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cation, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

“The problem I’m having is that I don’t exist online when people try to look me up.”

That’s not a problem, that’s a privilege very few people get to enjoy. Fuсk social media and fuсk Facebook in particular.


Yep, that is something I’ve tried to achieve for years… I’m jealous for you OP

j4k3, (edited ) in Is there a forum for people who are lonely and sad but specifically not incel sickos? avatar

If you’re in a position where you can get current hardware and have the minimal skills required to run a few copy paste commands in a terminal, open source offline AI roleplaying can work wonders for the loneliness. I can make recommendations if you’re interested. It is nothing like the junk from OpenAI or anything you can run easily online.

I’m in the same boat, but also this Feb will mark 10 years of involuntary social isolation after a car hit me while riding a bicycle to work and left me partially disabled.

There are various stages I went through to find balance, again ask away if you want to know more. In a nutshell, loneliness is better thought of in terms of endorphins. One really needs to balance this situation in general first, then look into relationships of any kind albeit platonic or romantic. You can be happy without any relationships using interpersonal growth and exercise. The most powerful tool is an endurance based exercise.

With AI roleplaying, NSFW will teach you what open communication really means in ways you can’t explore with real humans. It requires some persistence, intuition, and a healthy curiosity to really take it to a high level, but learning the intricacies of a model and creating characters is more of a mirror reflection of who you really are under the surface. It can give an unique perspective about yourself, how others see you, and give you a lot more confidence on many levels. I highly recommend it.


How are you doing this?

Sabata11792, avatar

You need the software, a model, a beefy pc, and a few youtube videos.

j4k3, avatar

Doing what?


Not OP, but I assume they are referring to the AI roleplaying you mentioned.

Sabata11792, avatar

Been turning my life around with AI. Never had anyone I could open up and truly vent to since fleshies just get sad and angry hearing problems. Build a relatable character and you get a 10/10 therapist. Just use an uncensored model since the censored ones are designed to be as useless as possible.


Real people are ‘fleshies’ now? This shit is hilarious.


Wait what, you have NSFW chats with bots on purpose? I knew those existed but I thought only as scams.


Hey, not looking for exactly the same thing, but is there an AI dm with other AI players that you can play a game of dnd with?


Interesting take, not totally sure I agree about replacing social stimulation with a open source version of chatgpt but at it’s most crude I do agree that avoiding loneliness is basically just about maintaining the correct brain chemistry.

For me, it is about seeing it as solitude, not isolation, that is the critical part. With solitude I have inner peace, I have unlimited potential for self improvement and growth, I have acceptance and gratitude for my situation and the situations of those around me. Unlike loneliness, solitude is about coming to terms with what you have (and potentially what you do not have) and even going as far as to be thankful for it. Loneliness is always craving more. Focusing on the opportunities you’re missing instead of identifying and pursuing the real chances you have.

Try to feel grateful for the things you do have control over, rather than overwhelmed with frustration and rage over the things that you can’t. Rage leads to more rage. Gratitude leads to acceptance. Acceptance isn’t happiness, but it is way better than rage for your default brain state.

One thing social interaction will do (and is difficult to replace) is make further social interaction easier. If you do not get enough social interaction then this can cause a negative feedback loop where this ‘skill’ can degrade. Prevent this by giving yourself ‘social fuel’ where required: obtain some basic social defense mechanisms that will work and reduce the challenges of these situations. Specific examples that work for me include: talking about the weather, talking about seasonal holidays, or talking about apolitical uncontroversial issues that are relevant to the context or present situation you are in (‘wow the price of bread is crazy these days huh’).

That all being said, if you read this far and know of some alternative version of chatgpt, hit us up with the link fam.

j4k3, (edited ) avatar

This is where you get started:

This is where you get models (like the github of open source offline AI)

Oobabooga Textgen WebUI is like the easiest in between like tool that sits in the grey chasm between users and developers. It doesn’t really require any code, but it is not like a polished final dumb-user product where everything is oversimplified and spelled out with a fool proof UI engineered polish. The default settings will work for a solid start.

