to.
Gambling. Everyone knows the house always wins and the exact probability of winning any specific lottery but people can’t grasp this. I don’t know how people look at these massive luxurious casinos and think they win against this company with an unfathomably profitable business model by taking money from people who think they can win.
I think the logic there is not that they constantly win against the casino, but more that they only need to get lucky once or twice. They just see that some people, sometimes win and there is no reason that they would not be the winners. Not sure I’m being clear about it but I hope you get my point.
I play the lottery a few times a year for the following reasons:
-Permission to dream about what I would buy if I won for a few days
-Justification for bitching about not winning the lottery
Instead of buying a ticket I just search the sidewalk for the winning ticket (that someone else lost) while I'm otherwise doing my normal activities. My odds are winning are nearly the same as someone who buys a ticket, so I can dream just as much - but I can spend the money on something else.
First, someone has to have bought the winning ticket. Then, that same person needs to have lost the winning ticket. Next, that person has to have lost that ticket near where you are. And finally, you have to find that lost ticket.
So while both situations are very very far from certainty, and both are approaching zero, one of the two is much, much closer to zero than the other.
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