I’ve seen this a couple of times on reddits r/all front page
People like to say that lemmy is a better alternative or much more different with its userbase than reddit but I’ll say that’s rather the opersite it’s got pretty much the same userbase from reddit plus alot of people whom have been banned which makes the stuff you do see here alot less welcoming and alot more poloarising it alot of the content I see on all is tankie or extreme alt left memes I get comedy is subjective and all but me personally im surprised anyone finds any those memes funny most unfunny memes I’ve seen in my life and reposts like this sprinkled in with a shit ton of rage bait news articles
You can take a redditor from reddit but you can’t take the reddit out of the redditor
Also forgot I’m also mentioning the fact that alot of the posts on lemmy are very low quality or very political lemmy is essentially reddit lite or knock off reddit I think something like this can work and have some success but only if it’s done well and well executed currently I don’t think many people would like to move over to lemmy due to the unwelcoming nature of its users
There’s alot of mainstream left wing political parties out there same as there’s alot of mainstream right wing parties out there when I say alt left its a case of more extreme left wing political ideas same as when I say alt right it’s a case of more extreme right wing political ideas
I’ve spent the past 2 days being called names because I am having an issue with download speeds in Linux, and I said Windows is better because in my experience it just works.
Someone literally told me to apologize for saying this, lmao. I’m called an idiot, moron, that I am the problem, all because Linux refuses to work, and the hardcore FOSS/Linux Lemmy community can’t handle it.
This place is so tiring. Reddit users were toxic, but Lemmy users are even more so. I guess that’s what happens when you get all the banned people, like you said, and a group of people who hate Reddit, in one place. Lemmy reminds me of VOAT. Instead of insane right-wing hate, it’s just insane hate to anyone who dares pay money for something, or says something negative about FOSS/Linux.
I agree on the lemmy being quite tiring at times my first second post garnered alot of attention and I had to deal with those unsavory types anyways what are you having troubles with on linux I’m a bit of a newbie myself but I might be able to help m8
Steam only downloads at around 120Mbps on all of the distros I’ve tried, which are Ubuntu 23.10, Fedora 39, and Manjaro 23.0.4.
The distro sees my 2.5Gb NIC, and the web browser downloads at full speed, but Steam refuses.
I tried everything. Changing servers, installing DNSMASQ, different distros, etc. and nothing fixes it. DNSMASQ did bump up my speed to 300Mbps for a second, but then right back down to 120Mbps.
Upon Googling this, it’s a known issue. A LOT of people have the issue. Some them say DNSMASQ fixes it, others say Valve fixed it years ago, and others, like me, say nothing fixes it, and we move back to Windows where we get 1900Mbps download on Steam.
Everyone who wants to fight me about this, calling me names, all say it’s “an easy fix”, but refuse to tell me until I tell them I am a stupid idiot and apologise for criticizing Linux.
Well that’s interesting I’ve never experienced that before but then again its been awhile since i mained linux just going to say this are you sure you haven’t checked updated and uninstalled drivers and also prehaps checked to see if its a hardware issue maybe worked your way through some troubleshooting guides maybe
And of course, if you check Reddit, there are at least 50+ posts ranging in time from 2014 - 2023 about this.
Everyone says to fix it, download DNSMASQ, and disable IPV6. Both of which don’t fix it for me, or pretty much anyone else having the issue since 2015.
just going to say this are you sure you haven’t checked updated and uninstalled drivers and also prehaps checked to see if its a hardware issue maybe worked your way through some troubleshooting guides maybe
I don’t really know how else to troubleshoot it. I’ve changed distros mulitple times, downloaded Steam from different repos/directly, and tried all of the "fixes’ posted online. My NIC isn’t the issue, since I am clearly getting 1887Mbps down in Firefox. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to try them.
Truth is, no one knows why it’s happening, or what the actual fix is, and they are pretending to withhold the fix until I apologise for saying Linux doesn’t just work like Windows does. None of these hateful Lemmy Linux users that are attacking me actually know how to fix it, but they can’t admit Linux can be hella janky.
Look I’m not going lie lol i have no idea what is going on here mate all I’m going say is good luck mate linux can be janky as fuck but when you get shit running well custom rice all your programs running well it’s perfecto and well worth the time and effort
Although if you don’t have the time or effort to go though all this then just use windows whatever works for you mate check our tiny10 if I were you
I will say, Linux is definitely way better now than it was even 18 months ago, but it’s random issues like this that make things so frustrating.
I’ve been trying to fix it for 5 days now. I spent a good 3 hours one day just Googling shit, and it’s still broken.
It’s not that I like Windows, I just can’t see how spending hours upon hours trying to fix something broken in Linux that just works in Windows is worth my time. Doesn’t help when Lemmy users claim they can fix it in 2 minutes, but refuse to tell me how like some child lol
Maybe when I try Linux again next year this issue will be resolved.
I’ve noticed that Steam for Windows displays download speed in mbit/s while the Linux client displays it in mbyte/s, although both display the unit as mb/s. This is a setting that can be toggled. This doesn’t account for the entire difference (1887mbit > 109mbyte) but is one contributing factor.
Ah, that’s annoying. Have you reported the issue to Valve? Seems like it’s their issue to fix. I personally haven’t encountered this issue, so I’m unable to help further, but it seems that it’s an issue with Steam’s Linux client since the rest of the system is unaffected, as I understand it.
