
Oh, this’ll be fun in the future when people try to whitewash it. We’ll have another chance to follow up by asking, “a state’s right to what, specifically?”


to drown parents and kids, i guess. ☹️

but honestly, i think Abbott is engaging is massive political theater. i seriously doubt that man’s interests are served by actual conflict.

charonn0, avatar

These would be ‘rebel’ states are among the poorest and most heavily dependent on federal subsidies. They need the US more than the US needs them.

braxy29, (edited )

i keep seeing comments like this. i want to point out texas has a LOT of poor and uninsured people, but the state economy is pretty decently sized with a lot of business investment.

that’s not really a bad thing for preventing secession. you think those with energy and tech money want their shit fucked up by Abbott and MAGA?

edit - speeling

snausagesinablanket, (edited ) avatar

IDK but I got shut down when I asked a few weeks ago.


I’m sorry that happened to you, and you’re right, all signs are pointing to a second civil war in the U.S.


what does that even mean?


The states are beginning to openly disrespect the authority of the federal government. Texas Gov. Abbott directly said he believes Texas State law supercedes federal law. There is no basis for that position in law; the law dictates exactly the opposite. If Texas refuses to respect the authority of the United States of America and the rulings of the Supreme Court, the only way to resolve that is civil war.


okay bud but what does “civil war” mean, here, now?

When people say “civil war” they mean a lot of things


i’m not sure what it means, but we do have a lot of national military stationed here. so that’s a factor.


I mean, isn’t this kind of keeping with the theme of US civil wars so far?

If I was creating a civil war bingo card based on history of civil wars in the US, “starts over how people with darker skin can be abused or not” would certainly have been on it.


There was a very real economic driver for slavery. Totally morally bankrupt, but it’s a reason. This is pure malice for the sake of a culture war.


This all have a strong brexit vibe, but taken to the next level in a very MURICA! style.

uis, avatar

Or USSA 1991

WelcomeBear, (edited )

They’re just trying to “get out the vote” by forcing Biden to do something that they can point to and say “See! You were right all along! The federal government is going to invade and put you all in FEMA camps and make your children go to public school where they will be turned gay!!!”
I realize that that sounds absolutely stupid and it is. If I hadn’t already watched exactly that happen with Jade Helm I would never have believed that people could be that incredibly stupid, but it did and they are. Sigh.

I really hope Biden doesn’t take the bait and just deals with it after the election.

Same shit, different election:
“ On April 28, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor the operation, writing: “During the training operation, it is important that Texans know [that] their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed”, and requesting “regular updates on the progress and safety of the Operation”.”


Jade Helm

Wow wiki even has a whole section on conspiracy theories. I feel stupider even reading that. Only makes sense under projection; the far right wants to do exactly what they project onto others.

JasonDJ, (edited )

The apocalypse failed to happen on September 15, 2015.[36]

Mic dropped by Wikipedia editor

Dude even had a fucking citation.

uriel238, avatar

What is curious to me is these are state departments disagreeing, though the previous civil war was fought between federal and state governments with raised armies.

This time I was expecting the police vs. militants. Uncontrolled civil unrest. Portland and Minneapolis but spread across the nation, cranked to eleven.


Portland and Minneapolis? So like, a protest/campout in one or two square blocks while everyone else goes about their normal business?


And the same footage of that one or two blocks being ran for over 6 months on loop


We thought we were getting a proper class war and instead we get fascist versus not fascists but they still hate you


So guys just in case, can you like maybe hand over your nuclear launch codes. You can have them back when you’ve calmed down.


Here you go




Up until the seventies it was 00000000

uriel238, (edited ) avatar

Apparently our generals take those very seriously. I had fantasies Mattis was going to stab Trump with a steak knife to stop him from pulling a Stillson. IRL, Mattis said I’ll get on that right away, sir …and then just didn’t.

I’m pretty sure Mattis was the top ranking agent of the Deep State and that figured into why he got replaced with Esper. In the meantime, there’s a long chain of officers who are eager to interrupt an unnecessary nuclear exchange.

TonyTonyChopper, avatar

who’s the Youtuber in the bottom right


It’s Hasan Piker aka Hasanabi

Curious_Canid, avatar

I don’t think the conservatives are sufficiently unified to form a single opposition army. The problem with basing your appeals on hating “outsiders” is that you end up with a lot of internal hatred too. There’s also a strong undercurrent of “no one can tell me what to do” that makes central control unlikely.

What seems more likely are terrorist incidents, carried out be individuals and small groups, without any overall communication or strategy. We’re already seeing some of that. The lack of coordination won’t prevent it from happeing, but will prevent it from achieving anything.

I don’t think there are very many people within the MAGA movement who honestly want to resort to violence, whatever they tell themselves. The ones who are actually willing are the ones who wanted to hurt someone anyway. Politics provides them with an excuse, not a motivation.

I think we’re going to have a nasty time for a while, but I don’t think a right-wing takeover by violence has any chance of happening. I’m much more worried about a political takeover that then turns into an authoritarian coup. The left-wing has a much better chance of organizing as a whole, but I don’t think there are that many people ready to fight from that side either, but that could change as conditions get worse.


The right has been used, and steadily intensifying stochastic terrorism for a while now. You’re right, it’s not a strategy for a military takeover of the US. It’s just one step in the political takeover.


