I wouldn’t be surprised if both Trump and Biden die of natural causes in September/October, throwing the November election into chaos as no one has anyone to vote for anymore.
It’s just the sort of chaos this timeline seems to crave.
It might be an okay outcome. No T means split R vote and no B means Kamala becomes first female president. Maybe she runs again, maybe there’s a new nominee.
I don’t think much changes other than losing the spearhead of the MAGA bullshit, although someone will inevitably take that place.
Thankfully I don’t have that worry with Biden. He’s quite fit and healthy, in great shape considering his age. So he has far great chances of surviving each day.
Being fit and healthy doesn’t really exclude much at that age, anything can happen.
My grandpa was fit as a fiddle at 86 outside gardening everyday, then got kidney cancer and a bunch of other stuff all at once, pretty much bedridden within a year.
I think you want the MacBook. I like the ethical principles behind Framework too, but they come with a learning curve. You might only save money if you fix it yourself, are you willing to learn to do that? It will have to run Windows, do you know whether it will run Windows 11, will you have you install and configure it yourself, if so do you know how to do that?
Meanwhile, if you buy a MacBook it will last a good seven or eight years before you need to replace it, at least if you get the 16 GB of RAM (but maybe 8 is enough, 8 has been the standard for like a decade already, maybe software developers finally reached the point where their objective is to do more with less). Sure sometimes Apple comes up with bad hardware like the butterfly-switch keyboard but if you’re getting hardware that’s basically the same as last year check out the news and reviews, anything that bad and people will be talking about it. Also if you buy a MacBook, Apple tries its best that everything just works. The easiest learning curve there is. You may pay a premium in price up front but over seven or eight years you might end up spending less.
For the first year of ownership, if it ever has a problem (that wasn’t clearly caused by you dropping it) you can make an appointment to drop it off at an Apple Store and just pick it up when they fix it. You can buy AppleCare to extend that year into three years. If you’re a resident college student your school’s computer support center might be an authorized repair center and fix it. With a MacBook you are unlikely to incur any repair costs ever so long as you don’t drop the damn thing.
So you have to decide what sort of person you are. I’ve been building and taking apart computers for years, I’ve been a Linux user since 1999, and sometimes I want a project like a Framework to tinker with, but sometimes (especially when I went to college) I want something dependable that just works without having to fuss with it, and that’s Apple. That’s what you’re ultimately choosing, and whether that’s worth the (up-front, at least) price premium.
You nailed it here. It’s all about the willingness of the user to maintain it.
The integration part from OP: I don’t understand why anybody wants to be locked into a single ecosystem. If the company pivots/does something weird, you have a LOT of history you have to untangle. Google for instance.
But in spite of that, Macs just work without fuss. And I say this as a mac hater for years, and now forced to use one for work.
Framework hasn’t been around that long, and is more likely to go out of business than Google or Apple. Even if the design of its parts is open-source (I’m not sure whether they are), you’d have to find someplace to make the parts for you. Also how many businesses have started with open-source stuff then taken over by people who in order to make them profitable make them go proprietary?
On the integration bit, I love that I can copy a URL on my phone and paste it into my browser on my Mac. I love that I can copy a meme on my Mac and paste it into a messaging app on my phone.
Yeah, I got a Windows laptop and couldn’t do that as easily anymore and like, it really bothered me that this service that I’d only been using for a few years that everyone else gets along without was suddenly unavailable. It’s like parking at a parking meter and needing quarters now.
btw you can get apple care indefinitely if you pay annually. I’ve decided throught his mechanism I’ll essentially lease my macbook. Paying $100/year for the peace of mind that they’ll fix anything thats wrong with the laptop until I decide to ditch it. Its probably worth keeping an eye on the used market to decide when its economically optimal to just drop the applecare and just replace the laptop in the event of it needing to be repaired.
