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Zeppo, in What would happen if politicians hat to work like scientists? avatar

What missing is voters who care about or would pay attention to all of that, and honest news sources.

Candelestine, (edited ) in Why is *all* of Lemmy filled with Anti Israel content?

Are you asking why Lemmy has a lean towards political activism? Why the political activism is so heavily focused on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Or why they’ve chosen the side that they have within that conflict?

All three are completely different questions, and all of them are complicated and also pretty much impossible to answer with any real confidence. But they’re interesting.

Anyways, which is the biggest thrust of your question?

Fitik, avatar

I am talking about apolitical communities, or those that are supposed to be apolitical at least, i apologize if I haven't made it clear enough in my original thread.


There is no such thing as an “apolitical” community - not here on the fediverse or anywhere else.


Lemmy doesn’t have many enforced apolitical communities. Because even the meaning of apolitical is contentious and arguably political.

Fitik, avatar

Actually, suprisingly, maybe not "enforced" but it does have a lot of vibrant and different communities not related to politics.


I mean the moderators don’t usually take down political things from what I’ve seen. Memes on .ml for example is specifically okay with propaganda posters.

Maeve, (edited )

And every other nations’ propaganda, notably Western’ nations. * appear on every other instance.


Apolitical communities formed of people that are otherwise more politically active sorts may see a little more politics than normal, during particularly emotional times.

It’s more about the people than the community.

Fitik, avatar

I completely understand it and your point is valid.
However, I was talking about communities unrelated to it, I am not even apolitical myself, I say so because I usually have 2 separate accounts for interacting with political content and non political one, but when I tried to do it on Threadiverse - I failed.


Right. I was just saying that communities that are completely, 100% unrelated to politics, may begin to see more politics, during particularly emotional times.

So, in a community completely unrelated to politics, people can still talk about politics unless it is against the rules. So, during times when people are sad, angry or otherwise upset, it kinda just creeps in?

Make sure that if you really want to stay away from it, you look for communities where political discussion is specifically a ban-able offense. Those will usually have a lot less fighting and arguments.

As for why there is so much of this on Lemmy specifically, it’s because we are probably more politically active than most of the rest of the internet.

Fitik, (edited ) avatar

That's what I thought too, I mentioned in this reply that it was like that everywhere when the war have just started and when the Israel started to respond
However, it has been 59 days since the war start already and I don't see any less talking about this issues, unlike in other social media where it is limited to the political communities.

And thanks for the thoughtful and full response, it might be one of the best explanations I got in those replies, pretty well written.


We don’t see any less genocide either.


No problem. That would start to bleed into the second of the questions I proposed earlier, and frankly, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is just special. Like, unique in many ways. So it dominates when it’s around, that’s the same every time it fires back up. There’s a lot of storied history, rooted in things everyone has studied and at least vaguely understands.

And this particular flare-up is particularly huge. Lots of big explosions, lots of footage, lots of carnage.


Zionists can’t help but cry regardless of what community they’re in. Add lemmy’s general stance against apartheid and oppressive government and you have a community primed to “pick on israel” when they’re actually just expressing their opinions. The zionists love to make themselves the victim regardless of actual circumstances

KISSmyOS, (edited ) in Short(er) people of Lemmy--what are some lifehacks you figured out that've helped you out?

Life(lengthening )hack: Office chairs aren’t stepladders.


Nothing with wheels is.

doubletwist, in What companies have made your blacklist?

Wells Fargo.

The short version is, they forced me to close my savings/checking account due to $32 in insufficient funds that was reported to Chex Systems by my former bank, and told me that I could reopen them once the report was cleared.

I got the report cleared with proof that it was due to a third party (AOL - who admitted it and got the report removed) that made unauthorized charges to an account I had closed.

When I went back to get my accounts reopened, the manager spoke me like I was the scum of the earth for ever having been reported, even though it wasn’t my fault and I had proof. She told me that I couldn’t open an account at Wells Fargo for 7 years, and said I could come back after that and open accounts.

As if I would ever go near Wells Fargo again after treating me like that over a $32 report that I had proven wasn’t my fault.

IBSshitposter, avatar

Wells Fargo can eat shit after all the scandals they’ve been through. I’m credit union for life now


Same. My first bank account tin collage was through Wells Fargo. I got burned by all the ridiculous fees. Closed it down and never went back. This was in 2003.


My AC went out in August in Texas. I opened a line of credit through the HVAC company, which was ultimately through Wells Fargo.

When I got the first bill I set it up for auto pay through my checking account and let it pay the same amount over 18 months.

Well about 12 months later I’m trying to buy a new house and just as I’m about to close I get a note from the bank they were going to deny my loan because I failed to pay a bill to Wells Fargo for 9 months.

I called them to figure out what the hell was going on. My bill was due on the 15th of every month. My auto pay was set to pay on the 15th. One week the 15th was a Sunday, so my bank sent the payment on the 13th. They processed that like an extra payment under the same period and for the next 9 months considered every payment I had as late.

