
Alright let’s go, I love niche things:


  • Bubba Ho-Tep
  • Joe’s Apartment
  • Six String Samurai
  • Krull
  • The Greasy Strangler
  • A Boy and His Dog
  • Fido
  • Within the Woods
  • Undead or Alive
  • Cemetery Man


  • Car Wars (maybe, depends on crowd)
  • The worlds worst diagram of ship controls included as an insert in a Paranoia box
  • All Flesh Must be Eaten
  • Fairy Meat
  • Cult of Ecstacy (for Mage the Ascension)
  • Did you know that according to Dragon Magazine players can participate in orgying for a number of days equal to their con SCORE?
  • Castles and Crusades
  • Tunnels and Trolls
  • Remember Car Wars? They did a crossover with GURPS, called GURPS Autoduel, and it is amazing.
  • HOL (Human Occupied Landfill)
  • The second publication of the HOL supplement, Buttey Wholesomeness, where the cover is printed BUTTery HOLsomeness. That one was just a pita to find I started wondering if it was just a PDF concept cover. Only took me like 8 years to find a physical copy.
  • Mars Attacks board game


  • Sim Tower
  • Redneck Rampage
  • The Diablo 1 expansion, Hellfire, that Blizzard said not to make but a division of Sierra of all companies yolod it into existence anyway.
  • The Neverhood
  • Toy Story for Gameboy
  • Battlezone, back in the day when you were fighting green triangles
  • Descent
  • I wasn’t going to at first but I want to throw in some of my favorite Magic the Gathering cards: Nature’s Wrath (haha, holy shit mono green, go home you’re drunk), the art of the Pride secret vault thing for Bearscape, the art for Spy Network looks like Friend Computer from Paranoia, Kudzu, Stunted Growth

My music taste is so underground you guys I’m very cool like that. There’s a surprising number of trans folk punk musicians from the Pacific Northwest. I’m getting sleepy but if anyone wants me to bombard them with folk punk artists (trans or otherwise) lmk I’ll totally hook you up


The MtG BearShare secret lair is the funniest fucking card they’ve ever made


It’s an absolute gem lol. The only secret lair I’ve actually gotten


Fido the zombie movie?

Make sure you get me a head coffin.


Fido the fuckin zombie movie! I love zombie movies the cheesier the better


I don’t need a bombardment but I’ll certainly take a top 5 folk punk bands! (Trans or otherwise).




Folk punk in the PNW where at least someone in the band is trans: Pigeon Pit, Left at London, Sister Wife Sex Strike, and Porch Cat. I know I’m missing some, maybe Kimya Dawson counts (non binary, lives in PNW, but from New York and Moldy Peaches was a New York band).

If I’m just going to do top 5 folk punk in general though, hard to pick and it changes often but let’s go with: Apes of the State, Days n Daze, She/Her/Hers, Jeffrey Lewis, and Pigeon Pit (I fucking love Pigeon Pit okay)


Awesome! I’ll let you know what I think of Pigeon Pit for hors d’oeuvres and go from there 🔥


Get the chance to check them out yet?


I forgot about Redneck Rampage. For some reason I associate the feeling of that with Blood, and it looks like they’re both from 1997. I’ll have to go fire it up and see if there are any similarities


Same engine (Build)

DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

Joe’s Apartment

being niche makes me feel old..
I'll occasionally catch myself singing "welcome to Joe's toilet, plop plop plop, ahh ahh ahhh.."😂
looks like the full movie is on YT:


I tried not to add too many things that are just old but previously super popular, instead of niche. Time really does add obscurity though

DessertStorms, avatar

Tbf me and an old bf of mine would watch it a lot, but I don't know that I would call it "popular" among anyone else, so it probably does qualify.. 😂

e0qdk, avatar

I've seen Bubba Ho-Tep and Cemetery Man! Watched them during a movie marathon once that also included From Dusk Till Dawn and Jacob's Ladder. That was a night well spent.

Out of the games, I've played Sim Tower. I never made it to 5 stars but got as far as building the subway in at least one of my towers. I played way too many sim games as a kid. SimSafari is probably the most obscure I tried -- never really made much sense out of that one though.

I don't know if it's that obscure... but for anyone else who played a bunch of sim games -- do you remember the song with the lyrics "I'm just a splatter, splatter, splatter on the windshield of life"?


That’s amazing nobody’s ever seen those movies! And Sim Tower I was obsessed with that game for a long time when I was younger. Couldn’t stop playing until I got everything completed and filled every empty space on the map. Fun game. I haven’t heard of Sim Safari myself what was that one like?

e0qdk, (edited ) avatar

And Sim Tower I was obsessed with that game for a long time when I was younger. Couldn’t stop playing until I got everything completed and filled every empty space on the map.