Worth noting, you may have to be a stern self-advocate to get certain things fixed because they will sometimes pull some bullshit excuse that its not covered under applecare/warranty because of xyz, and xyz isn’t even true (see Louis Rossmann / CBC News videos)
So you pay extra for your laptop, then pay for another third of a laptop or so, before you have to fight with somebody on the phone to get what you paid for? That’s certainly a plan.
You’re at a time with high risk of laptop tragedies so repairability is an important factor. Framework will be cheaper/easier to repair yourself. However, if you have no interest in DIYing and instead have money to burn to pay for fixes (or a service plan), the mac would be a better option due to the Apple Stores everywhere. A typical repair place won’t have familiarity with framework (not that it’s particularly exotic) and can be a lot more hit or miss than Apple.
Also make sure you consider a few years down the line when it comes to batteries.
I have the m1 macbook air, and its wonderfully performant and long battery life for how I use it… mostly just word-processing and web-browsing.
But the repair concerns are legit, when I decided to get the macbook, I decided I was going to play apples game and opted to get their service plan. I’ve had apple care+ on a tablet before and their service is great when you don’t have to pay their ridiculous repair fees. So at a rate of $100 per year, I’m essentially leasing my laptop after I bought it. I have it automatically backed up to my home server, in the event that one of their stupid engineering designs destroys my data (See Louis Rossmann videos).
Idk if I’d ever really recommend anyone get a macbook if they don’t need to, personally, the battery life and standby time are just killer features for me. I have ADHD, and frequently forget to charge my laptop… if I’m not on my meds and I pick up my laptop to do something and its dead… I’m not going to do that thing. With the macbook, I make next to no conscious effort to keep it charged. If it’s under ~20% and I happen to be near a charger, I’ll charge it. And thats the extent of me managing the battery.
My wife on the other hand, her windows machine (and most seem to have this problem as I understand) is always dead. She’s resorted to putting it into full hybernation mode (significantly slower to wake up) and even then, it somehow seems to still lose quite a bit of battery in between uses.
Aside from that, its light, small, its sturdy. I use windows for work and for gaming on my desktop, so I’ve got not strong aversion to it, its pretty much just the battery life and standby thats the killer feature for me. So… yeah, thats my take. If the battery situation isn’t a big deal for you, go for the framework. They seem like a solid company, making solid laptops, that are easily and affordably repairable and upgradable.
Speaking as someone who has disassembled multiple Macbook Airs from multiple generations: Fuck working on Macbook Airs, and Macs in general.
I personally will never buy an Apple product at any price for any purpose, for a multitude of reasons. My preferences aside, if you ever want to work on your own machine Apple is objectively the wrong answer. OP is really looking at two machines that are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, here.
Do people really do home repair or upgraded on laptops in 2024 though? Desktops sure, but I haven’t found laptops to be particularly amenable to home upgrade since the early 2000s.
Never mind upgrading, if you need to repair your Macbook – replace a busted screen, swap out one of their famously shitty keyboards or trackpads, etc. – you’re in for a rough time.
Frameworks yes, but that’s pretty much the only ones you can nowadays. I do little things like replace the screen or barrel jacks on my family’s laptops, but that’s about all you can do.
I am not very familiar with framework but I did switch from macbooks to a dell gaming laptop years ago and I am so glad I did.
The macs are ridiculously expensive, and even if you break just the charger it costs a lot to replace. My laptop now I was able to get for nearly half the price and it runs games and programs that I used in college better than the mac ever could.
Every mac I ever owned completely died in 4-6 years of purchase. They’re basically guaranteed to not last a long time. My guess is you’re better off with getting a framework
There are plenty of reasons not to like apple products, but the 4-6 years for macbooks is unheard of. There’s a reason I was able to sell my 2015 macbook for 60% of its purchase price in 2020. They keep chugging along, built physically strong, with great battery management that means it doesn’t degrade much over time. And with launch of apple silicon, the performance of them is even better. They won’t game, but for a certain type of person they are a good choice. And for other people they’re a bad choice, that they’ll make just for the sake of social status or whatever.
