Emerald, Image Transcription: Twitter Post and Replies
Morbid Knowledge, @Morbidful
A diagram of how John Edward Jones was stuck for 27 hours in nutty putty cave before passing away.
kira👾, @kirawontmiss
wanna know something crazy to prevent this? not exploring a cave
A_Random_Idiot, (edited ) Hell, explore the cave.
Just don’t go forcing your way into places you clearly cant fit shouldnt be in, like a fucking idiot.
That shit wasnt cute when you did it as a kid and force your parents to destroy the stair railing just to get your fat fucking head out between the bannisters, and its even less so now when you do it to the entire fucking earth.
IHadTwoCows, 💯 this guy was white
negativeyoda, Probably still is
IHadTwoCows, Might be an ashy grey by now
ichbinjasokreativ, Because it’s a cave and not KFC?
Okkai, Buddy, not all Asians love KFC
altima_neo, The only spelunking I do is in spelunky
PeWu, The anxiety I felt when I looked at this picture is so immense I’m scared to read the article.
stoy, (edited ) Here is a WTYP pod episode about caving in general, with a part on this accident in particular.
starman2112, (edited ) TL;DW: Don’t go in the hole. When there’s a hole, don’t go in it
Stanley_Pain, Not like this. Not like this… 😫
Gork, A good article about this story is here.
pete_the_cat, This is just plain stupidity IMO. Dude deserves a Darwin Award.
Fedizen, What a fucking dumbass
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