I would make money in UO sometimes by logging into a female character and “bowing” in front of people to make it look like my character was performing oral sex. You could also spam “bow” while the other player spammed “salute” while standing behind the first player to look like doggy style sex.
Realistically more suffering than enjoying, because they want someone to comit to them, but not comit themselves, ever bound in a cycle of emotional on-off turmoil.
Or more frequently, somebody who thought they were dating but didn’t explicitally ask and somebody who’s got zero intention of dating but isn’t going to make that clear as to not lose the benefits.
I thought it meant that the two people were together because of the situation they are in and when it changes they are going on their way. Like anonymous sex but sometimes dinner and a movie.
I met my first girlfriend that way, we’d go hunting for crabs in the wilderness by day and then sell our catch at the marketplace. It was hard being online at the same time but we made it work. We built fires and prayed in the evenings under the starry sky, and fell asleep in each others arms, until that fateful night when I came back from my fishing trip to find all her belongings in a single pile, surrounded by blood. I feared the worst, but kept hopeful and waited. My patience waning, I finally ventured out of the wilderness and towards the reset point, where I found her… outside of a cave garbed in dungeoneer equipment mumbling nonsensical words about grinding. :'-(
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