What do you do on your laptop? For example, engineering students and STEM hobbyists probably want Windows, maybe Linux depending on their interests, specced out to run CAD or whatever simulation software their major will dictate. Graphic artists and photographer hobbyists might want Mac.
Framework laptops can ship with Windows already installed. You can also install Windows or Linux yourself, but Linux is not required.
You mention you don’t know Linux, but how comfortable are you with hardware? Can you open your current laptop and add memory? Are you interested in upgrading your laptop hardware periodically or is it going to be a chore you avoid?
Your question on 8 vs 16GB memory should be driven by your use. Personally, 8gb isn’t enough for me anymore, it locks out a lot of newer games and programs that I want to use. Does your school recommend OS and specs for your major? Make sure those are met at a minimum.
I will be studying cyber security and network infrastructure with some limited script programming. I understand it is far easier to use Windows if you study in engineering.
I am interested in Linux, but seeing as Microsoft is very closed-off (cannot use installed versions of Microsoft365), I am a bit unsure if I want to fully commit to it. I am absolutely willing to try running it and getting a feel of it, though.
What does the process look like when you install Windows on your own? Is it difficult / costly?
No offense, but I don’t get why you’re looking at MAC OR FRAMEWORK.
You don’t need either, you’re not an Apple fanboy and you aren’t into graphic design or video editing type jobs/hobbies… Mac isn’t for you.
You aren’t into hardware or Linux, you don’t even have strong knowledge on how much memory you would need or what keeping it upgraded would entail. Framework isn’t for you.
Why not a normal Windows laptop where you aren’t paying a premium for branding? Unless the brand is what’s most important to you, in which case that’s totally your personal call. Want to be an Apple-vibe person or a Framework-vibe person?
I think the framework one is better because you can get a cheaper version now and upgrade it in time. I don’t know the specific specs of both laptops, but Apple products are usually overpriced, so look at all specs, the same price might not be the same specs, e.g. CPU might be weaker or no dedicated GPU.
That being said I understand where the love for Apple comes from, their products are very slick and because they control both hardware and software they can get some heavy optimisations.
Finally if you care about privacy enough to question getting a Mac, you should give Linux a try, it’s not hard, most people suffer for trying to do things the windows way, but you would already have suffered that if you went with a Mac.
Not for the MacBook, it’s soldered in. So he will have to upgrade the whole thing. The M1 is one of the best laptops I’ve used (for work), but you have to choose the right specs at the beginning, otherwise you will be in a pickle.
It’s more than soldered in—it’s in the actual processor. It’s why you can’t desolder the RAM and replace it, even if you were that talented. It’s the downside to SOC. I hope that the new RAM technology called CAMM works out and becomes popular enough to fix the SOC trend.
True on Framework (add more later), not on MacBook Air. But even though my main machine now has 64GB, I found my first-gen MacBook Air (2020) was great with 16GB. However, depends what you need to throw at it.
I will be studying cyber security where we will do some script programming (but no heavy programming at all), otherwise I use it to stream movies online and watch Youtube. That’s pretty much what I do with my current school-prescribed computer.
Oh, you want to study cybersecurity? Yeah forget what I said before, get a Framework, and if you don’t put Linux on it at least put WSL on it. Learn all you can.
I’ve worked on dev tooling in a fairly large company. Especially for cyber security, do not get a Mac. A lot of the tools are just different enough on a Mac that they will make your life much harder.
You can also update the processor when they release new parts.
And you don’t have to run Windows, put a nice flavour of Linux on it for that fast feeling. Or rip everything out of Windows with something like the AME wizard.
If you want to be the “cool guy” then macbook is your choice, it will cost more and repair is risky to be done by anyone except apple himself.
If you want to have a laptop, that is easy to repair,upgrade and is cheap but powerfull then Framework laptop.
On macbook you are locked into apple, you cant upgrade, you can only get support by apple and most of the time third party stuff doesnt work right on macbook. On Framework laptop you are more open to do anything, like upgrading, switching OS if windows isnt right for you. Framework is a lot more open and listens to the community.
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