i wonder about other behaviors as well. like, are tigers also into making biscuits before a nap? would lions also bow for a bongo solo on the base of their tail? how excited would a leopard be to stumble onto a giant heated blanket?
Also if you really need some to prevent a migraine, try a quarter tsp of epsom salt dissolved in a few oz of warm water. Tastes bad but it’s magnesium sulfate.
I have no idea. I have read anecdotally that magnesium is being depleted from agricultural soils worldwide, and that a majority of Americans are deficient in magnesium. Mg is known to be a vital mineral for neurological and brain health.
So the problem is, I have no idea how much is in the foods I eat. I have no idea how much is needed for adults, or children.
Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), beriberi (Vitamin B deficiency), Cretinism (iodine deficiency), and anemia (iron deficiency) all took decades of population-level health disaster (and thousands of lives) before they were solved by governments. Mg deficiency isn’t so acute a disease as these, so I am doubtful that we will get any large attention on the matter soon. Maybe Alzheimer’s, migraines, or other neurological disease research may discover the link sooner.
Nah, that’s just with stuff like alli. What your guts absorb goes into your blood stream, you’d piss it out if your liver doesn’t process it into fat… For reasons we don’t fully understand, our gut microbiome stays in our gut.
If you mess with absorption, that happens… If you mess with the fat creation pathways, you just pee out sugars that would’ve been turned into fat
Only for half of protein and carbohydrates that can go into the gluconeogenesis pathway. That'll increase uti incidence, shred your kidneys with proteinurea, and lead to ketoacidosis when you're dealing with the other half of the proteins and all the other lipids, which before it kills you will allow you to excrete that waste from you lungs while you smell like you've been huffing nail polish remover. I think the out the butt option is generally preferable.
Source? Garcinia Cambodia seems like an all around win, but I’m willing to do some serious reading on the subject… The effects are relatively small but statistically significant in clinical trials with almost no side effects, and I recommend it left and right.
I’ve certainly never smelled like acetone (I’m extremely sensitive to smells) but you seem like you have a cohesive opinion on the topic, I feel like we might both be right and there might be a learning opportunity here
And if I am making a trade off with my health, I’d like to know
It's all about degree. Essentially what I'm talking about is severe dysregulation of lipid/protein metabolism that is generally only seen in type 1 diabetics, but it's the natural extension of extreme lipid and protein metabolism. I'm not familiar with that supplement, however.
As far as you watching yourself for it, don't worry, you'd notice being acidotic. I've seen it plenty of times at the hospital and you'd be huffing and puffing the acid off with terrible stomach pain and be generally having a bad day. While that supplement is associated with urine acetone increases, it's not quite the degree that I'm taking about.
Essentially, inhibiting fat production and storage and eliminating it result in very different effects. Insulin, by the way, is a very important mediator in fat production and storage. It's why so many new diagnosis type 1 diabetic children are often underweight.
So… I’m confused. Inhibition of turning sugars to fat in your liver is very different from diabetes. In my understanding, that’s absorption of sugar into your cells
Is there a weight loss drug out there that mimics diabetes?
That's a complicated question, because yes there are weight loss drugs that mimic certain aspects of diabetes, but through different mechanisms of action. A good example is a SGLT2 inhibitor medication, which explicitly creates glycosuria in a non-diabetic person, which is kind of a defining feature of diabetes mellitus. While that's a generally very effective drug and should be used more for obesity control, it will also increase incidence of UTI and (due to a loss of sugar and thus forcing metabolism of fats/proteins) ketoacidosis.
The insulin/glucagon relationship is why diabetic ketoacidosis only shows up in type 1 diabetics and not type 2 (they get what's called hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state), and is an important part of liver fat production. Ketoacidosis is generally associated with that but is also present in starvation and alcoholics that don't eat actual food.
The greater point I was making wasn't about carbohydrates turning into fats. It's that most fats and about half of proteins cannot be turned into carbohydrates. They must be metabolized into ketones and then acetone. If you absorb them and cannot store them like in the OP's hypothetical, you'll end up having to immediately metabolize them and will end up with ketoacidosis.
I’m not an evolutionary biology expert, but my armchair thought process says that this trait might not survive the evolutionary pressure. The burden of child rearing is quite high (specially these days).
Oh totally. Absolutely would decimate the human population on earth. And that wouldn’t be a bad thing if it meant people only had kids they could actually take care of.
You do you, but those are not difficult to make IMHO. I make a ton of batter and keep it in a squeeze bottle so I can easily make my kid pancakes in the morning
For me it’s macarons and most baked goods
I still make lasagna from scratch but that’s because I have to use gluten free pasta. All the pre made versions are awful
Significantly? One is thick and fluffy due to a couple of extra ingredients and one is thin and light. They’re basically the same thing base ingredients, prep and cooking method wise.
