
I can see the headlines now. “This just in! Global advertising halted because of some shitty vandalism! World saved from crushing depressive corporatocracy!”

Yeah yeah. Fight the power.

I’m tired of fighting.

samus12345, (edited ) avatar

“Do not. There is no try.”

  • thorbot
CapeWearingAeroplane, (edited )

If you’re “tired of fighting” it still costs you little to nothing to support those fighting, or at least not speak condescendingly about the fight they are fighting. Something about your comment tells me you weren’t fighting much in the first place.

Bizarroland, avatar

That boy's got a lot of quit in him

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

I’m tired of fighting.

That’s what every one of your enemies counts on.

ivanafterall, avatar

Guess I'm gonna go fuck up some ads now.


While the comic combined with the text has a bit of an edgy vibe, I agree with the overall message. Advertising was just decided upon to be an acceptable way to force people to look at whatever. And no, it’s not always an option to “just don’t look at it if you don’t like it”. I fucking hate those advertising TVs that get set up all over my city, they grab your attention even more than regular billboards.


Straight up reads like a Tyler Durden quote.


They’ve been putting those blinding boards all over the place where I live, I think they’re supposed to dim at night but they’re not properly maintained and fuck whoever thought putting super bright moving images right next to roads is safe and should be allowed.

That shit is distracting as fuck


fuck whoever thought putting super bright moving images right next to roads is safe and should be allowed.

I agree fuck ads and all but 90% of the drivers are too distracted by their phones to even see the ad. 😜

Though I guess this might grab the remaining 10% that were trying to actually pay attention to the road (a hypothetical percentage I cannot claim to personally have encountered).


A 12 or 20 gauge shotgun with a 28" barrel, and maybe a full choke, holds a nice pattern when shot from distances, say like from a slowly moving car to something as tall as a billboard.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Watch your background.


Throw a rock at it.


Go to jail and get sued sure


That’s why you wear a mask

seitanic, avatar

Let’s try that defense for public nudity. People can just choose to not look at it if they don’t like it!

Starglasses, (edited )

You are agreeing? Tone on the internet is lost to me.

The post you replied to is saying that ads can’t “just not be looked at”.

Same with nudity. You can’t just not look at it. You didn’t even know it was there.


That’s the point.

They were making the point that public nudity is illegal even though you can just look away if you don’t agree

But advertising in public spaces is legal on the basis that you could just look away if you didn’t want to see it

Starglasses, (edited )

Oh ok. I can see that perspective now. Thanks for explaining it to me.

Edit: and upon re-reading the comment several times, I can see that exactly.

Without tone the same sentence can go anywhere.

cameron_vale, (edited )

You can make a high powered slingshot for free. Silent. Use it at night.

Also there’s a thing called a slingstaff. It’s pretty amazing. You want the 6’ long 2-handed version.


Fucking up ads with an ad blocker?! Noooo! If you don’t like ads, then you should pay for the subscription to get rid of the ads!

Bizarroland, avatar

I'll pay for all of the subscriptions required to not see ads when the companies I work for pay me enough money to afford it.

Have you seen the prices on these subscription sites?

Every single website you go to wants $20 a month to not show you ads, and for some all that will do is decrease the number of ads you are shown.

If you cycle through the same 10 to 15 websites then that's $200 to $300 a month just to look at the internet that you're paying $100 a month to look at.

Soundhole, (edited )

Did Banksy draw or write this? What’s the connection?

EDIT: Here’s an explanation from the artist who drew the comic:

This quote was taken from Banksy’s 2004 book Cut It Out. Some of the passage was inspired/appropriated from an essay by artist Sean Tejaratchi. I rearranged the last couple of sentences for this comic.


You mean the banksy that just had a huge expo in Glasgow? That was advertised all over the place? That published a book this year that was actually copyrighted?

That Banksy?


19 years and massive commercial success does that to you. I believe 2004 Banksy would describe that as being “a fucking sellout” or something.


I suppose I do. That’s kind of disappointing.

cameron_vale, (edited )

There’s a crack in every ideology. In fact it’s all cracks.


