That’s what it should mean, but it usually implies political awareness specifically and has been hijacked by several minority groups and their allies to imply that they are wholly in support of whatever the latest minority issue is.
You haven’t heard of lgbtbbqx+? I have because I’m woke!
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
You do realise that people who are awake during the night are of equal importance, who’s gonna run those power plants and radio stations and petrol service stations and police forces and whatever else? If they shut off during the night, there’d be chaos. At least a chaos that most folks won’t see because they’re asleep or something.
I actually love this one, because it's technically correct but not in the way people who use it mean, so you can turn it around easily.
Yes, you did get cancer for a reason. Because you insisted on maintaining your suntan every winter. Or perhaps merely because you pissed off the wrong banana.
I think you’re misunderstanding it. Do what you do, you’re going to break something anyways just don’t half-ass it. Just like there’s a graveyard behind every doctor, there’s a pile of mistakes behind every sysadmin.
It’s just people saying it wrong, like “bone apple tea” instead of " bon appetit". It’s supposed to be “I couldn’t care less”. But I mean come on, these are the same people who searched for “Michael Jackson Billy’s Jeans” so often on YouTube that it became a recommended search term. Lol.
We’re taught that intelligence is performative. So most people think intelligence is answer driven, clever people know that it’s question driven. But a gameshow where contestants ask the right questions might not do as well as Jeopardy.
Edit: my dumb ass picks the gameshow where you famously have to literally ask the right questions as an example.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. And as far as I can tell Einstein never said it but it’s always attributed to Einstein
Especially when you consider that it was coined to refer to literally impossible action. It's not meant to be about self-reliance or whatever, it's something that cannot be done.
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