Fellow wendigooner? He made some great points yeah but he also falsely attributed most of societies misgivings to the progress of technology rather than the actual culprit, capitalism.
Besides that he was basically just a grifter and didn’t really care much about the exact ideology. He only really cared about how it justified his hatred for people and love for nature.
Ask yourself some questions about the situation, and give yourself honest answers.
Can I do anything about it right now?
Might I be able to do something about it when I’m better?
Could I spend some time thinking of potential temporary solutions while I wait, instead of spending that time worrying?
Is it happening now, or do I have time to come up with something?
If I think I can’t do anything about it, does worrying help the situation or make it worse?
These are sample questions. Ask yourself about specific concerns that worry you. Sometimes, the responses will require follow-up questions. Point is to end pointless worrying and start looking at the problem logically and realistically, without the emotion clouding your thinking.
I assumed it’s because Lemmy has more users over 30. I think most of the younger people are still hoping in vain that Reddit will stop being horrible. I imagine they’ll be here soon enough lol
For me it was Huffman basically saying he planned to ruin the site AND force everyone to use the shitty app so that he could sell off Reddit in the IPO to put more money into his own overstuffed pockets. Then he allowed everyone to graffiti a fake wall about how mad they were for one whole week so those who stayed could pretend like they were “fighting the man” and then completely stop talking about it lol
I wasn’t a fan of that either, but ultimately it doesn’t matter. I used it as a time waster, the politics of the site just aren’t that important to me.
Governments like the UK that insist prohition is a better alternative to harm reduction but continue to profit from poisons like alcohol.
How does one boycott the government? Would I cut up my ID and declare myself a sovereign citizen? As much as I agree with the sentiment, I don’t think it’s as easy as that haha
energy producers that still don’t use renewables exclusively
private hospital corporations
cruises companies
unsustainable agrarian producers
All of these are literally killing children. Not directly and immediately but according to the IPCC report we have 1,5 to 2 years time to get to ZERO emissions, else we got some tipping points and risk turning earth into a Venus-like planet.
First, you should acknowledge that all sources are biased to a certain degree, some more than others. Any source that claim to always be “Fair and Balanced” like Fox News is usually anything but. When looking at a news article you should always ask yourself these questions:
What idea/agenda is the author/source trying to express?
Who benefits (monetarily or otherwise) from the expression of this idea?
Based on what you know, are there any contradictions in these ideas? (ESPECIALLY self-contradictions.)
Source reliability is only a small part of the equation as appeal to authority is usually overvalued:if Fox News says the Earth revolves around the Sun, that statement doesn’t suddenly become false. To determine the veracity of an article is simple, but not easy: you can only derive the truth from hard facts. You should look at the primary source and evidences and ask yourself:
Are there any hard verificable evidence such as photos, videos, or other direct documentations?
Are there only unverifiable, anecdotal, and/or circumstantial claims and evidences for this?
What’s the original source from which the claims were made?
This should give you a good framework of spotting fake news.
As an American, I am dismayed to report that the bloodlust and empty-eyed support for anything Israel does is basically the only widely bipartisan issue that exists here. It is absolutely grotesque and disheartening. So, I expect that once the fascists have completed their final solution, the US will gladly help fund the reconstruction of the area, to make it shiny for a wave of American and Israeli settlers and for the sake of business relations. It makes little difference which party has the presidency.
I’ve found that when I want to kill a crush I can start looking for characteristics I dislike. Everyone has them and early on in infatuation we gloss over them. But intentionally highlight them and that crush usually goes away pretty quick. Works for me anyway
Really? Man, I always thought it was to study their routines and plan the murder for when they are most alone and have the site and a grave prepared. Ideally away from prying eyes unless you like the thrill of getting caught or whatever…
But that aside, this is really solid advice. Nitpicking things you don’t like is a great option towards losing interest.
Funny enough, vinyldeals was one of the biggest pushes for me leaving reddit. Way too much anxiety checking and the exclusive releases just killed my wallet lol
Got any recommendations on a decently price-sensitive record player? We were gifted a cheap Crosby but I don’t really want to risk our nicer records on it.
I remember a time when someone making “six figures” was extremely wealthy. Now six figures just seems to be the baseline for even having a chance at tackling home ownership in suburban areas. 120k is probably ideal. I don’t likely need more than that and it should be enough to pay for a comfortable lifestyle.
I make $115k per year, my wife makes another $20k or so, we have one kid, a tiny house in a slightly sketch part of our Midwestern city that I bought a decade ago when it was almost cheap, and both our cars are paid off… and we’re treading water financially. I don’t know how anybody my age is affording big houses and new cars, unless it’s just by snowballing debt at an alarming pace. I’m already underfunding my 401k just to maintain some liquidity.
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