Very rarely are things lethal like that. Poison edibles tend to taste awful, and if you start with a small amount you will learn whether it makes you sick.
Now mushrooms on the other hand? No idea how they figured it out.
If your kids keep asking for every thing they see at every store, and you’re tired of telling them no most of the time, take them to the library and say YES YES YES YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT!!!
I worked at a library in college. It was amazing. Truly one of my favorite jobs I've had. Libraries are legitimately one of the best things about modern society. Go support your local library folks!!
I find it pretty amazing how someone figured out how to make cassava edible. It’s got enough cyanide to kill you unless it goes through some complex process of mashing and boiling. Who thought to themselves “this killed Greg, but maybe it’ll be delicious if I boil it for a little longer”?
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