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shrewbacca, in No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate?

He doesn’t want that. He wants to be the guy who was “wronged” in the last election.

I mean, he’s making bank off of donations just from beating that dead horse. Why work when you can just scream and cry and have people throw money at you?

Also, considering the size of his ego, he probably doesn’t want anything less than being the top guy. That’s all that matters to him.

Another poster said something about a “gentlemen’s agreement”, which isn’t wrong. The US has (generally) tried to maintain the peaceful transfer of power. They didn’t plan on a scumbag throwing a bitch fit to keep that from happening.

BigBlackCockroach, avatar

I suspected being a senator or congressman would be actually quiet difficult and Trump may not be cut out for it. thanks for your insight shrewbacca


No problem, fam. It’s an honest question, so I don’t blame you for asking.

JustZ, in Do the right wing women in relationships with right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath?

Stupid losers with no self esteem attracted to other stupid losers with no self esteem. Nothing complicated about it.

aredditimmigrant, in Tech workers - what did your IT Security team do that made your life hell and had no practical benefit?

Worked at a medium sized retail startup as a software engineer where we didn’t have root access to our local laptops, under the guise of “if you fuck it up we won’t be able to fix it” but we only started out with a basic MacBook setup. so every time I wanted to install a tool, ide, or VM I had to make a ticket to IT to come and log in with the password and explain what I was doing.

Eventually, the engineering dept bribed an IT guy to just give us the password and started using it. IT MGMT got pissed when the number of tickets dropped dramatically and realized what was going on.

We eventually came to the compromise that they gave us sudo access with the warning “we’re not backing anything up. If you mess up we’ll have to factory reset the whole machine”. Nobody ever had to factory reboot their machine because we weren’t children… And if there was an issue we just fixed it ourselves


Imagine that. IT knowing how to fix the issues they caused. What a revolutionary thought! /s

KokachinTBP, (edited ) in What is the name of your cleaning robot?

Claptrap because he doesn’t do stairs and we love Borderlands games.

Edit: Mop is Minion…also from borderlands games

neeshie, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

There is nowhere you can get unbiased news. You have to analyze the bias and think critically about it if you want to really understand what’s happening.

dustyData, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

Years ago I made the decision to never play a game on launch, never buy a game full price, never play a game just because it was on the online buzz.

I decide what to play usually days in advance, carve out a chunk of my recreation time to explicitly play, as if it were going to a movie or a party with friends. It’s like a date with the game. I block a couple of hours to it. If the game is good, it will get a second date, if it bored me, we would break up.

I don’t buy on sales pressure either. If I decide I want to play a game, I would wait to buy it on the historical cheapest price. Only then would the game get schedule time to get played. That keeps the FOMO away.

It has made gaming super enjoyable and no longer the dopamine chase that publishers want to make to milk the most money out of me. As a result I usually enjoy my time way more, play older games more frequently, not out of nostalgia but because I never played then. I also spend less money, which lowers stress and anxiety. As a result I haven’t played a AAA game in a long while.

Time is scheduled for a game on what I’m interested in right now. But since the decision is always for a time far away in the future (up to a week in advance) I can make a more directed and intentional decision. Some weeks it’s thematic, some weeks it’s just genre based. Some weeks are retro. Some weeks are for comfort. All with small and concrete goals for each.


Yup. Just finally played through Skyrim, and starting fallout 3. They’ve been fun. Honestly didn’t game for the better part of the last 15 years, work and kids. Sunk hundreds of hours on Skyrim now done, fallout totally different and a predecessor yet familiar.

I go by the same rule, basically if people can still play and talk about something 10 years later it’s actually good.

visnudeva, avatar

I also love Skyrim and fallout 3 they are some of the best games even today but I didn't finished them yet.
I just finished cyberpunk after 170 hours and It was so good that i am starting it again from scratch.

Apollo2323, in What are some modern bullshit jobs?


theonyltruemupf, in How do you spend your idle time?

I bought a Steam Deck 1 1/2 years ago and most of my idle time is now spent playing all the games I never had time or energy for. It’s amazing if you’re into video games.


