How about a system which fully harvests nutrients, then compresses waste into smooth, solid, compact, sterile pellets which leave no residue and don’t smell bad?
Most forms of medical advice, some of it stuck around for a long ass time (bloodletting and the idea of spirits and humors lasted several millennia), but I imagine that the vast majority of it is lost to time.
You don't even have to go all that far back to see this in action.
In the 90's, the universal medical advice was to avoid fats, sauces and dear lord never eat more than 2-3 eggs in a week or you'll have a coronary before 40.
You still shouldn't go overboard with fats and sauce which is made with fat, but the advice that you shouldn't eat more than 2-3 eggs in a week is entirely defunct now.
You can eat 2-3 eggs a day (which many people do without even knowing as eggs are used in a whole lot of things) without any medical disadvantages.
After believing Dr. Gregor (the author of that site) for awhile, i don’t believe or trust him anymore. He’s a vegan and I think he’s set on a vegan mission despite him claiming he’s not.
You still shouldn’t go overboard with fats and sauce which is made with fat, but the advice that you shouldn’t eat more than 2-3 eggs in a week is entirely defunct now.
You can eat 2-3 eggs a day (which many people do without even knowing as eggs are used in a whole lot of things) without any medical disadvantages
The thing with cholesterol is still true though. What matters is, once a lot is fine (body can regulate that) but over a long time it is bad, promotes arteriosclerosis. So, no, the “without any medical disadvantages” bit is not true.
I was lucky i found this store that sells second hand devices from big companies that have bought too many? ( dunno how it actually works), but the quality is sometimes fully new, or have been used briefly; much cheaper and older models like my S10E, which I think it’s from 2018.
I tend to break phones rather often unfortunately (very clumsy, small hands and lack of pockets) so I want to have something like this still available. I do use screen and case protectors and all that. It still lands on the floor quite often :/
Forgot my bluetooth headphones the other day on a long trip and the 3.5mm jack saved my rear end.
Just needed to stop at a shop briefly for some cheap plug-in buds and I was no longer listening to babies screaming on the journey. As a bonus, it also didn’t interfere with me charging my phone
I’d like bluetooth earbuds a lot more if I could find some that aren’t “smart.” If I put on a beanie, I bump them. If I remove one earbud to converse, I bump it. I’ve not once intentionally used a gesture-based control on an earbud for anything else other than undoing the situation I’ve caused by bumping them. Otherwise, I control everything with my phone. If I’m working out, I just select my playlist, mute notifications, and I don’t have to touch anything after that. Gesture-based earbuds are not for me.
I really don’t think there are dumb bluetooth earbuds, though. At least, I haven’t been able to find any.
I have the Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus and their app has an option to disable touches, so that’s what I do, because I’m the same as you. I bought them used and have been using them on a daily basis for at least three years and they’re still working well. Might be something to look into. I hope you find something that works for you!
Could always get one of the beanies that have bluetooth speakers in 'em. It’ll solve your problem of bumping your earbuds, (though not through a necessarily “good” option). Or, you could use the wired bluetooth headphones like these.
As another alternative, there’s the apple airpods, which, as far as I can tell, have not gestures but some weird-ass pseudo capacitive button that makes a sound when you press them. I did just realize though, that if you have an apple device they’ll automatically pause playback when you take a headphone out (I think), so that may not be your cup of tea. However, if you have an Android, this addition won’t work unless you have an app like CAPods (which you can turn on or off in the app, so no worries there). There’s also the downside of not having access to many features like toggling through the different modes (active noise canceling or whatever other bullshit like that), not being able to natively see the battery of the case or earbuds (though, like with the aforementioned feature, using an app like CAPods you can see it), and some others that I can’t recall at the moment.
Sorry about the length of this reply, I was originally just going to mention the bluetooth beanies as a joke, but I have nothing else to do at the moment, so why not share my experiences? Anywho, that’s my two cents, this could help, it could be utterly useless, you could already know all of this, you may not even read the wall of text, etc. etc… Do as you will with this.
You don’t happen to know if there’s some open-source software for Android that might be similar to CAPods? Tbh I’m probably never going to buy either airpods or the brand-name Samsung ones, but I’d imagine there might be a more universal solution?
Yeah, I don’t actually recommend buying airpods unless you got them for free if you’re an Android user (that’s the only reason I’m using airpods atm).