Macarons are one I picked up a few years back. I’d be damned if I’m paying almost $3 for a cookie after my niece asked for some at the store. I went home, compared recipes and had a few dozen in front of her that night. They’re time consuming, but much of the time is waiting for them to set, which is perfect for my ADHD ass cause I just forget about them for 30 mins to a couple hours. It’s a skill that has definitely paid off, and I love giving them to everyone who has never tried one because of the price.
Thank you for the kind words of support! Some very helpful advice in most of these and actionable.
And to those questioning my lived experience, perhaps a bit of victim blaming too, while I open up and ask strangers for help… what the fuck is wrong with you lmao
People never want to confront how close they are to hardship, so if they hear about someone struggling they want it to be the result of that person’s actions, not just that the world is unfair. Just ignore them; they aren’t dealing with their own shit as healthily as you are.
One of the reasons that older people have money is because society was sane when they were young. It was even possible for only one parent to work and the other to stay at home and take care of kids and the house.
Every decade since then, things get worse because capitalism wants everyone to work, everyone to buy things, and as few people as possible having enough money to not work. Because money is power and if you are living thanks to a monthly check, you have no power.
The main strategy from the top has always been to divide people as much as possible and distract them from the fact that they can’t get out of the hamster wheel. So there are public discussions about gender politics, environmental issues and other things that divide people into groups, so they argue with eachother and stay distracted from the big picture.
Big picture, we are kind of like slaves but much more comfortable. As long as we can’t stop working, we are slaves in a way, because we don’t have freedom to spend our lives doing what we want in most cases. So we waste our days trying to care about company problems that are all about increasing their profits while paying everyone as little as they can.
Yeah this is not a encouraging post, sorry. I just say what I think here.
Install Debian Mint on my old laptop and see how much I can get working on it. My ultimate ambition is to replace all my Windows 10 activity entirely by the end of 2024
Took me some years (but man has Mint become better!).
I even have a little windows box for “all that stuff not working on Linux”, scanner went over, big printer too, about everything except keepass(I have the 1.0 version so it’s just lazyness) and, uh, photoshop but I’m working on it.
I installed Debian in a dual boot in November and there’s only one game I haven’t got working yet. Everything else for work and fun has either worked or I’ve found a substitute.
Doing the same but with Fedora on my old desktop. I’ve been messing around with Linux for some time now but this is the first time I’ve tried to put a serious attempt into setting up a development environment and move to Linux for gaming.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to get the games working. Now if I can just figure out how to get vortex or MO2 to work to mod Bethesda games I’ll be happy.
OP got passed over for inheritance, and has come to the Internet to hopefully get others to agree that they should have gotten more. They’ve only presented jobs and money as evidence, because OP doesn’t really understand being a parent.
Yes, roughly speaking. They’re representations. It’s a hypothetical scenario where I was hoping people would discuss the points of discussion, not technicalities.
Stop paying attention to the media and do something rewarding. Build stuff, draw, read books, learn to cook, play an instrument, raise chickens, start camping. Do anything other than dwell in your misery. The world will continue regardless of you watching it. If you think everything is terrible, you already know which side of politics is evil, so just vote against them when the the me comes and don’t bother following what’s happening. You can’t effect it and it will only drive you crazy. It’s all just a distraction feeding a dopamine addiction you’ll never be ready to let go of. Social media especially. Play some slick jams and do the dishes, it’s very therapeutic.
Yeah I think I need to get more involved in my local progressive political groups… I can’t complain about the world sucking if I’m not committing to being part of the better change myself.
i have actually started reading books, watching actual shows/movies and playing more video games, instead of arguing with tankies online and watching shitty youtube videos.
While those are better than your alternative, they’re still sedentary activities that feed your dopamine addiction. Try doing things outside of screens and media. It will help.
Already doing this, that doesn’t stop my next door neighbour from being harassed by the old couple on the corner. It doesn’t stop my narcissist mother from coming to my door even when I tell her I’m going to call the cops. There are real problems beyond people’s perceptions and feelings from the news.
I feel like you’ve got some other issues going on that you aren’t letting any one in on. Statements like “neighbour from being harassed by the old couple” and “stop my narcissist mother from coming to my door even when I tell her I’m going to call the cops” are definitely not normal experiences. I don’t think you will find general answers to your original question until you first address these more specific problems head on.
Ah, good old broken YouTube app. I don’t know if this is true for everyone, but on my phone at least that link just took me to the beginning of the video.
I’m thinking yes. Assuming their dietary needs are roughly similar. However, every cat I’ve ever know has been notoriously picky about what food they like and dislike so I’m assuming big cats are the same.
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