I did something similar and got a USB C expansion controller for my Galaxy S23. Find a few good mobile games and add in RetroArch and other emulators with a bunch of ROMs and you have yourself a mobile gaming rig!

DeathWearsANecktie, in Favorite Lemmy Client


invisible_cunt, in Favorite Lemmy Client avatar


RecallMadness, in Does noone train their dogs anymore?

I hold my dog close around other people because:

  • I don’t know if the other person likes dogs or not, and keeping the dog close is the best I can do if they don’t.
  • my dog, while well trained, is a fucking dumbass and who knows what will pique his interest or trigger his animal instincts.
  • it reinforces to him that he needs to be close when out.

This is exactly what I do with my dog for the same reasons.

zeppo, in What does this icon mean? avatar

The sun will not rise tomorrow

fubo, in What's the best response to someone who believes in hard determinism but also uses this to deny responsibility for any immoral actions they commit?

“Ah, then my decision to shun you and tell everyone I know to do the same … that is also preordained, and you mustn’t hold me responsible for doing so.”

pineapplelover, (edited ) in Is there a sub somewhere between shitty food porn and food porn?

So just food?


skydivekingair, (edited )

How do I sub to that? It says view on but won’t let me switch over.


Beehaw defederated from (and long ago.


Ohhh totally forgot about that. Apparently they wanted to do their own thing or something. Doesn’t make sense to me. I’m on so I can sub though


They couldn’t handle the influx of users from new instances with open registration as they only had 4 admins.


What do you mean? I just subscribed using the above link from the Eternity Android app.

can, (edited )

I mean this. . I just checked and do see a post from 4 days ago so maybe they recently reversed it?

Edit: nope

So you can “subscribe” and maybe even comment but no one on beehaw will see it. I see now that one new post I saw was from someone on my instance.

pythonoob, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

I honestly don’t think the active duty and national guard units would be willing to fight each other. A lot of guard guys are former AD and AD gets supplemented by guard all the time. Some missions they even work side by side with active guard positions.

The states leveraging their guard units like this strikes me as highly presumptuous.


Not only that, but a lot of the NG equipment comes from federal contracts. Good luck getting tank parts and missiles once yours are all gone.



What’s AD? Army Division?


Active duty.

The feds

Kalothar, (edited )

I was in the Army NG for 6 years. The president is still Ultimately the top of the chain of command and we swear the same oath to the constitution.

I just want to throw out there that it’s just not really like that. There is no chance of civil war from inside the army in this manner. The big green weenie gets everybody in the end.

Edit: like for example, we all wear the same unfiroms, they both do US Army on the front. They have the same MOS (military occupational specialty) We receive the same training, at the same places, and both go to overseas for deployments as well.

Usually, you get deployed twice during a 6 year contract for the National Guard. When they aren’t deployed the NG trains at home bases in their states and sometimes in large Active Military Bases for Various reasons. So it’s all very much intertwined.

The_Lopen, (edited )

I don’t know if anybody answered your question, lemmy is weird about replies deleted or not showing. AD is Active Duty, which is anyone in the federal component of the military i.e. not guardsmen. “Active” means full-time, and most guardsmen are one-weekend a month, so they are not active. It’s a little fuzzy, because if a guardsman is on full time orders, depending on where the money is coming from, it could be called AGR, or Active Guard Reserve, but they are not technically Active Duty (AD).

All you really need to know is that AD is just the Big Army or Big Air Force, paid for and run by the federal government, and the national guard is distinct from AD because of split loyalty to state and federal govt, and they are usually paid by the state. Otherwise, same regulations, same uniforms, same bad leadership.


Guard units are also only under state control until they’re not. By the book anyway the DoD(?) can say “okay you’re activated under federal orders now, so you are now active duty, do this instead”.


Texas governor: fire on US soliders to give me a political win

National Guard: no.


I’d love to think this is true but when I was active back in the day there were a LOT of right wing militant nuts. I can only assume that’s skyrocketed in the years since.

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