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uriel238, in Current and Former (Fast) Food Service Workers - How do you handle requests like “All the fries you can give me”? avatar

A friend of mine managed a pizzeria and said all the parts were portioned out. Extra usually meant an additional portioning of that topping / fixing would be added to the assembly.

There is an upper limit when a large party walks in expecting food, but it could feed like twenty people. For anything larger you had to request in advance so he could have the supplies on hand.

This was Texas in the 1970s which involved frequent people wanting to work an hour for a slice so he’d require them to wait for a rush (they wouldn’t have to wait long) and then would get a meal of food for their hour.


Wait, so like a barter? I’d work for an hour and get a slice instead of the hour’s wage?

That sounds amazing. I’m sure there are still places like that but with so much red tape nowadays I’m sure someone would… I don’t know… “get in trouble”? For what, I don’t know, but I’m sure it involves a straw man.

I want pizza.

uriel238, avatar

The answer is yes. Before the 1990s, there were was a lot of casual business. My San Francisco residence was rented to my flatmate entirely on a verbal contract (which created problems in the aughts, when utility companies were modernizing their service). This kind of casual business works well when everyone is friendly or acting in good faith, but it leaves fewer protections from fraud.

In rural parts of the US, there were regions in which there was little enough cash flow that barter was routine. And then farms often would have enough extra produce they would look for neighbors to give food to, rather than dumping it.

I’d say we’d have organized crime to thank for the necessity of making transactions a lot more secure and a lot less anonymous, but that’s really only the justification. It’s law enforcement that has turned to the same rackets that were the purview of mobsters. Not only are grocers no longer able to give away one-day expired food to homeless and impoverished folk, but kids risk legal trouble just by running a lemonade stand on a hot day.


Thank you for sharing your experience and insights!

stackPeek, (edited ) in What is a rainy day meal you enjoy? avatar

Indomie Noodles 🤤


This is one that came to mind when writing the question 😄

stackPeek, avatar

Ohh, it seems that you’re from Canada right? Is there Indomie there?


Yea a friend really likes it. I think the big stores carry it too but for sure smaller independent ones do in the city

ultranaut, in Do you have a heat pump? Is it noisy?

I moved into a place with a heat pump for the first time recently and mine is definitely noisy, or more noisy than I would prefer. It’s not terrible when you’re inside near where it is but it is noticeable. It’s also around 10 years old and I believe newer ones are supposed to be quieter.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

Heat pumps only last about 15 years so yours may be noisier due to wear and age. I just had a really old one replaced and my new one is a lot quieter.


That’s what I’m thinking, it also may not be installed very well which could be a factor. It’s not quite level, which is supposedly not good for them. I’m planning on replacing it within the next year or three depending on budget and how well it holds out. It seems to work great otherwise, it definitely is much more efficient than anything I’ve had previously.

Wahots, avatar

Also depends on whether you get air source or ground source. Ground source lasts a lot longer, and is way more efficient, but costs more to install up front.

Neato, in Why was Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan so bad for the American people? avatar

It might be easier and quicker to digest in podcast form from people who did the research:…/part-one-ronald-and-nancy-reagan-299…

In short: deregulation, wealth transfer to the rich, harming rights of labor, and genocide.


This policy is exactly the same policy being implemented today. What are the odds of that? Examples; Deregulation: railroad crash toxic chemical huge spill, wealth transfer to the rich: patriot act and covid economic response, harming rights of labor: making railroard strike illegal, genocide: supporting israel with money and weapons…


Yes, these things are all happening because Reagan paved the way for it.


War on drugs, aids epidemics badly managed because it mostly affected “sinners”.

mydude, (edited )

Bonus question: Do you know who was in charge during mishandling of aids epidemic? Hint: There is a whole movie about it


Of the presidency… Reagan.


Or are you talking about the doctor at the head of the commission?

lugal, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

It will be a leap year


You’re a leap year.


Your mom is a leap year.


Probably… She is about a day bigger than most.


Your mom can’t leap

JadenSmith, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

No age related ball sag.


You never forget the first time you sit on your balls


I did that while getting on my bike once, very pain.

Agent641, in What is a rainy day meal you enjoy?

Any soup and any bread - both homemade. I cant stomach canned soup, but I make my own, prodigiously, and freeze it.

My favorite is broccoli cheddar soup, followed by a spicy tomato bisque which somehow seems it gets spicier the longer it stays in the fridge, then ham bone soup, then caldo verde portugese soup, then potato leek, and my most recent one was a red cabbage bisque which I have mixed feelings about, but I love to see the horror on my colleagues faces as I tuck into a weird, dark purple goopy monster blood lunch.