I tell them to fix it, and they say they can but it will take 2-3 weeks to process. I’m supposed to close on a house the next morning. They tell me if I just make a payment of $279 right then they could clear it so I could close on my house. I seriously felt like I was being shaken down and there wasn’t anything I could do other than pay them. So fuck Wells Fargo!

PrinceWith999Enemies, in How do you discourage a dog from biting while playing?

You have to set boundaries. She’s going to keep on doing it until you teach her not to, and she’s more likely to do so to other people as well.

Give a sharp “Ow!” and do it in a high pitched voice. Then give her a sharp “No!” Then the play stops. You’re giving three types of reinforcement there - the yelp is for letting her know she hurt you (do this even if it didn’t hurt), saying “no” helps her to understand what she was doing was not the correct behavior, and withdrawing the fun is the punishment part.

It sounds like you also might need general obedience training. If she’s good around other dogs I’d consider obedience classes where you can work with her under the guidance of a trainer.

You can try training her on your own, too, but get a good up to date book on training. Use treats for positive reinforcement. At a minimum, for her safety and for yours, she should learn the commands for sit, stay, and come. I’d also do “give” meaning she has to let you take the stick (or whatever) out of her mouth, and I also like to train away food guarding behavior (you should be able to pick up their food bowl while they’re eating and not have them bite or growl.

The cat poop one is not a fight you’re going to win, but the rest of it should be solvable. At the very least, if you catch her going for it, a sharp “No” and calling her back to you to get a treat should work, but she is going to keep doing it if she can get away with it. I’d start with the basics and then work on the poop eating.


This is the method I used, but if mine was wayyy too amped and persisted with aggressive play, I would redirect with a toy. I’d just put it in his mouth when he got mouthy so he would learn what he could bite with force. Later, once he learned to not be rough during play, I trained a command word to use when he got carried away.

Also for food, from the first month I had him, I trained him to sit and wait for me to touch his feet, ears, and mouth before he could eat. And also I’d take his food randomly. If he responded with aggression, he didn’t get to eat until he let me take it away without issue. However, he was a 6month old puppy at the time, so we were working on brand new skills and not breaking old habits. I have zero advice or experience for older dogs. Not sure if it’s different.

Probably 80% of it is his natural demeanor, but 5 years later and virtually nothing bothers this dog


I used this method. My dog used to get so rough that I was concerned that he was going to hurt someone.

Adding to it, when play stopped, I turned away and ‘sulked’ because body language means so much. Also, I added in a toy for tug of war, and whenever the play escaped the toy I said ow and play was done.

This took a few months to really sink in for the dog, but we got to the point where he would play, we would say to get a toy, and there was no more leaping for limbs.

Some long time later, we were to the point where I could hold his teeth for gentle tug of war, but he decided he didn’t like my skin in his mouth.

eyy, (edited ) in Why do people hate on mobile games, call them "not real games" and mock them, when some mobile-exclusive games are the best games I've played?

Many mobile games are just thinly veiled attempts at monetization. Get people hooked, then start adding time-bound gates you can unlock, add PvP with loot boxes and multiple types of premium currency that’s hard to keep track of. Doesn’t matter what the game is about - you can do this to racing games, fighting games, gardening games, whatever.

That said there are still mobile games that are fun and genuinely good gameplay - I used to love Minigore too, after it was available on Android. But these are few and far between.

NemoWuMing, in What hobbies help you minimize or avoid navigating commercialism?

Playing and studying chess, on It’s a free open source alternative to the heavily commercial chess dot com.

Learning a new language. Tons of free resources all over the internet

Learning card magic. You can go a long way with just a pack of cards and the 52Kards YouTube channel

Learning to play music. Tons of free resources all over the internet


Learning card magic. You can go a long way with just a pack of cards and the 52Kards YouTube channel

I’ll have to give that a look! I’ve been trying to get better at some different card shuffles, as it’s both practical and fun to do.


Just be careful to learn card magic and not magic cards. Because one of those is not good for minimizing your consumption haha

vivadanang, in What's a food you forget you like? Then you eat it, and wonder why you don't buy it more often?

Indian food mostly, but only because the best places are a drive away.

IonAddis, avatar

What’s your favorite Indian dish?


I like a big bowl of Rogan Gosht with some chicken biryani (my wife’s fav) and loads of naan. I’m not refined lol, just like that lamb and that chicken saffron yogurty stuff.

IonAddis, avatar

I frickin’ love lamb dishes, and I get so grumpy that lamb/mutton is unpopular in the US, so it’s hard to find. It’s tasty!


I frickin’ love lamb dishes

If you ever get a chance, try goat curries. They will rock your world.

Pat_Riot, avatar

Goat is even harder to find in the US.


Most Indian places will have a goat curry.

squiblet, avatar

hardcore Mexican places make it... birria.

Bishma, avatar

I go on Indian food kicks sometimes, where I’ll end up eating once or twice a week for months then I’ll go years without thinking about it again.

praise_idleness, in Non-religious Republicans of Lemmy, how do you reconcile your non-religious convictions with a party that bases a lot of its policies on religion?

