Warby Parker. Something about the name just completely frosts me. I know I should grow up and give them a chance (because Luxotica is fucking evil). But it really turns me off. “Warby Parker”…sounds like the name of some kid who’s dad owns racehorses.
I think part of the reason I use Zenni Optical online is because Warby Parker sounds like a place that’ll offer grandma glasses for stupid-expensive prices.
I tried Zenni a couple of times. Really wanted to like them. But the glasses they sent me were horrible. I do have a somewhat complex prescription, though. I suspect for basic prescriptions they are OK.
Mine are basic and yes, zenni crushes it every time. I even get my phone number lazered into the ear thingies so that people can call me if I lose them.
Glad I’m not the only one. I am highly averse to anything that sounds like a “lifestyle brand”. Hollister and such. I’ll never understand people who wear expensive brand name t-shirts and provide free advertising for giant corporations. Ryan George made a pretty funny YouTube video about this strange phenomenon.
Yep, same boat. We’ve been married for 20+ years, she’s had a boyfriend for 5 years or so and occasionally plays with other people, BF’s wife’s as cool with it as I am, everything’s chill.
She left her earrings on the dresser at her boyfriend’s place a while back, he sent his wife to drop them back to her and it was just an omg hiiiiii moment for both of them.
I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal for most people, I really don’t. It’s so utterly low-stress and completely… ordinary, to my way of thinking.
Spotify: hey remember that song you accidentally pressed like on, you know the one you listened to for 5 seconds? Yeah, that’s gonna be all you’ll listen to now.
@infreq Why does it have to be articles? I've read a few of them that are connected from people on Mbin but I like genuine people posting on smaller communities and things.
“If I don’t survive, tell everyone I used GNU+Linux, btw.”
But realistically, I’d probably be repeating this to myself: “Do not talk right after you wake up! Do not talk right after you wake up! Check the time, wait at least 2 hours. Do not trust yourself right after you wake up!” in hope that I’d remember to do so as to not accidentally disclose private information while still being high.
So you want people to know you use GNU+Linux, and at the same time believe you have important “private information” you’re likely to disclose while recovering from a general anaesthetic?
Propofol is a hell of a drug. It’s impossible to not say something since your prefrontal cortex is basically still off.
My wife is an RN for the place I had a procedure done and I came out of it asking the anesthesiologist how much she made and telling her my wife was thinking of becoming a nurse anesthetist. The staff thought it was hilarious of course.
A long time ago in a galaxy far away (before the internet was a normal thing to have) I provided over-the-phone support for a large and complex piece of software.
So, people would call up and you had to describe how they could do the thing they needed to do, and if that failed they would have to wait a few days until you went to the site to sort it in person.
The software we supported was not on the approved list for the company I worked for, so you couldn’t use it within the building where the phones were being answered.
I’m absolutely shocked that a company had a software whitelist before the widespread adoption of the internet. Ahead of their time in implementing, and fucking up, software whitelisting!
It was for government owned computers, they didn’t want any pirated or virus-infected stuff, and at that point there was no way to lock down such a mish-mash of systems.
The software company (who also do things like run prisons these days) had given permission for us to run the software and given a set of fake data so we could go through the motions when talking people through things, but apparently that wasn’t enough to get it on the list.
There was a server I inherited from colleagues who resigned, mostly static HTML serving. I would occasionally do a apt update && apt ugrade to keep nginx and so updated and installed certbot because IT told me that this static HTML site should be served via HTTPS, fair enough.
Then I went on parental leave and someone blocked all outgoing internet access from the server. Now certbot can’t renew the certificate and I can’t run apt. Then I got a ticket to update nginx and they told me to use SSH to copy the files needed.
They are sort of right but have implemented it terribly. Serving out a static webpage is pretty low on the “things that are exploitable” but it’s still an entry point into the network (unless this is all internal then this gets a bit silly). What you need to do is get IT to set up a proxy and run apt/certbot through that proxy. It defends against some basic reverse shell techniques and gives you better control over the webhosts traffic. Even better would be to put a WAP and a basic load balancer in front of the webhost, AND proxy external communications.
Blocking updates/security services is dogshit though and usually is done by people that are a bit slow on the uptake. Basically they have completely missed the point of blocking external comms and created a way more massive risk in the process… They either need to politely corrected or shamed mercilessly if that doesn’t work.
Good luck though! I’m just glad I’m not the one that has to deal with it.
Mine rocks out with his cock out. I get a little annoyed with him constantly pressing us to find better ways of working, when we’re already the #1 team.
But still, the man really knows his shit and has turned a lot of things around for the company. He’s a good person to approach when you’re having a problem, of just about any sort.
OTOH, before we had him, we were floundering around trying to play agile and not actually accomplishing anything.
Never met a scrum master yet who was actually a driven motivated individual. Its almost like it’s a default job you just fall into if there’s nothing else for you
I’ve seen at least two SMs who were really motivated and they can actually be a tremendous help.
My last project was complete chaos, and that one lone SM managed to get it all streamlined and efficient. Then he was pulled from the project and everything collapsed again.
No no, we all need to be 100% fully sequestered in solitary confinement. Only then will we finally be safe! Which means ironically that there really is no such thing as too much privacy!
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