I like to make a skillet flatbread, the same kind i make when im camping. Water, flour, yeast, salt, olive oil, half a day of hanging out in my backpack while im hiking, punched down and pasted to the inside of a frying pan, smothered in dried herbs or maybe crushed pepitas, whatevers handy, covered in foil and baked on a campfire. It never comes out the same way twice. Sometimes the crust is burned, but flatbread is really forgiving, just scrape off the burned bits and theres good bread underneath.


That bread sounds like a bannock.

Olhonestjim, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

I’d like to make bodily functions a bit less gross.

Wahots, avatar

I think they are fairly well-designed. You have to be able to expel solids and liquids somehow, otherwise they’d build up inside you, and you might die if they couldn’t be digested or sweated out. I guess they could be combined, like birds. But I don’t think that would make it less ‘gross’ in a non-quantifiable way. Sweating is also a pretty effective way of cooling down. Other methods such as large ears as radiators, thin blood vessels on the forearms that must be licked to aid in heat transfer, and panting all have their downsides.

If you think about it, tailpipes on cars and vapor pipes on AC and heatpumps and furnaces are basically the same thing as our digestive system.

The only thing that could really be redesigned is to have them be much more efficient, like some animals, which can pull a lot more water and nutrients out of byproducts. That, and the ability to extract stuff like heavy metals, microplastics, and forever chemicals, which get stuck and can’t always leave.


Waste does not have to leave residue behind and stink. We ought to be able to extract more nutrients from digestion, and we could probably make an implant to carbonize waste, compress it into pellets, and even wrap it in a biodegradable capsule before disposal. I do like your point of dealing with hazardous materials.

HurlingDurling, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen? avatar

The iPhone 16 will be the most powerful iPhone ever created

mriormro, avatar

God damn you.

KpntAutismus, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

maybe anticheat compatibility on linux? since the steam deck is a thing now, companies like epic or EA might wanna cash in. i love that most of my games run with gold, platinum, or even native qualities (theoretically, i still use windows), but most of the online games with anticheat still need to be adapted by the Devs to run on linux.

also this is definetely the year of the EU deciding uncontrolled data collection by random companies isn’t a good thing.


Doubt. Steam Deck still seems like a small market for Epic to care about. They got rid of Linux and MacOS support not that long ago.

thorbot, in What's involved in your budgeting method?

I don’t really budget. If I notice my credit card amount seems super high, I chill out on spending for a while.


Would you be willing to share how old you are? When I was younger I was a little more blase about it, but now I’m about 40 and thinking damn I wish I had savings and more in my 401k

thorbot, (edited )

I have savings and a 401k. I’m your age. $1k per month is auto deposited into savings and 12% per paycheck into retirement.

BradPittIsGod, in What are some of your cheap eats hacks?

Meth, i save money food for more than a week


I mean, you’re not wrong. Between not eating and having zero compulsion to drink, I saved a ton of money when I was a functional tweaker. Quitting meth turned me into a fat alcoholic.

user224, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash? avatar

Not trash, just returned to the shop. HP Smart Tank 580 printer.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Wow that’s a big gift! Do you have a different preferred solution for printing?

user224, avatar

Not really preferred, but I do have a printer already. A 20 years old HP PSC 1315. It still works, and I don’t even know how after my USB port replacement attempt which was also my first soldering attempt, and it ended terribly. But, it does seem to make a connection, so it works for now. I didn’t know what flux is, and I used the highest temperature, 520°C. As I said, no idea how it works, but it’s been like that for over 2 years.

It’s not perfect, but it works. It only has partial support by HPLIP, so to print in high DPI I need to use a Windows 7 VM with the drivers. That then takes 20 minutes per A4 page. The colors are quite poor and it has quite large borders. If scanning anything with color, I need to play with contrast and saturation in Scan2PDF, otherwise most colors are just invisible.
On the plus side, I found an app called NokoPrint that allows me to print from Android phone using this printer via USB.

So yeah, that smart tank would have been much better, but there would also be extra e-waste. I can deal with this printer. Actually, I got this from e-waste, so I even saved some. Also, they took it with extended warranty and some insurance, making it €207!!! I don’t want such an expensive gift.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Far be it from me to get in the way of your self-imposed suffering.


Did you buy a brother instead?

user224, avatar

I currently have a printer, also HP, but an old one (20 years).

When I’ll finally need a new printer, I’ll be deciding between HP and Brother. I am not sure about Linux support with Brother printers. I heard it’s great, but I need to search more. I know HPLIP works well, but I also heard these new HP printers don’t last long. Then there’s also the thing called HP+ (not to be confused with Instant Ink) that many of those printers have, which REQUIRES HP account AND a connection to internet.


Be a member of the Brother-hood. I have a big black multifunction Brother printer, scanner (even fax, wtf!), and it works on both Linux and Windows. Bought four years ago. It just wants a quiet corner and a wifi connection. I think it’d even print from my Android phone if I tickled it a little, but can’t be arsed now. It’s happy with cheapo ink as well. It also cleans itself and has survived in a definitely-not-an-office environment. If it makes another year I’ll give it a pet name, it deserves one!