Single, double, or triple story lobby? :-)

I remember having a pretty good time with SimTower myself -- I liked seeing all the little animations of people doing stuff throughout the building. I didn't understand the apartment pricing thing as a kid, but as an adult thinking back on it, it's clear that I was supposed to renovate the units if I wanted to keep renting them at the higher rates... (Delete and rebuild was not intuitive to me as a kid so I kept getting frustrated with the apartments and usually built massive amounts of hotel rooms instead.)

I haven’t heard of Sim Safari myself what was that one like?

I hadn't played it for 20+ years so my memory of it wasn't great when you asked this question -- but I went down a bit of a rabbit hole digging through my boxes of old anime DVDs and strange things I burned to CD-Rs as a teenager and such -- and it turns out I still have the original CD-ROM! It's got orange and white stripes. It's scratched up a little bit, but it's still readable enough that I was able to install the game under WINE and IT WORKS! (The installer prompted me to install DirectX 5 to "improve performance"... lol)

The game opens with a short animated splash screen -- a map of Africa with animated zebras and other animals shown over it before eventually displaying the game's logo. It then dumps me onto a main menu with a lantern that toggles an interactive tutorial on and off -- somewhat confusingly; it wasn't immediately clear that it was a switch unlike the other options. I turned the tutorial on but didn't find it very helpful.

The game itself is isometric and features a bunch of animals wandering around randomly while grass grows. (Screenshot) There are three different modes (park, camp, village) that I don't really understand the details of. Park shows your animals, of course. I think the idea is you build up the camp site to get tourists to come (and bring you money), do gardening and animal management and such in the park which attracts more tourists, and hire people from the village to keep things running (otherwise they poach your animals, probably?) but it's not clear how to actually get things going and most of the advisors seem pretty useless.

There's an ecologist adviser who has a field guide about plants and animals and can also show you various graphs and things. You can click on binoculars and then on an animal and it will bring up a window with a little animation of that animal.

The game constantly plays animal sound effects by default including crickets and various birds and a bunch of animals whose sounds I don't know well enough to name -- but could probably learn from the embedded educational material if I cared to. (I have a feeling many parents of kids who had this game were probably driven bonkers by some animal or other going "AWEEEEE heee heee heee hee!" over and over.)

I remembered the game being presented as more serious than SimPark (which has a talking cartoon frog guide you through things like leaf identification) -- and, indeed, the character graphics are more realistic cartoon drawings in this one, but it's also more cartoony than I remember with the sound effects for things like a "boing-a-boing-oing-oing" failure noise if you misclick the binoculars.

The controls are not very good. Moving around the map is tediuous and unintuitive (you have to click in a particular region near the window border and hold the mouse down there -- or else pull up a mini-map and navigate with that). The game also just builds paths immediately when you try to draw them with the mouse instead of letting you choose a route and drop to release to confirm the construction. You can "build" a 4 door car on your camp site for some reason as well as construct roads, but I think it may just be a decoration. There doesn't seem to be any way to pick it up and move it if you plopped it in a bad spot (bye $3k!).

Unfortunately I don't have the original box/paper manual/whatever else came with the disc and the README file (in an ancient .DOC format) is not very helpful. It does, however, contain some lines like:

By the time you read this document, the average home computer might be a 700MHz GazillaComp 2000 with 58 gigabytes of memory.

which is pretty amusing since the decade old machine I'm running it on has a 3.7GHz processor -- obscenely far beyond their dreams of high performance -- but a mere 32GB of RAM. :p

Somewhat oddly the game apparently has the ability to print -- although I haven't tried it.

Kolanaki, (edited ) avatar

I wouldn’t say Joe’s Apartment is niche.

It’s just not good and easily forgotten.


Car Wars! Man that one could certainly test one’s patience! Not as exciting as the picture on the box. 3-4 hours of dice rolls to negotiate a u-turn…


I’ve been collecting rulebooks for that game for the last ten or so years. Maybe my favorite tabletop. It flows pretty smoothly if everyone is familiar with the rules but for sure even if you’ve been playing it for a decade you’ll always hit something that’s like “I have no clue how to resolve this”. And the learning cliff is for real so actually getting people interested in it enough to become that familiar with the rules is as hard as the game lol

slingstone, (edited )

I used to love the lore of Steve Jackson Games a lot more than the actual games for this very reason.


It’s like trying to code a driving/racing simulator while playing it in real time. On paper…


There’s a new Decent game, fun times


Whaaaat? I need it in my life


That’s delightful, thank you!

Edgarallenpwn, (edited ) avatar

Bubba Ho-Tep is an awesome little Bruce Campbell movie if people are looking for something to watch. I remember Fido was pretty big among B Grade / Comedy horror fans about 10-15 years ago.