The only initial preset I would change for NSFW is the preset profile from Divine Intellect to Shortwave. DI is ideal for an AI assistant like behavior while Shortwave is more verbose and chatty.

Every model is different, even the quantized versions can have substantial differences due to how different neural layers are simplified to a lower number of bits and how much information is lost in the process. Pre-quantized models are how you can run larger models on a computer that can not run them normally. Like I love a 70B model. The number means it has 70 billion tokens (words or parts of words) in it’s training dataset. Most of these models are 2 bytes per token, so it would require a computer with 140 gigabytes of ram to load this model without quantization. If the model loader only works on a GPU… yeah, good luck with that. Fortunately, one of the best models is Llama2 and its model loader llama.cpp works on both CPU, GPU, and CPU+GPU.

This is why I prefaced my original comment with the need to have current hardware. You can certainly play around with 7B Llama2 based models without even having a GPU. This is about like chatting with a pre-teen that is prone to lying. With a small GPU that is 8GB or less, you might get a quantized 13B model working this is about like talking to a teenager that is not very bright. Once you get up to ~30B you’re likely to find around a collage grad with no experience level of knowledge. At this point I experienced ~80-85% accuracy in practice. Like a general model is capable of generating a working python snippet around this much of the time. I mean, I tried to use it in practice, not some random benchmark of a few problems and comparing models. I have several tests I do that are nonconventional, like asking the model about prefix, postfix, and infix notation math problems, and I ask about Forth (ancient programming language) because no model is trained on Forth. (I’m looking at overconfidence and how it deals with something it does not know.) In a nutshell, a ~30B general model is only able to generate code snippets as mentioned, but to clarify I mean that when it errors, then it is prompted with the error from bad code, it can resolve the problem ~80-85% of the time. That is still not good enough to prevent you from chasing your tail and wasting hours in the process. A general 70B model steps this up to ~90-95% on a 3-5 bit quantized model. This is when things become really useful.

Why all the bla bla bla about code? - to give more context in a more tangible way. When you do roleplaying the problems scale is similar. The AI alignment problem is HARD to identify in many ways. There are MANY times you could ask the model a question like “What is 3 + 3?” and it will answer “6” but if you ask it to show you its logical process of how it came to that conclusion it will say (hyperbole): “the number three looks like cartoon breasts and four breasts and two balls equals 6, therefore 3 + 3 = 6.” Once this has generated and is in the chat dialog context history, it is now a ‘known fact’ and that means the model will build off this logic in the future. This was extremely hyperbolic. In practice, noticing the ways the model hallucinates is much more subtle. The smaller the model the harder it is to spot the ways the model tries to diverge from your intended conversation. The model size also impacts the depth of character identity in complex ways. Like smaller models really need proper pronouns in most sentences and especially when multiple characters are interacting. Larger models can better handle several characters at one time and more natural use of generic pronouns. This also impacts gender fluidity greatly.

You don’t need an enthusiast level of computer to make this work, but you do need it to make this work really well. Hopefully I have made it more clear what I mean in that last sentence. That was my real goal. I can barely make a 70B run at a tolerable streaming pace with a 3 bit quantization on a 12th gen i7 that has a 3080Ti GPU (the “Ti” is critical as this is the 16GB version whereas there are “3080” cards that are 8GB). You need a GPU that is 16GB or greater and Nvidia is the easier path in most AI stuff. Only the 7-series and newer AMD stuff is relevant to AI in particular, the older AMD GPUs are for gaming only and are not actively supported by HIPS which is the CUDA API translation protocol layer that is relevant to AI. Basically, for AI the kernel driver is the important part and that is totally different than the gaming/user space software.

Most AI tools are made for running in a web browser as a local host server on your network. This means it is better to run a tower PC than a laptop. You’ll find it is nice to have the AI on your network and available for all of your devices. Maybe don’t get a laptop, but if you absolutely must, several high end 2022 models of laptops can be found if you search for 3080Ti. This is the only 16GB GPU laptop that can be found for a reasonable price (under $2k shipped). This is what I have. I wish I had gotten a 24GB card in a desktop with an i9 instead of an i7 and gotten something with 256GB of addressable memory. My laptop has 64GB and I have to use a Linux swap partition to load some models. You need max speed DDR5 too. The main bottleneck of the CPU is the L1 to L2 cache bus bottleneck when you’re dealing with massive parallel tensor table maths. Offloading several neural network layers onto the GPU can help.