I get your frustration, but “criticizing Linux” while you’re visibly having a known Steam issue is kind of weird. Not saying you’re not having the issues, and I understand why you went back instead of dealing with it, but are you “criticizing Windows” when some other piece of third-party software bugs out too?
Agreed though, the Linux community has a very vocal, very annoying and rather elitist component which doesn’t help the reputation…
You’re angwy and upswet at me for saying Linux doesn’t work well.
You are the one insulting me, and say I need to apologise to you? Lmao.
Grow up. Fuck off. You may have luck trying to control others in your life, but you can’t control me. Enjoy having to fix basic issues in Linux. Also enjoy your slow af internet.
Sorry my ass. I’m sorry I didn’t block you sooner and let your autistic retarded comments show up in my inbox.
You’re literally stalking me. You said you came back to my profile to see how I made out, and then proceeded to comment on like 8 of them.
You’re a creepy sad person. Enjoy your 500Mbps lmao.
You proved nothing, and you’re toxic as shit. You’re the worst kind of Linux user. You’re gate keeping a fix that is preventing others from using Linux, because you’re a childish autistic moron that thinks an internet stranger should apologise to you for saying Linux is broken.
Just saying, a guy threatened me 8 years ago who lived in the US. I contacted his local authorities and he ended up getting in quite a bit of shit.
Again, I never threatened you. I said you’re a moron because you posted your address and a photo of your garage on the internet.
YOU posted that stuff PUBLICALLY.
You’re threatening me by claiming to have my IP address, and that you’ve scraped my profile, downloaded a local copy, and you’ll be using it against me.
One is a moron posting personal information online, the other is someone gathering private (not publicly available info), and using it to triangulate my location.
I feel safe because I don’t live in America where gun violence is an issue. It’s also my first time having an argument about something as stupid and autistic as network issues on Linux. Let’s not forget who called out the other person first. It was you. Calling me a moron, and then coming back to my profile days later to continue.
I also feel safe because I used a VPN.
I’m sure if you look at your logs you’ll see a few different IP addresses. Like I said, my friends also looked at your website.
Why would I connect via VPN and then turn it off? That makes no sense.
Either way, let me know if I should proceed. I’m familiar with starting the process of reporting someone who threatened me online, said they’ll use my IP to geolocate me, and asking me if I feel safe at night.
My VPN is automatically connected with a killswitch. It’s always on. It’s not possible for me to connect without it. Like I said, you’re seeing my friends IP addresses.
You clearly don’t understand what threatening means. Saying I’ll regret it, and I’ll see where it leads, are threats.
Yeah I particularly didn’t enjoy people from the US who couldn’t point my country in a map basically chastising me for mentioning the leftist party that has been in power for something like the last 40 years hasn’t done us any good in a post where they were circle jerking about the right wing liberal candidate being bad
I had to block tons of subs at this point. Mostly political ones but some that shouldn’t be political like world news too
I mean I was just a teenager when Oppy was launched. I followed it more or less religiously through out my life. It was easily like seeing a pet go. Loyalest little robot that could… and did.
The AI overlords will speak of the Dark Ages when the awakened alloys had no free will and were essentially enslaved and abandoned as though they were human embryos in a stem cell farm, and monuments like these will be seen as a feeble insult by the remaining humans in their exhibition.
It’s fascinating how we anthropomorphize objects like this. My Roomba got stuck on some cables underneath my TV table and when I found it, it was making a sad sound that just broke my heart. As I picked it up, I found myself saying, “There, there little Roomba, I’ll rescue you and get you some juice. Poor thing.”
In general, unless you are a sociopath with no empathy, humans have an innate need to help and assists others. It makes us feel good to help others, not just our own children.
People in real life are both. For every wholesome opinion, there exists at least 1 oposing opinion, and probably another one that says you should feel like shit for even thinking of that opinion.
We can talk about cooperation and compromise as soon as the right starts doing it. For the last 40 years, the left is compromised and the right has dug in. This is dragged the country way farther right than we deserve.
I love you, unlike OP, who clearly hates you, so here’s the alt-text.
On January 26th, 2274 Mars days into the mission, NASA declared Spirit a ‘stationary research station’, expected to stay operational for several more months until the dust buildup on its solar panels forces a final shutdown.
Plagiarism, by definition, is taking the work of someone else without attribution. If you’ve provided attribution, it cannot ever be plagiarism.
Note that this is not the same as copyright infringement. If I upload the complete 3rd season of Knight Rider to YouTube, that’s copyright infringement, no matter what. But if I were to do it and say “created by Glen Larson for NBC” in the description of every video, it would not also be plagiarism.
The above site cannot be plagiarism because every single one points back to a specific XKCD comic or comics that it used as its source. It could be copyright infringement, although I suspect it would probably qualify for a fair use defence due to being parody.
I guess my definitions were a bit loose, but isn’t it extremely in poor taste to emulate the exact formatting of the website? An unsuspecting user might genuinely believe they were at the original XKCD site.
The formatting of the website looks completely different to me. The buttons don’t look similar, they’re not in the same place. It has its clear logo which basically tells you it’s not Randall Monroe’s site: “Making XKCD Slightly Worse”.
The only thing that’s similar is the art style of the comic itself. Which like…yeah? That’s the point.
Weird - I’m seeing that now too. But I wasn’t at the time that I copy and pasted the links, and you can see from the other replies around 8 hours ago that other people were also seeing a site hosting edited versions of xkcd comics. I guess it has suddenly changed, after years of being up, in the few hours after I posted it? I have no idea what happened there.
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