Friendly reminder that the right wing party in my country is a bit far from being religious, mostly because more than 60% of the population (and honestly, more than 80% based on my speculation) is atheist. Anti-lgbtq being dominant here is definitely not because of religious reasons but the general conservative sentiments we had for so long. Abortion is frowned upon, but no one actually believes that it should be downright criminalized except for some religion nuts.

Protestantism is pretty much hated by general public since we had some issues with some religion nuts making people’s life miserable.


What country is that?


Probably the Netherlands, going by his numbers.


Right wing in my country is also non religious, religion in politics is really frowned upon, to the point that one of our former PMs 'came out' as a Catholic after he left. Everyone is pretty pro LGB... less so on the T though, our conservatives are very anti-trans, our left party less so. I think our only anti abortionists are on the right? It's a rare viewpoint to say out loud though.

TimewornTraveler, in I want to study psychology but won't AI make it redundant in a couple of years?

homie lemme let you in on a secret that shouldn’t be secret

in therapy, 40% of positive client outcomes come from external factors changing

10% come from my efforts

10% come from their efforts

and the last 40% comes from the therapeutic alliance itself

people heal through the relationship they have with their counselor

not a fucking machine

this field ain’t going anywhere, not any time soon. not until we have fully sentient general ai with human rights and shit

cheese_greater, (edited )

I don’t think there’s harm in allowing people who would never be able to afford life-saving medicine to have life-saving medicine cat-puzzle-feeder style

Edit: this was me and access hasn’t changed the fact that I do no generally derive value from it.


You realize that adds up to 60% right?


math moment


40 40 10 10


Interestingly, and somewhat related, it was tested years ago whether a Robot could bring comfort/social support to lonely pets/elderly.

The results were outstandingly in support, and this is going into actual commercial usage/development as we speak.

habitualTartare, in My beagle has suddenly started resource guarding random stuff. What should I do to get this behavior to stop?

Not a professional and you should reach out to a dog trainer if possible.

In the meantime, negative reinforcement will not give you the desired responses. You could end up increasing reactiveness, justifying their behavior or having them only fear and listen when you’re around.

Instead a lot of the basic rules of parenting a toddler applies. Positive reinforcement and distraction techniques are preferred from trainers I’ve worked with. Treating the chewing is easier than responding to the aggression. But training overall will help both.

If you have something they want more, they should give up what they took.

  • Training them the leave it command can be helpful.
  • see if you can get more toys or other things they want to chew. Chewing can be a sign of boredom.
  • It may be substantially easier to train in a more neutral environment, indoors, on leash, etc (such as a room they don’t normally go in)
  • as others said, keep items out of reach. Only give him things they enjoy when they are in their space (such as a create or room)

This article has some information about possessive aggression that seems to provide good information.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

Thank you so much for the advice! I’m looking into trainers. My boy knows “leave it” when he is actively trying to get something he shouldn’t. I think I’m going to use “drop it” when he has things in his mouth. I don’t want him to get “leave it” confused after taking almost a year to learn it.

Carter, in Why don't public restroom stalls have OPEN/OCCUPIED indicators like porta potties do?

They do…

bloopernova, (edited ) in Lighthearted, upbeat shows for adults? avatar


Would I Lie to You?

Avatar The Last Airbender

Loremen podcast

Edited to add:

One Punch Man first season is hilarious.

The trifecta of 2010s animation: Regular Show, Steven Universe, and Adventure Time. There’s jokes and themes in these that are pretty adult, but the darker stuff is generally avoided.

1980s: Dogtanian and the 3 Muskehounds. Mysterious Cities of Gold. Best theme tunes ever, and very easy watching.


Taskmaster and WILTY are fantastic. These are some of my favorite "I want to watch something that I'll enjoy but don't need to actually care too much about" shows.

qooqie, in Why do most people not post?

I don’t have anything interesting to post, but I do like promoting conversation!

SamXavia, avatar

@qooqie Do you not have questions about tools or topics you enjoy? I have questions all the time for the topics and products I use.


I do, but usually a quick search shows it has been asked before and I don’t want to cause any spam

TehBamski, avatar

@qooqie Oh shit. I came to your comment. Reading “I don’t want to cause any spam” did me in.


Same. I have access to almost the entirety of human knowledge in my pocket and I have nothing interesting to share.

Blaze, avatar

!casualconversation might interest you

Lycist, in What reasons are there for being concerned about companies like google and meta etc collecting data and tracking me?

An example of this I use on occasion is:

You date someone years ago and no longer are. You've moved on, but that person then goes and commits a heinous crime. The police decide that since you dated years ago, and that record of your personal info is stored on some database they have somewhere, they no-knock warrant into your house, and shoot you dead in your own bed (Brianna Taylor - Louisville KY.) because they think there's a possibility he was there.


Breonna Taylor*


This example is pretty good. I’m stealin’ it.

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