The issue is, people want to be owned. That makes then feel valuable and safe.


Is this how we make our mitochondria feel?

MargotRobbie, avatar

But just when you think you are safe from advertisements on your niche technology forum.

The advertisements followed you here.

Telling you to buy the “Barbie” movie, now available on Blu-Ray.

A movie about rediscovering meaning in a meaningless, hypercommercialized world.

A movie about reappropriating an advertisement into a New Sincerity, free from despair.

And that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you here for months.


Thanks, Margot Robbie.

MargotRobbie, avatar

That’s esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!


Is it wrong if I think your best performance was as yourself taking a bubble bath?

MargotRobbie, avatar

And not the one in Wolf of Wall Street? (Yes, that one.)



TBH if this is real Margot I wouldn’t be surprised one bit. Because we already had Taylor Swift as a 4chan user. Having Margot Robbie as a Lemmy user is not far fetched.

MargotRobbie, avatar

No one will ever believe you.


This here is a top-tier comment.


…nobody’s telling me to buy josie and the pussycats, though: seems like the safer bet…

fosforus, (edited )

I kinda agree with some of the sentiment here, but if you hate the city, is it necessary to live there? I think it’s usually even more expensive than outside the city so you cannot explain it with money.


City bad store good. Live in pisshole = worse storenprobably


You completely missed the point


By kinda agreeing with some of the sentiment there?

jol, (edited )

Yes, if you like living with people. Why is it OK for cities to be plastered with ads? It’s been shown they are not necessary.

And it’s not like TV or Youtube where ads are subsidising my experience. Outdoor ads are very rarely subsidising the thing you are experiencing. Sure, maybe ads on buses and bus stops help lower bus costs. But most ads are on buildings and billboards where the city doesn’t benefit from them. And you can’t opt out from riding a bus plastered with ads that cover even the windows making you even more depressed. There’s no bus premium subscription.


It was never about the city.

Okokimup, avatar

This is not readable for me, even when I open it in browser.

seitanic, avatar

It zooms in when I click on it. Are you on mobile?

ilikecoffee, (edited )

I’m on mobile, works fine for me ¯_(ツ)_/¯


why did this work


What is FAB?


Floating action button


Well, that worked.

Okokimup, avatar

That worked, thanks. Don’t know what FAB is.


People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.

You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity.

Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.

You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.

Usernameblankface, avatar

I had no idea I had read that much text in all those pictures.


It’s strange. I’ll write a pretty tight email, looks concise on my computer screen. Send it, walk away, read the replies on my phone and it looks like the prologue on a food blog recipe.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Yeah, it’s amazing how much context and layout make a difference


The absolute cringe from the second to last panel


Points deducted for missing an opportunity to use the word penultimate.


Fuck, didn’t even realize that


B-but according to lots of people we’re denying the content creators their revenue if we don’t stare at their ads like pathetic little sheep. Won’t somebody think of the advertisers???


Fuck em advertisers

StupidBrotherInLaw, (edited )

Not my fault they decided to work in an exploitative field.

Abolish slavery? But who will employ the slave masters?!


Not my fault they decided to work in an exploitative field.

I thought that was every field under capitalism


I think some are more exploitative than most. I work in a field that isn’t directly exploitative but effectively facilitates exploitation by others. Fields like advertising directly exploit others.

AutistoMephisto, avatar

Exactly! Whip cracking isn’t what anyone could call a transferrable skill! They went to school for years to learn how to use it, it’s all they know! If we get rid of slavery, their degrees go to waste!

Learn to code, slaver!


Content creators aren’t the enemy here, at least not the smaller scale ones. They often have no other sources of revenue.


wha? If you like someone’s content and are concerned about their income, give them a dollar.


I’m not saying banksy is up is own ass. But it sure seems like he’d be able to plan a route there.


Honestly, this makes me feel good about my habit for peeling off / throwing away those little ad stickers and cards whenever I see them somewhere and people aren’t looking.

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


Corporations do nothing but take. They owe you.

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