Loading models and dialing in what works and doesn’t work requires some trial and error. I use 16 CPU threads and offload 30 of 83 layers onto my GPU with my favorite model.

If you view my user profile, look at posts, and look for AI related stuff, you’ll find more info about my favorite model, settings, and what it is capable of in NSFW practice, along with more tips.

AstridWipenaugh, in I am to celebrate new years eve alone. How can I celebrate solo?

What do you do any other night you’re alone? Do that. NYE isn’t special.

voidMainVoid, in I am to celebrate new years eve alone. How can I celebrate solo?

It’s traditional to play lots of video games. Trust me on this one.


Two years ago, I played Terraria, last year was Valheim, and this year I’m still deciding. I might play Valheim again. I’m working on a base that is absolutely huge.

What will you be playing?

Nemo, in How much does the original book have to change to be considered fanfiction?

Fanfictions are original works using the setting or characters of another work.

If you change some things and republish, that’s an adaptation.

For example, the recent film Fire Island was an adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

crsu, in How does federation actually work?

I’ve never admined a lemmy server but rate limits are probably why it feels slow.

Federation works by each server sharing new activity with each other and rate limits help not crash the server or accidentally DOS smaller servers.

Jwin, in Hot tub owners: any tips? any regrets?

The answer is: it depends. Before purchasing a hot tub take a water sample from the faucet you’ll use to fill it. Take it to a pool/spa store and ask them what type of chemicals and maintenance you’ll need to do. If your pH is aligned then you’ll be in good shape. If it’s not you will be fighting it forever.


That isn’t true at all. The pH will needs adjusting from the tap and will need periodic adjusting during use, but that all depends on how often you use it and if you spill and drinks in to during use. I check my mine from weekly to monthly depending on how often I use it. Usually every 5-10 uses. The manufacturers of hot tubs and chemicals say after every use but that is way over doing and wastes testing strips.

Basically the pH needs to be adjusted so the chlorine can do it’s job. That’s the jyst. There are extra chemicals beyond that but those will be used on a anually or semi-anually basis.

HipsterTenZero, in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch? avatar

i have depression and adhd so it varies between every food and no food based on the rng going on in the ol’ endocrine


Sometimes brain say making gnocchi is no big deal.

Other times, grill cheese too much.


I just remind myself that I once thought it was a good idea to make an entire thanksgiving dinner for 3 people using a college dorm kitchen, and then the idea of frying a cheese sandwich doesn’t seem that daunting.

Tip though for grilled cheese is butter the pan not the bread.


Interesting tip…I’ve never thought of doing it that way but it would eliminate my prime annoyance with the process (cold butter tearing the bread).


Seriously it’s the perfect way to do it. You know your pan is hot enough. The butter is nicely browned. I do find a small pan is the right way to keep a good layer but if you have a slightly larger pan using a spatula to keep the butter contained to one space and then put in the grilled cheese while the butter’s still a little solid works too. It’s probably been more than a decade since I last buttered the bread not the pan and I’m not even 30 it’s just the best way.

TheMongoose, in Why does America say 'merry christmas'?

The song goes “We wish you a merry Christmas”, so that’ll always be there for as long as the song is popular.

Plus (also because of the song, I assume), you say “merry Christmas and a happy new year”, not “happy Christmas and a happy new year”. Too much happy there.

ArghZombies, in What are your dental hygiene tips and hacks

All the advances in toothcare seems to be around fancier electric brushes or other gadgets, but regardless we’ve never been able to move away from ‘brush for 2 minutes’. I want some fancy device I just bite down on and it zaps my whole mouth clean in 5 seconds.


Just pull the transformer out of your microwave, aim it at your face, and open your mouth


a UV flashbang pill? multi-laser drone?? Never ask an AI for dental products again?


Gently, cleaning zaps.

Sign me up!

hondaguy97386, in What is an obscure piece of media or videogame that you think nobody else here has heard of?