Sim Tower was really fun growing up. I was expecting that when came out fallout shelter and was mad and disappointed. I feel like most people have seen screenshots or characters from The Neverhood but probably couldn’t name what it was from. I never played it but remembered it growing up and only found the name out a year ago.


My favorite video game as a kid was called Red Storm Rising, based on the Tom Clancy novel of the same name, and played on a Commodore 64. It put you in command of a submarine facing off against the Soviet navy. Graphics were very basic, but it had a very intelligent engine that lead to needing to use real strategy to win.

Almost no one else has ever heard of it.


Almost no one else has ever heard of it.

I dare you to go to NoncredibleDefense and repeat that


Eh, they talk about the book. The video game is far more obscure.


You should take a look at the game Cold Waters, if you haven’t already.


These religious NES games. The one I remember was called Exodus. It was basically a ripoff of an existing game, but Moses themed.

owenfromcanada, avatar

Yep, I played one called Joshua. You attacked stuff by blowing a trumpet.

Lookorex, (edited )

I don’t remember what it was called, but one of my cousins had one that he was always playing when we would visit for Thanksgiving. I just remember the cartridge was a bright sky blue


Two movies from the 90s… “Ruben and Ed,” and “… And God Spoke.”

And God Spoke was a revelation the first dozen times i watched it, it was full of tiny little blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments. Haven’t seen it in years.

Ruben and Ed is just surreal, with at least two scenes that have stuck in my head lo these thirty years.


Rubin and Ed is great. I emailed the director 15+ years ago and was able to order a DVD of it. “My cat can eat a whole watermelon!”


Anna and the appolypse, it’s a fantastic zombie musical with insanely good songs. I have never met anyone in the real world or online who have heard of it (except a few who I forced to watch with me).


I was telling people at work about this film a few days ago!

I watched it for the first time a few years ago and it has started to become a Christmas tradition for me.

TAG, (edited ) avatar

I watched it and I did not like it, but it is probably that I went into it with the wrong expectations. The entire premise of “musical about a zombie apocalypse” sounded a bit goofy to me and the trailer had the same mood, so I expected a comedy, or at least something a bit tongue in cheek. Instead, the movie is a total downer.


Yeah, it’s a bit bleak at the end for sure. But I just loved how catchy the songs were, and the cast was really great. I didn’t know anything before randomly playing it on Netflix, so that didn’t give me any expectations going in

watson387, avatar

I just watched this the other night. I was unaware going in that it was a musical, but thoroughly enjoyed it.


When I was a kid I saw this stop motion animation on tv about a little kid afraid to go to bed. This crescent-moon headed bird man comes and steals his eyes. It ends with the boy, blind, stumbling around in the dark.

It was awesome.


Was it The Sandman?


The Belgian 80’s metal band Ostrogoth.

Their website doesn’t exist anymore and the only band-run social media page is on Facebook.

If you’re a fan of retro heavy metal, give them a listen! They still tour, though you won’t be finding much about it online.


Sounds like they need a publicist or something.


they really do, but it seems they need more listeners to be able to pay one


Found them on metal archives and am listening through youtube.

I’m only a few seconds in, and I immediately get some early Helloween vibes from the guitar tone and playing in Queen of Desire, which is entirely a good thing. Rest of the sound so far is a lot more heavy than power metal, but it’s right up my alley for a Christmas afternoon.

Thank you very much for the mention!


I’m glad you enjoy it! spread the word, help others find the joy of obscure bands!

mlg, (edited ) avatar

GTA IV Pakistan edition

Basically, just a GTA4 pirate rip and modded and sold on actual disks.

There are several, and they are hard to find online because any uploads of it probably don’t exist anywhere anymore, and were already rare due to aforementioned disks.

Some of them are so regional and probably made by one person, the only way to find one is to get a computer HDD with it installed.


What differences does it have from the original?

mlg, avatar

Pakistani flags everywhere, reskinned character and NPCs, Pakistani songs, story characters replaced by famous IRL people, including some known mafia lol. Some original missions and reduxed interactions and updated story. Also lots of military additions.

Some were also themed after a specific city like Karachi or Lahore.

I’m sure Pakistan wasn’t the only country since I’ve heard there were hilarious and great modded bootlegs in other countries as well.

stackPeek, avatar

Funny, there is also a mod for GTA SA like this except it’s for my country haha

stackPeek, (edited ) avatar

A-Train DS, or A列車で行こう DS, a Japanese game about managing trains. Basically like Transport Tycoon/OpenTTD, but focuses on Japanese train. It was actually really good, it actually made me obsessed with Japanese trains. Coolest thing about this game is, you can actually “ride” the train you built. It was like a dream come true for childhood me.

