What do you think is the coolest designed sci-fi gun?
I mean the physical design of the gun, not the projectile or effect.
I mean the physical design of the gun, not the projectile or effect.
Grabthar, Since I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, the M56 Smartgun from Aliens is pretty awesome.
stoy, The steadycam gun!
ikidd, The Callahan Full-bore Autolock “Vera”
fitjazz, Well, my days of not takin’ ya seriously are certainly comin’ to a middle.
traches, It has extreme sentimental value
SendMePhotos, I’ll take the boring route. I respect the gun design of the N7 weapons. They look like futuristic versions of our current weapons but the paint design is on point.
TheMinions, I was wondering if anyone was going to mention Mass Effect.
Always been a big fan of all the shotguns. Specifically Geth Plasma Shotgun.
yamanii, I don’t even like the anime but the Dominator is now my favorite one.
CADmonkey, Two of my favorites are from books and don’t have pictures: the nanotech weapon given to grunts in “Old Man’s War” and the Soft Weapon from Niven’s short story titled, appropriately enough, “The Soft Weapon”. There was an animated Star Trek episode based on The Soft Weapon, but I can’t remember what I looked like, I just remember the producers weren’t brave enough to animate an alien with two heads and three legs.
Other than those, I really liked the silly guns in Ratchet and Clank, epecially the Vacuum Cannon.
RIPandTERROR, I’m noticing a distinct lack of BFG
stoy, The BFG exists in several versions:
The original from Doom 1993 is just a rectantular box with a weird handle, the sides of the box is covered with techno pixelart, but nothing striking.
The Doom 64 version is very similar to the 1993 version.
The BFG in Doom 3 has a profile of a weird space potato: doom.fandom.com/wiki/BFG9000/Doom_3?file=BFG9000-…
The ingame model is more like a rectantular box, but with an updated case: doom.fandom.com/wiki/BFG9000/Doom_3?file=Bfg3
In Doom 2016 is has a better styling, with an actual grip, it now actually looks like a gun!
In Doom Eternal it looks great, if a bit generic, but not bad.
The BFG does exist in Quake II and Quake 3 Arena, but the design is just terrible.
So while I like your enthusiasm, I don’t share your oppinion on the design of the BFG series.
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