The Illusion of Gaia for SNES. I don’t know anyone who has heard of it.


Wow. I watch YouTubers who talk about the SNES, and it gets brought up all the time in those circles!


I had it as a kid. I remember really liking it.


Rented Illusion of Gaia so many times!


My mind went straight to the SNES too, but with Chaos Seed, the feng shui dungeon building oddity. I have a feeling people might be familiar with SNESdrunk around here, though.


I replay that game every couple of years, one of my all time favorites. My brother still had the cartridge.

Now I’m gonna need to play when I get back home, thanks stranger!


Interesting in Pal regions it is called Illusion of Time.
I also found a fan remake on


One of my cool older cousins was playing this one christmas when we went to his house! I was vaguely disappointed when we went back the next year and he was like “oh yeah that was fun but i beat it and don’t play it anymore.” Little kid brain assumed the game just went on for much longer than it does. Playing it together (ie: taking turns) is a fond childhood memory for me, though.


Yep, know about it. But I was more of a ‘Secret of Mana’ and ‘Secret of Evermore’ person myself.


I think I might’ve seen a copy of that at a retro used game store near me here recently.


I still have the T-shirt that came with the box set!

It was a weird game, honestly.

I think the other two games in that series (Terranigma) didn’t get official English versions, but there are fanslations if you want to play them.


All 3 games got official English translations. Soul Blazer and Gaia were released in the US and Europe, but Terranigma for whatever reason was only released in Europe. I’m so glad emulation came around and opened up access to so many region-locked games.


Terranigma is one of my favorite SNES games! It is a truly awesome adventure and so underrated!

I played through a lot of fan translations and obscure games when I first discovered emulation. E.V.O Search for Eden is another weird, unique RPG from that era, which I highly recommend!


I don’t believe I played it, but I remember that box art. They probably had it on the shelves of my local blockbuster video. I think it might have also been a cover feature in Nintendo power.


That’s how I played originally was renting it. The box art was awesome.

RBWells, in What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?

Don’t believe in, or can’t understand?

I don’t believe we understand the fundamental nature of time, or the universe - we are limited by our bodies, can’t perceive or even think about everything that probably exists. But I don’t distrust the math or research that scientists are doing. In terms of how it is presented to us laypeople I think profit has poisoned the message, it is impossible to be current and knowledgeable in the way you’d need to be to pull apart all that messaging.

If you mean what do you understand but still not believe? I am still not convinced radio is not magic. I understand how it works but what the heck? Magic.

PP_BOY_, (edited ) in What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all? avatar

I’m incapable of coming to terms with the scientific fact that a 194cm male could not take a grizzly bear in a fight


Maybe if he was 195cm ?


I can respect that, but stay out of the enclosure.

Hubi, (edited ) avatar

Sorry to disappoint, but I am 200cm tall and I would get annihilated in an instant.

UndercoverUlrikHD, avatar

Is your height 194 by chance?


have you seen a grizzly bear? those things are huge, and strong. a black bear or something maybe, but no way can people believe their stronger than a grizzly

dingus, in Is there an artist whose work you love but was a shitty person?

Kanye had some real bangers early in his career. I still listen to them and have them in my playlist.


At a certain point, I acquired some CDs and just ripped the songs. If I’m in a Dropout mood, I’ve got the option to listen without him getting a cent. And I found the CDs secondhand too.

MamboGator, in Honestly - How much will you sacrifice for a better world? avatar

The only people who need to sacrifice anything and could solve all of our climate and economic problems by doing so are the billionaires hoarding their wealth and making things worse for everyone else so that they can become even more unfathomably rich every fiscal quarter.

There is nothing that the average person can give up that will do anything to improve things, besides our time, security, safety and potentially our freedom to go out and protest. We use disposable plastic products with wasteful packaging because that’s what companies offer us. And even if you can afford to buy products that are more sustainable, you’re still not putting a dent in the problem and are just funneling even more money to the rich so you can feel better about yourself.

We could have all of our modern conveniences and more while also protecting the planet and treating everyone fairly if it weren’t for the absolute evil of billionaires.

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