Zerlyna, avatar

I have had three Brother lasers since 2006 and they are workhorses. Can’t help with the Linux question.


Why did you get 3 printers in 17 years, did they break or anything?


Maybe used them lots?

Zerlyna, avatar

Two were for work. One I have at home.


Recently went through this, did not continue with hp and went brother, couldn’t be happier.

rob_t_firefly, (edited ) avatar

Linux user here, can confirm a Brother multifunction laser printer/scanner monster from around five years ago works flawlessly and painlessly out of the box with multiple Debian derivatives.

Also the first toner I bought with it is still sealed in its box because the free starter toner which came with the printer still hasn’t run down. I’m never going back to inkjets!


My 2 year old brother (all in one, not a human) same story. Works great with Linux. Better than my hp, even.

MeanEYE, avatar

HP is a nightmare, I had nothing but issues on my system with HP. Brother is no fuss no install kind of deal. It just appears ready and willing.


My first laser printer was an HP Laser Jet MP5 that my boss threw away because ‘it was noisy’. Workhorse beast printed easily another 15,000 pages before I replaced it with a color laser from Brother. That beast (purchased in 2013) has gone through 3 toner carts for CYMK, and printed high res great output in glorious color for over a decade now.

Moral of the story: HP wasn’t always garbage, but they certainly are today; Brother makes a damn good printer.


Oh yeah, in college I bought an HP color ink jet that lasted probably 2 decades. No bullshit, it just printed stuff, and it was fantastic.


Good call lmao,


AMEN. HP used to innovate technology. Nowadays they innovate new ways to fuck their customers around.


I like the hp-48 calculator


The Canon version of that has been good for me. No subscription or anything, just fillable ink tanks.

MeanEYE, avatar

Only thing in all of these posts that deserves to be trashed.

CaptainHowdy, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

I’m pretty sure the major things that need to change are in the brain. Predeliction for violence and hate, addiction to controversy and toxins, and whatever makes people stupid enough to support facists.


That would require a significant remodeling of the neo-cortex. Pattern seeking got us out of the stone ages, but it is killing us in the modern era.

weeeeum, in What are some of your cheap eats hacks?

Easy (relatively) chowder with random veg, protein and cheese

The only specific ingredients are onions, garlic, spices, heavy cream and at least some cheddar.

Before starting salt all of your veg. This is so they are INTERNALLY seasoned, otherwise you’ll have salty soup and bland veg.

Saute your onions (with any other hardy vegetables) and butter can be used if feeling indulgent. Salt as you saute

Once slightly tender add and cook a couple tablespoons of flour (depends on quantity of soup and desired thickness)

Add whatever stock or bullion on hand (I use home made with bones and veg scraps). You could also use plain water if really starving and desperate though.

Once the soup is boiling add a ton of (salted) minced garlic, FRESH CRACKED black pepper, rosemary, thyme, smoked paprika and a couple pinches of mustard powder. These can be fresh or dry, but I do like fresh garlic and fresh cracked pepper (many of the flavors and compounds are highly volatile and will literally float away if stored post cracking). Also be generous with your spices, makes it way tastier.

Add your veg. It can really be anything from broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, corn, peas, carrots, mushrooms zucchini, celery, cabbage (not too much), bell peppers, etc. experiment and go nuts.

When pot is hot again add your protein, nothing specific. I’ve used ham, pork, ground beef, ground turkey, deli meat that was gonna go bad, breakfast sausages, Italian sausages, chicken breast and thighs and even tilapia. Make sure to salt them for 15 mins before adding.

When your proteins are not raw and almost cooked add heavy cream (if you don’t have much you can also add some milk, you can also freeze milk, let it melt and drip into a container, when halfway melted remove the frozen milk and whatever is collected is highly concentrated because all of the fats in the milk melt much faster than water)

When soup is reduced to desired amount turn off the heat and let it cool to a light simmer. Add your cheese and stir thoroughly. If soup is too hot your cheese will cook and clump up in nasty globs and will not thicken your soup either.

return2ozma, avatar

That sounds delicious! Thank you


I usually hoard random bits of veg and protein and when I have enough I make like 5 gallons of soup at a time. Nothing is stopping you from adding more stuff later, when youre microwaving a serving of soup you can add some more steamed or roast veggies you have laying around.

It’s also excellent with toast. Additionally you can dry leftover bread, crush it finely and add the breadcrumbs to the soup too.

Literally any leftovers you have can be incorporated into the soup one way or another.

I had some unappetizing lasagna so I chopped it up and threw it in my serving of soup, the cheesy sauce makes everything edible lol.

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