As to open source, I believe CAPods is, unless you’re referring to an open source app for most headphones (which upon second thought you probably are).
As to that question, CAPods, according to their GitHub page, supports a few Beats devices, this app for Galaxy Buds on Windows/Linux devices, and this one for Huawei Freebuds device(s?).
Overall, the closest I could find was GadgetBridge, which has support (partial or full) for a few Samsung devices, one Nothing, a few Sony, and Bose(?), though, I did keep running into internal server errors, so it might be out of date.
I have a pair of cheap Skullcandy’s that have physical buttons instead of touch sensors. The buttons are basically impossible to use without smooshing the earbud into your ear trying to click it, but it also means it’s really hard to accidentally click them. Probably as close as you can get to dumb Bluetooth earbuds.
Not really, it’s mostly only budget phones that have it nowadays. The S10E(which stands for ‘essential’ btw, not ‘enterprise’) is almost 5 years old, not exactly representative of the modern phone market.
People keep going on about that and I get it from the point of not having to charge headphones all the time. But to me that is a very mild inconvenience compared to having to deal with those fucking cables all the time. I hate cables so damn much.
For me I’m just very attached to my earphones. I had tried out different earphones for a long time when I was younger before I discovered these and I’ve been using them for over 8 years now. I don’t really want to switch to a different pair of earphones.
Oh, my problem isn’t with charging them. They actually hold a charge for a super long time.
I’d like bluetooth earbuds a lot more if I could find some that aren’t “smart.” If I put on a beanie, I bump them. If I remove one earbud to converse, I bump it. I’ve not once intentionally used a gesture-based control on an earbud for anything else other than undoing the situation I’ve caused by bumping them. Otherwise, I control everything with my phone. If I’m working out, I just select my playlist, mute notifications, and I don’t have to touch anything after that. Gesture-based earbuds are not for me.
I really don’t think there are dumb bluetooth earbuds, though. At least, I haven’t been able to find any.
And I don’t mind cables as much as you do. I think my favorite earbuds would be those that are connected to each other by a cable, but again – only if they were not smart.
For most of these, turning off touch controls means that when you accidentally trigger the touch commands, it plays a little jingle and pushes a notification telling you that youve disabled touch controls and you need to reenable them.
Completely defeating the fucking point of turning off touch controls, and making me want to wrap my hands around the throat of the idiot who designed that
I’ll look into it. The only bluetooth earbuds I currently have are an off brand called SYNRGY. Maybe there’s some setting that I’m not aware of to disable touch controls too. I’ve also considered applying a few coats of clear nail polish. Maybe that would work?
I actually don’t know anyone who has the official Samsung ones.
This might sound crazy but apple earbuds would be good for you. I actually like having pause and skip buttons, and apparently these do have controls when you touch them, but that’s never worked for me. I think it’s intentionally broken on android which in your case makes them good.
You can get them used thanks to apple fanboys inherent need to get the newest version. There’s lots out there due to that. But I get it if you don’t like the idea of used headphones.
It’s more than just having to charge them I wouldn’t even really consider that much of a downside with how long they last. I haven’t yet ran out of charge before I was ready to take mine out. The actual downsides are- Wireless earbuds are expensive. The batteries in them wear out over time and you have to buy all new ones which is wasteful. Bluetooth adds a noticeable delay that sucks when watching video. My car doesn’t have bluetooth so I need a headphone jack for AUX. I have both and like wireless ones when I’m on the go but if I’m stationary wired don’t cause any problems.
I have like 5. It still doesn’t make it less inconvenient. I use my earphones for my laptop for work and my phone when I’m commuting so I have to attach the dongle, plug it into my phone, get to work, unplug the dongle plug it in the laptop and do the whole process again when I go home and repeat every day. It’s a pain. Not to mention the occasional times where you want to charge your phone while you’re listening to music.
Oh that charging thing is a major pain when we have to take a roadtrip. Whoever came up with the cloaca design for phones really did not think things through.
This going away has just make the Tiktok tide that much more horrendous. I work in a school. The hallways are nothing but that horrid shit blasting out of hundreds of bad speakers.
You don’t think it’d still be the same even with the headphone jack still there? Wireless headphones and converters for wired headphones do exist, they just don’t care.
