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teft, in Honor Mode Miss Chance Apophenia avatar

They are definitely modifying the dice rolls in some way in tactician and honor modes. You can see it in things like ability checks. Normally you’ll have a chance to roll well for any roll even if you don’t have proficiency in the skill, for example a 15 CHA dialog check and you have 8 CHA, if you roll a 16+ you’ll pass it. On tactician and honor mode if you don’t have proficiency you’ll struggle to pass the check, all your rolls will be under 5 usually. I’ve burned 4 inspirations with advantage before and watched 8 dice rolls under 5 for a skill check I wasn’t proficient in multiple times in a run. I just ignore it now since it is what it is but I really wish the difficulty wasn’t rigged like that. It’d be great to have a fair but brutal mode.

Keegen, (edited ) in Chaos Gremlin Lae'zel

This makes me miss having auto pause on trap found from Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. Would be kinda cool to have a setting to automatically turn on turn-based mode when a trap is spotted.


They even go through the trouble of creating that expectation with the tutorial trap. But at least custom mode lets us hide failed auto DCs

MagicShel, in Honor Mode Miss Chance Apophenia

The number of times I’ve gotten two or even three critical failures/misses in a row is mind boggling. That said I’ve watched the NPCs do it as well, so there is a semblance of fairness. You’re right that the statistics feel off, but as is always the case, our minds are going to focus on these outliers without recalling all the many times the dice fell right in line with expectations.

I do swear that a 50% chance to hit with a Sacred Flame consistently feels more like a 15% chance.

seventh_days, avatar

Those back to back critical failures remind me of the time I tried to lockpick a chest with advantage and tons of bonuses with the final result still being a natural 1… a 1/400 chance. At least it wasn’t when trying to recruit Shadowheart on the nautiloid like I’ve heard has happened to others.


75% chance to hit with advantage (I know percent includes advantage in the calculation) and I wiff three attacks in a row. I check the rolls and I’ve gotten nothing higher than a 4. On 6 separate rolls?? Come on…

teft, avatar

natural 1

“What’s that?” says my halfling thief.

teft, avatar

Sacred flame has a dex save. That’s why it never hits.


Isn’t that calculated into the percentage, though? Grr.

teft, (edited ) avatar

I think the percentages are fake. Either that or my dice are cursed.


I do swear that a 50% chance to hit with a Sacred Flame consistently feels more like a 15% chance.

Bro. I swear Sacred Flame and Guiding Bolt both actually roll d8s instead of d20s. 90% with advantage and you know that Guiding Bolt is either missing or critically hitting.

Smashfire, in Chaos Gremlin Lae'zel
CitizenKong, in These incorrect quotes are too accurate

Needs a “darling” at the end but I absolutely read that in Astarion’s voice.

Nepenthe, in Chaos Gremlin Lae'zel avatar

I'm not even convinced it's out of character for her to do that. What's a strong, independent warrior that sneaks jello-legged around a simple tiny explosion

MilitantAtheist, in Chaos Gremlin Lae'zel

Easily the biggest reason my characters die: pathfinding


Huh, that’s interesting. For mine it’s 5e.


It seems like pathfinding was a bit better several patches back. I hope, they will fix it back, though.


Last night on a campaign with new friends I told Gale to jump over that bit of fire near his portal and he decided it would be cooler to walk.


I have a different problem with gale. His wall of flame is a fantastic room control spell that can do some serious damage… if only allies would STOP walking right through it!


"Friendly fire is on"
"Ok" Walks through fire

Auk, in Yes, Scratch, Good Dog

Sounds like the sort of thing that is liable to turn into a modern retelling of The Loaded Dog.

MacedWindow, in Chaos Gremlin Lae'zel avatar

The party members have no fear of death

ZaroniPepperoni, in Chaos Gremlin Lae'zel avatar

Dont leave loot on the ground, pick it up!

Kolanaki, (edited ) in Yes, Scratch, Good Dog avatar

I wish Scratch and the owlbear cub could come with me on my adventure instead of only staying at camp. The dog could have been a way to uncover the buried treasures 100% of the time and such. Like both sniffing them out and digging them up if you didn’t have a shovel.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

But Scratch actually can come with you. You can summon him with a ball he brings you.

And then he at least sniffes out buried treasure. I don’t consider it to be meta gaming when I dig around after everyone failed their survival checks, when Scratch is pointing somewhere.

Kolanaki, avatar

Wait what?! I thought that ball was just a random item he brings you that you can throw so he’d fetch it. It summons him?!

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Yep, it’s awesome to let him get the last hit in on a hard boss.


I had Scratch out once. I got into a fight and tried to use his abilities, got him killed with an AOE, reloaded the save, and never left camp with him again.

I don’t care what buried treasure I’m missing, Scratch is far too precious to risk his safety like that.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

At the moment I’m playing a Githyanki. She’s taking (almost) any advantage she can.

Eddyzh, (edited )

You can just summon him again (after rest) And he wil stil be back in camp if he dies during a fight. Just like any familiar.


Good to know!

Stamets, (edited ) in What's your favorite OP build? avatar

The Ray of Frost machinegunner.

Draconic bloodline sorcerer. Take a cold option. Get the Morning Frost staff in the Underdark and the Winters Clutches gloves from the lady in mountain pass who wants gith egg. After killing gith boss, there’s a necklace of elemental something or other in the room to the right. In Last Light there’s a room in the back on the bottom floor with a floorboard that has a snowburst ring hidden in it. Also get the super awesome Potent robes from the Bard tiefling by going to Moonrise and saving everyone. While you’re there, stop in the necromancers room for the coldbrim hat. Also have someone nearby with create water. Make sure to take haste.

Congrats. You’re now pumping out a minimum of an extra 10-15 damage per hit from ray of frost without them being wet and a huge attack roll bonus. The ray will also stack something called encrusted with frost which can outright freeze them solid and make them skip their turn and chilled as well which gives them cold vulnerability. Patches of frost will also immediately appear under them, forcing them to make a save or fall probe. Everytime you hit them they also have to make saves. Burn every spell slot for metamagic and twin/quicken to your hearts content. Hasten yourself and you’re harder to hit and blast more.

So much fun. I can write a better guide if people want. I’m on toilet and half asleep at moment.

sickday, avatar

I can write a better guide if people want.

Please do if you get some time this sounds amazing

shrugal, (edited ) in What's your favorite OP build?

I recently discovered the Radiating Orb build, that thing is busted! Together with the Cloak of Displacement you’re basically untouchable! Everything around you will have around 8 Orb stacks permanently, and every stack reduces their attack rolls by one, on any target! It also does a nice bit of passive radiant damage, but that’s honestly just a bonus.

I’d say the bread and butter of this are the helm and the chest armor:

  • Holy Lance Helm: Cause radiant damage to enemies who miss attacks against you
  • Luminous Armor: Whenever you deal radiant damage, trigger a shockwave that applies Radiating Orb in an area

Other items then synergize with this setup and make it even stronger:

So enemies miss their attack, everyone gets damage and Orb stacks, and that causes even more misses, damage and stacks.

Stamets, avatar

This is my go to when I play a cleric. Or my go to for Shadowheart. Makes the game so much easier.

Kuro, in What's your favorite OP build? avatar

I am just going classic open hand monk with three levels of thief. A Sorlock for pew pew, Tiger Barbarian as front line and a lore bard as control and heal. That’s the plan for my honor mode run I have started yesterday.

Aussiemandeus, in KILL avatar

Haha great scene

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