Can't we just start calling it "Formerly Twitter" instead?
Pretty much the title. I think you all know what I’m talking about.
Pretty much the title. I think you all know what I’m talking about.
NeoNachtwaechter, Whether you call it Ex-twitter or X-twitter, I don’t really care :-)
TheInsane42, eXitter seems to be the correct name at the moment.
gilokee, x can be pronounced as sh, so…shitter?
TheInsane42, When you see the sewage that’s being spewed there it’s as good as any other name.
GroundedGator, Just call it lil musk’s ego
mawkishdave, The dumpster fire formally called Twitter.
OpenStars, Twitter belonged to the people using it. It is appropriate to call it X for cancelled now.
Though similar to you, I always call it Twitter/X, in honor of what it used to be.
xkforce, Its literally and I despise musk so its called twitter for all of time.
Witchfire, As a trans person, I like to remind everyone you are not just allowed but encouraged to deadname Twitter
Cold_Brew_Enema, Isn’t that hypocritical?
abbotsbury, Only if you think corporate branding is equal to personal identification.
Really_long_toes, But… but corporations are more important than individuals
Lemminary, And corpos are people! Right?.. Right?
BoastfulDaedra, …what the heck is “deadnaming”?
Witchfire, (edited ) Using a trans persons’s birth name rather than their preferred name. If done purposefully, it’s extremely insulting.
BoastfulDaedra, Thanks, I hadn’t heard the term.
flicker, Ooh. Excellent point. I will be disrespectfully deadnaming Twitter from now on.
morphballganon, Calling it deadnaming implies Twitter chose the name X. Twitter did not make that decision, thus calling Twitter Twitter is in no danger of offending Twitter.
tired_n_bored, As a cisgender person I’m so sorry for the shit other cisgender write on Twitter
Arcane_Trixster, Your virtue signal is a little bright. You should adjust the wattage.
tired_n_bored, I’m sorry I did not understand? Sarcasm perhaps?
corsicanguppy, Are you asking whether you’re sorry?
tired_n_bored, I’m asking what the other person wrote
capital, The fuck? You don’t have to be sorry for what other people do. That’s other people.
What’s with all this carrying blame for shit other people have done just because you share an uncontrollable trait with them?
tired_n_bored, I understand your point but I’m not carrying blame. I see what people write and I’m so sorry it happens
SkaveRat, Going to deadname Twitter as long as musk is deadnaming his daughter
PrincessLeiasCat, Oohhh that’s a good one.
marine_mustang, The App Formerly Known as Twitter.
sentient_loom, It’s much easier to simply keep calling it Twitter. Further syllables add nothing.
pineapplelover, Xitter
LinkOpensChest_wav, Pronounced “shitter”
scottywh, The only acceptable answer
Witchfire, (edited ) Tweets are Xcrements
habitualTartare, X-twitter is my personal favorite. Ex-twitter works too.
sanguinepar, I’ve also seen Twixer, which I quite like.
I still just call it Twitter though. Maybe when Musk gets bored someone will buy it and change it back.
GrammatonCleric, I still call it Twitter, because that’s what it is.
theneverfox, I still call Meta Facebook and alphabet Google… No one is confused, it’s only ambiguous if you start getting into logistics about business units
Twitter didn’t even reorganize, they just changed their name to something it feels dumb to say. It’s actually less ambiguous to call it Twitter, because X is a confusing trademark
Moobythegoldensock, Facebook is still Facebook and Google is still Google, though.
Musk didn’t create a parent company called X to manage the Twitter platform, he renamed the entire platform.
kratoz29, This is the only sane response.
nickhammes, When he stops deadnaming his daughter, maybe I’ll start to care about his attempted rebrand of Twitter
shinigamiookamiryuu, Or we can call it by the past tense “Twat”.
sentient_loom, good one
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