This shit needs to stop. As a Texan (by force…) I’d absolutely be joining the feds to fight against Texas.


Holy dog shit! Texas?! Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy! And you don’t look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks?

RealFknNito, avatar

Brit humor everyone. Never change.


He’s quoting Full Metal Jacket.


I think it’s from the boot camp scenes in the movie Full Metal Jacket.

RealFknNito, avatar

No I know it was just a really weird time to try and use that line. I can only assume they were trying to be funny while the guy prior was coming to terms with the peril of being a Texan right now.


Agree. Weird timing


Jus’a bi’o’banta!

No better time to make a joke than when times are dark!

RealFknNito, avatar

Alright, you won me over. littol bitta bantah.


It absolutely is. Sgt. R Lee Ermy was a master at comedy


Are you a peter puffer?!


The US is the next empire to fall. I am a US citizen and i am taking steps to GTFO if needed. I have an e-residency and ID card from another nation and am working up to the investment for full citizenship.


I mean, the issue is that most of the rest of the so called free World (and in my opinion correctly so), especially Europe, depends on the US for defence, specially weapon production. Despite France constantly whining about it, insisting on strategic autonomy, as far as I am aware, when it comes to ammo production and air power, we very much depend on the US for production and designs (the design when it comes to aircraft)


The United States military should scale way back, but the European military would have to increase because of what you mentioned with designs for specialty weapons.


We have reasonable designs for almost all weapon categories, except maybe for airplanes, with the latest being the Eurofighter which is by now a bit dated. Regarding Tanks, the German Leopard is as far as I am aware a fine piece of engineering as well as the belgian FN-SCAR. However we lack the ammo capabilities (especially when it comes to artillery shells) to ever have hope of winning a protracted war (or simply keeping Ukraine alive). (also, quick side note, France also spends a great deal of money maintaining their own nuclear arsenal and weapons delivery system, which kinda makes the UK seem a bit puny with their dependence of the US for weapon delivery)


If the American empire falls, it’s not going to reduce weapons production or arms sales. Decline into fascism requires more guns and bullets, as they get turned against domestic targets, while guns and oil are among the US’s best sources of external currency.


Please explain the e-residency and id card thing. I’m in the red area and really really don’t want to be.


LordThunder: “Fuck, I’m surrounded by Republicans! Where are you going? I’ll come with!”

Shortwavesurfer: 😬


Oh, then the place I am looking at would definitely not work for you. I don’t think… Ever heard of Liberland?


Oh. Yeah. That’s gonna be a no from me dawg. Thank you for the reply though.

Forester, (edited ) avatar

Just FYI, Estonia is a real country and also viable.

But I think I’d much rather stay on the 5th column.


A country run on a blockchain. Fucking yikes. I think a “ship of fools” is putting it generously.

dustyData, (edited )

This reminds me of Auroville, a village in India that’s supposed to be an Utopia of socialism and new humanist living. But when you look beyond the marketing and the veneer of spirituality, it’s just a bunch of people living in poverty and giving their money to a group of leeches.

hex_m_hell, (edited )

No, the civil war 2 looks like mass shootings and terrorists attacks. It started with the Oklahoma City Bombing. Liberals just refuse to acknowledge it’s existence.

There’s an argument to be made, though, tha the US has always been in a state of civil war. The Spartans would symbolically declare war on their slaves every year. That’s kind of what slavery is: a constant war on a portion of the population. That’s aside from the whole genocide of native folks. Since the 13th amendment didn’t actually ban slavery, it never ended and if you look at standing rock, you know that whole native genocide thing never ended either.

Then when you contextualize all this with stuff like the Red Summer, you realize the recent violence is just the normal terrorism that white supremacists do every now and then to get control back. There probably won’t be a war with two side, more just escalation violence from one side leading to the systematic murder a huge chunk of the population. The question is if it will be officially sanctioned like the Holocaust, or continue with the ad-hoc stochastic terrorism like the Rwandan genocide and the Serbian ethnic cleansing.

I expected more snipers, bombings, and attacks on infrastructure but if Trump wins it’s definitely gas chambers.

Democrats are too afraid of “real war” to actually do something about this. If they did they might have to deal with the mess for real and open themselves up to political challengers from the left.


A good portion of Democrat voters are boomers who created this reality by selling off everybody’s futures to corporations. It’s not that they’re afraid, this is precisely what they had in mind.


States right right?


To do what again?

RubberElectrons, avatar

Not the important part of this.


I’m an american and an idiot. I thought the National Guard was a Federal organization?
Regardless Governor Abbott is a hateful idiot, along with all of the other leaders in Texas. I just left Texas because I can’t handle paying their salaries anymore, though I went to Louisiana where they are somehow more corrupt but also bigger idiots.


It is. It got federalized during World War 1 and later the supreme Court basically ruled that the federal government wasn’t allowed to do that but they weren’t going to make the federal government give control back to the individual states anyway.

These days some states have state guards, but not all do. Of those that do, a significant amount are absolute jokes. It’s fairly logical, of course. What state has needed an army in the last hundred years?


I thought the National Guard was a Federal organization

I read this shortly after posting and apparently NG is State managed unless it gets “federalized” which means the Federal Government takes over.

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