I started doing it by accident due to life events, irregular shift times etc.
Now it really is just “part of my diet” in a way. I’ve also noticed as a byproduct that my appetite is pretty closely tied to my activity level. Helps when planning meals if I intend to be hitting gym or doing nothing.
I don’t do resolutions, but i make a list of things I’d like to do in that year. Some are actually trackable (read 30 books) some are a bit more ambiguous (move my body more), most end up getting done by the time the year ends. It’s nice.
By not doing a New Year’s resolution. If you’re going to do something, start now, not in the new year. Leaving it to an arbitrary day when “everyone does something” just gives you an out when you don’t succeed. Just go and do it now. There’s literally no point in waiting and honestly a lot of reasons not to wait.
I’m glad I could help (I think?). I just think it’s funny, because imagine your doctor told you to stop eating so much meat because it was making your blood pressure high. Would you wait months to do so or start immediately? New Year’s resolutions haven’t really made any sense to me at all, and I think that’s a good way of thinking of it.
Make a New Year’s Theme instead - CGP grey had a video on this. Then, when the first things you try related to the theme fail (or feel bad, or don’t make sense anymore), pick something else in the theme and try that instead.
Productivity themed year got me to:
Learn AutoHotkey
Setup a central collection of notes
Use a calendar app properly
Finish several (profession related) books
Track my internet time
and more! And, for maybe the first time, I finally feel like I did something with this whole resolution thing.
For me, actually put things in it, setup notifications for the day before (and on a device I actually see), add family, and check it before scheduling (some) things.
I kept mine by following this advice before I watched the video. The general idea was i wanted to have my week off in the holidays with my family and not be worried about the future, kinda evolved to a “how I view myself” theme would be the best way to describe it. Went hard at gym for 6 months before long term injury came up again, so focused on work and uni instead. Dropped one uni paper but got a- in the other, and turned my company around from 20% monthly loss to 10% profit.
People have lots of great tips for why resolutions fail and how to do them better
I heard another similar spin: pick a few areas of your life and have them be better than they are at the start of the year
Like say education or relationships with people, the goal is some kind of improvement by the end. You can go as big or as small within those afterwards.
I got quite a bit more than last year, literally hiked through my shoes. Well more that I put the final touches on hiking through my shoes. I got about 500 miles of dedicated hiking done this year. I’m hoping to do more this year but I’m going to include morning walks as a part of that number.
I hike to be free from the chaos of life (and my memories) and this year was a doozy. So the external factors pushed me to hike more and honestly I think it was a boon on my mental health.
Being out in nature is so pleasant on my mind and allows me to truly be me.
10/10 would watch the clouds float by all day again
Keeping to a resolution requires resolve which is an emotion. You need to introspect and make sure that the resolution that you have chosen is consistent with the price you are willing to pay whether it is monetary or a personal desire. Prepare yourself for the cost. It’s easy to say you’re going to give up alcohol but your mind is going to try to sabotage you every step of the way. Keep your goals to yourself and meditate on them. Take some time out of your day to cultivate the feeling of resolve within you. Literally just remember the feeling you have when you have felt determined to finish something and cultivate that feeling. It’s a fire that burns within you that can become stronger if you feed it. Finally, don’t get discouraged when you fail. You will likely fail a lot but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Keep to your resolution even if you keep tripping up.
For my age (late twenties) I wouldn’t say they are great achievements, but as a person which struggles a little bit in social settings I still feel proud.
I went to therapy for the first time to learn more about my social anxiety.
Actually told my feelings to a close friend, which again was a first, I got rejected, but at least I did it.
Started going to the gym, progress is slow, but I feel motivated.
Travelled with a couple of friends outside my country.
When things are in motion it gets easier, other than that for me it is constantly trying to get out of my comfort zone.
“Actually told my feelings to a close friend, which again was a first, I got rejected, but at least I did it.”
I gotta tell you: nothing more liberating than this. I’ve discovered I feel regret when not doing this kind of things. If I don’t make my move, then they get a partner, I’m haunted by the question “could that guy have been me?” But if I say something, get rejected, then they get a partner, I actually feel happy for her, for she got someone she likes, just like I want someone I like.
The important thing is to let things go after getting a no. It is your duty to do the best you can for the friendship to continue as usual. Got rejected? No big deal. Let’s move on. Cookout my place, everyone invited. Passive aggressive comments, making guilt-tripping faces or gestures, texting looong messages, or asking “why, why, think about it, give me a chance, what do they have that I don’t” etc, no. Don’t do that!! Plenty of fish out there.
Having come out of a relationship in my late 20s, I am sorely missing this. It’s been ages since I had a crush. Everyone I know is in relationships already, I can’t even find someone to reject me…
Made a New Years Resolution to quit drinking and cant believe I’m coming up on one year sober, i stepped down daily starting jan 1st with my least favorite beer drinking less every day for 2 weeks, then after 2 weeks I started drinking Non Alcoholic beer. The last time I tried to quit I did it cold turkey and had terrible Night Terrors, was able to to avoid them this time thanks to the piss water know as Miller Lite. Went from drinking a 6 pack of IPA’S a day for years, to drinking a 6 pack of Non Alcoholic IPAs once a month. Will be quiting beer all together with the New Year!
Lmao right?! It really made that first NA IPA hit the spot when I finally quit. Last time when I quit cold turkey I literally woke up from night terrors and bulldozed over a dresser next to our bed trying to get away from whatever it was I was dreaming about, almost scared my partner half to death. Withdrawals are a removed and I didn’t have near as many thanks to that piss water haha
Thanks, its still insane to me that I am sober, even quit smoking weed a few months ago after starting up antidepressants. I wasn’t a pot head i just a serotonin deficiency.
I’ve done no alcohol, no social media, and no overtime. All separate years. The motivation was to prove I could.
Alcohol was made easy because I started taking an SSRI at the same time. Kinda filled the same hole.
Cutting social media was harder than alcohol I think. This was years ago but I had a pretty solid addiction to Reddit. I had to break the checking Reddit every second of downtime…I swapped it out with texting friends and family.
Cutting worked overtime was great. I worked at a place that required it but only as a yearly average. And at the time they allowed you to bank the OT and use it as PTO or take some extra money. I didn’t get in trouble for it but it probably hurt my next raise.
I enjoy the challenge of doing something new for a full year but some are too much and need a different approach. For me to change a diet I can’t just do it. I need cycles on and off to show my lizard brain what’s good for me. Then it can stick long term.
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