Yet, I rarely heard anyone online talks about this game. I really recommend others to play this game… If you can read Japanese as I am not sure that there is English translation for this game…


This was released on the original PlayStation and definitely available in English. I remember it being a very cool game.

stackPeek, avatar

I know right? There is also the sequel on 3DS and now it’s also on Switch.

There’s also a PC version too


Getbackers. It was an anime that I liked as a kid. I tried to rewatch it recently and realized how bad it is.


Bruh I loooooved the Getbackers as a teen! It actually got me through losing a beloved family pet because it took my mind off everything.

Ugh, what a nostalgia trip right there.


On the Internet, everything is fundamentally both obscure yet ubiquitous, or so it seems. But in real life, there are at least 2 things that seem to be obscure to the point that people don’t believe me when I mention it:

  1. A Super Nintendo game released in the US as Super Ninja Boy. It was a follow-up to (or maybe remake of) Little Ninja Brothers on the NES. I’ve even been told that I was confused and that I’m probably thinking of Legend of the Mystical Ninja.
  2. On the original Playstation, there used to be a series of demo discs that would have “hidden” features on them if you pressed the right button(s). One of those demo discs had the entire music video for Usher’s song “Pony” and other than randos on the internet and my friends/family who saw it with me, I’ve never met anybody that remembers it. If anybody here does remember that demo disc, I think there was another hidden music video on there, I vaguely remember a band, with various shots of the drummer wearing black athletic-type shorts with a white band around the leg but beyond that I really do not recall.

Bro I was at the thrift store and I saw a PlayStation demo disc for $2 and I laughed because I didn’t even think it should be there. But I will literally go back, take a picture, buy it and send it to you if it makes your Christmas better lol


That’s awesome and very kind of you to offer. Not to be ungrateful, but I’m sure someone else would appreciate it far more than me. I don’t have a Playstation anymore and I don’t even have a CD/DVD drive on any device that would be able to run an emulator. Merry Christmas and thanks for being so thoughful!


Pigskin footbrawl

Edgarallenpwn, avatar

This channel has played most games on this post

owenfromcanada, avatar

This song I downloaded from a file sharing application in the early 2000s. I’ve been searching for the artist for about two decades, nothing (the forum posts that come up when you search for it are also me).


It sounds like Christian music to me. Idk if that’s true but growing up in that religion I get that vibe from the song. Might be worthwhile to try to find some small time bands from around the years you initially found it. Good luck on your search.

owenfromcanada, avatar

It was originally labeled as Jars of Clay, and it certainly fits the genre, but the lead singer isn’t the same. There were a ton of smaller bands from those years with pretty much the exact same sound, I never managed to find a match.

At this point, I’m guessing it was an unreleased demo or something. In which case, unless the original artist finds it, I doubt we’ll ever know.

JackiesFridge, (edited ) avatar

I’m still bummed that the band Splashdown was screwed over by the music industry. They were too jazz for pop fans and too pop for jazz fans but had an amazing sound and a brilliant vocalist in Melissa Kaplan. They released a couple EPs and a brief album (Stars & Garters) before their major label debut Blueshift was permanently shelved.

They posted a goodbye collection of demos & b-sides before dissolving into Universal Hall Pass, Freezepop, and Anarchy Club.

Edit: Got nostalgic and searched for news - happy Sol Invictus to me I guess!

There’s also the Pine Salad Productions fan-dub of a few Dirty Pair and Macross episodes from the late-80s, I think? I had a 5th gen VHS of a few (“The Dirty Pair Does Dishes” was one). Insane dubs that were absurd and utterly unrelated to the actual plots or even characters. I thought they were hysterical when I was a young edgy person.

A friend found “remastered” versions a few years ago and…the humour has not aged well, to put it mildly. Watch at your own risk. Glad I’m no longer edgy I suppose.


I was literally thinking, splashdown would probably fit this threads theme well when I came to your post. I’m glad I’m not the only one who knows they existed.

JackiesFridge, avatar

The band is definitely greater than the sum of their (also exceptionally good) parts. I am saddened to hear about Adam’s health issues but selfishly delighted they’re back together and planning new releases.

When the band was dissolving after the Blueshift fiasco and Adam shut down the Castle Von Buhler label, I emailed him asking if there was any hope Blueshift would see the light of day. He apologised and said no. A week later, the Stars & Garters CD and a CD-R of Blueshift mysteriously landed in my mailbox. With no band, he had zero reason to pander to a fan base. He’s just a good person.


The video game Star Goose that came on a floppy disk.


I think I still have the disk for this, but sadly no box. We bought it at Fleet Farm! 😂


You are the only person I have ever run into that was familiar with it. Hah! I started it up on a DOS emulator a while back.


I remember this! Takes me back a few years, and some, when I had an Atari ST!


It was on Atari? I had it on a 286 IBM

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