I was taught to put my tongue* on the roof of my mouth and even had braces specifically to make me do that? Am I going mad? Is my life a lie? Is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide
Having your tongue against the roof of your mouth at rest is 100% the “correct” way to store your tongue. This actually influences how your teeth, jaw, and facial bones grow
That’s exactly what I was thinking. My tongue rests on the roof of my mouth, to pull it back takes more effort. In fact, as I open my mouth my tongue sticks to the roof a little, then pops away - there’s like a vacuum seal holding it there, effortlessly.
I heard it has to do with what your primary language is. Different languages have different default mouth positions and so speakers of different languages end up with different muscles developed over time.
Yes. I took Mandarin for a while and would practice at my favorite Chinese restaurants in town with the staff. They all remarked on how they keep their tongue on the bottom of their mouth. One older woman actually said it went back to Confucianism, and how that was better for the electrical circuit of the body, or something.
Not sure why you’re getting down votes, I agree totally. I mostly only follow space, sports, and video game news on there. It’s a great site for communication
Almost everything we do is learned behaviour. Could be as simple as hearing adults talk about it to each other or calling people someone’s girlfriend or boyfriend.
I had a little girlfriend when we were in first grade. lol I don't recall anyone ever asking me if I had a girlfriend or anything, and I had plenty of friends that were girls and no one ever teased me about it that I remember. I knew it was okay to be friends with girls, I just had a crush on this one. We played Zelda together and talked on the phone for hours about whatever dumb things first graders talk about, then her family moved to another state. It was my most successful relationship to date. 😂
Yes, your daughter has had the quintessential American child experience which is most likely going to underscored by taking place in a western-flavored cis heterosexual context. What I’m saying is that it’s all relative. Your daughter’s relationship experience will be different than an ancient Egyptian, or a Native American, or a Viking. There is nothing “natural” about the way we currently partake in relationships as Americans. And my point is that it is weird to assert “My child is so in love!” Let them express things on their own. Give them that freedom.
Yes, your daughter has had the quintessential American child experience which is most likely going to underscored by taking place in a western-flavored cis heterosexual context
Man if you knew me IRL you’d find this fucking hilarious.
Yeah but its like a cycle thing. Having tense clenched up muscles can make you feel more stressed and when you’re stressed you clench those muscles. So you can manually get a little break. You’ll still go right back to it if the root causes remain though.
Also Magnesium Glycinate supplements basically stop muscle clenching for me especially as a side effect from ADHD meds or other stims.
But also the roof of my mouth is the natural resting place for my tongue keeps me from clenching my jaw so you can’t listen to every silly tip.
People act like this isn’t science, like we don’t give medicine to people for well researched reasons for these exact things, like medicine is something they know more about by lying about it being “magic”
I could find none of it via google except maybe the clenched jaw. The vast majority of which are from sketchy health clinics pushing dumb shit to fleece rich people from their money.
Put your tongue wherever you want, keep your posture moving and in a comfortable position, and if you clench your jaw so hard you grind your teeth, then you have Bruxism, which is something entirely different you slack jawed sheep.
Want better stress relief? Quit doing coke. Quit drinking alcohol. Exercise. Eat better. And most of all, get sleep. If you can’t do any of those on your own, go to a doctor and get help for it.
Plenty of people would loom at you that way, you just push them away because you’re scared of intamacy/ are full of yourself/ aren’t ready for that. (Delete as appropriate)
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