While it’s a nice thought, it is not always feasible, especially if you have a deficiency (certain medications & substance can actually deplete/leech your magnesium stores).
If you are low, take supplements for a while. Less than a month before transitioning to magnesium-rich foods. I’d suggest magnesium taurate or magnesium glycinate. Magnesium oxide actually absorbs horribly, so you wouldn’t be getting much from taking it.
I’ve had a deficiency years ago and was unaware of it. Caused so much jaw tension that I ground down my teeth while I slept and fucked a lot of them up. Also had a lot of headaches and muscle tightness that completely disappeared after taking supplements.
Do what’s best for you in the end, but be cautious. Also please consult a medical professional before adding supplements or anything of thst nature to your regimen.
I swear 3/4 of the times I use a search engine is just “[random word] etymology”, learning the origin and evolution of words and language is so fascinating.
It’s straying close to Wikipedia, but Wiktionary is a useful resource as well.
Child 2. If you eliminate the children who have what you described as legal or ethical concerns, child 2 is the only one who consistently pursues their passions and is contributing back to society in some way. The other remaining ones might have lofty and noble goals, but no demonstrable ambition to prove their worthiness.
#s2,6,7 are finalists. In my opinion they all contribute to society.
#2 seems to have low ambition.
#6 is framed as being unethical by lowering the value of scenery business. I interpret this as the AI art problem. My opinion is people do what they are passionate about. If their job puts people out of work they were just doing the job for the money. Handcrafted bespoke furniture is no less valuable due to cheap flat packed IKEA furniture’s existence.
#7 provided value to society but seems to have a zero sum mindset.
So, not knowing what the inheritance is makes deciding between them difficult.
Blindly choosing I’d say #2.
If it were a one of a kind piece of art, say van gogh’s “starry night” I’d say #6. As it might provide some perspective to them.
If it were something truly priceless… I might choose #7. The zero sum perspective is hard to hold when you can’t calculate what it would take to get back to zero.
CubbyTustard has a good list. I’ll add the following:
Don’t fly a budget airline
Pop a dramamine before the flight (it makes you sleepy)
Bring gum with you on the plane (chew a piece on accent and descent to help pop your ears)
If in the US, use the Libby app alongside your local library and download audiobooks for free to pass the time during flights
Wear a mask on the plane (or better yet, one of those buff scarf things). Not only to protect against germs, but because if anyone farts, you’re probably not going to smell it. Plus, people kinda get intimidated by people wearing masks these days, so they probably won’t chat with you too much.
I love flying and being in the airport. Yes it can be stressful, but it’s a miracle of modern dang science that ~300 people at the same time can take to the sky. Awe-inspiring, really.
I’m a paranoid flyer and I always have at least 6 movies, a dozen mobile games, and a dozen switch games, 5 audiobooks, 40 ebooks, and a paper magazine.
The thought of being bored scares me. And the one time I had a 12 hour layover, I was well prepared.
Definitely this! I loaded fun videos on micro sd cards and popped them into each of my kids’ tablets for a transatlantic flight recently. It saved my sanity big time.
If you’re on Android, I think this still works. Try setting an alarm for 5 minutes from now and turn your phone off. It should turn back on for the alarm.
Edit: Just tried it and it worked on the native OnePlus clock app, but not on the Google clock.
You mean hardware alarm on the phone that works while the phone is off (meaning an alarm running on the RTC of the phone), or actual physical alarm clocks? Because the latter still exist.
I have an ancient one, probably my great grandmothers, and the garlic just gets smashed into the square-but-actually-round holes and it’s impossible to get most of it out.
Mostly it makes smashed garlic, which I can do with a knife much more easily…
It’s not one piece. It looks like one piece but the rubber handles eventually separate. The past couple of years I have used it without the rubber handle covers.
Knife works better, since it’s a flat surface. A spoon would push it to the side instead of crushing evenly. Mortar and pestle is overkill unless you’ve got a lot of garlic to press.
“I see you spent a week researching PSUs for your computer and I see that you finally bought one. Would you like to buy a PSU? because even though we know you bought one we’ll be showing you nothing but ads for PSUs for the foreseeable future.”
Both. I bought one from this brand before and it rusted after the first use. I’ll admit I may not have washed it properly, but that’s not something I expect from my kitchenware. And I don’t see a use for a second garlic press, but I’m open to hearing one
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