
Coin is overpowered af. Just flip the coin and buy a lottery. At that precise moment, all other items are practically useless.

You can hire a cook, sleep, buy whatever you need, hire people to do your bidding. Who needs charisma when they have money?


It is overpowered af but don’t use it to get money. Use it to get the charisma glasses and each of the others during your first 12 hours (coincidently, they will all be close and easy to grab). Then attempt to write out an exhaustive list of any other objects or abilities that might threaten you (or maybe start with this one, as the glasses are the only one that threatens you from the original list). I’d say hopefully no one else has some other object or ability that warns them of anything that might threaten them, but yours might nullify theirs during your 12 hours. Attempt to deal with the list before half the time has passed.

Then start attempting to gain new abilities. Or attempt to find 28 more coins. 28 instead of 27 so that you can flip the next coin before the current one runs out and never fail the next flip. The sleep mask ensures you never sleep through a transition. Not that you’ll even need the ability to be constantly active.

“Anything you attempt” is waaaaay too broad.


Absolutely. I was assuming one can only access to one item.


Yeah I was going to choose the sleep mask until I saw the coin. If everything goes my way then I effectively have the powers of the glasses and the frying pan, plus unlimited luxury from lotteries, discoveries, opportunities, etc. The cooldown needs to be nerfed, or maybe add a negative debuff to the tails side.

Clbull, (edited )

If I had to put these on a personal tier list

S Tier:

  • Cool Glasses - As someone on the spectrum who is below-average in terms of physical attractiveness, the one thing I sorely lack is rizz. The ability to put on a pair of glasses and be able to automatically pass any job interview, make any new friends, sell any product, chat up any woman, etc would be massive. Also, no cooldown.
  • Fatigue Masking Mask - Gaining an extra 7 waking hours of time in a day is massive. If you’re productive this is the artifact to go for.

? Tier:

  • Caffeinated Shoes - This item is either moderately © to insanely (A) useful depending on its limitations. If you can skim across entire oceans at superhuman speed then that’s massive. If you lack superhuman reflexes and will get splattered into a fine bloody mist from colliding with anything then it becomes a lot less useful.

B Tier:

  • Frying Pan of Flavor Town - Unless it’s a massive cast iron pan, don’t expect to be opening up restaurants with it. It’s best reserved for your own nutrition and impressing guests with your cooking.

C Tier:

  • Lucky Penny - A 50% chance of having incredible luck for twelve hours once every fortnight seems great, but the cooldown is prohibitive. Also, unless RNGesus has bad luck protection, there is an incredibly slim chance that none of the 2000 or so times you get to use this item will yield any changes. Also, good luck can still wear off after those twelve hours.

D Tier:

  • Underwear of Fe’Breeze - Personal hygiene doesn’t take up much time, and with the right environment and lifestyle you can easily build up a habit. This one is just the least useful.
pyrflie, (edited )

The shoes are really a wild card on the list since they are percentage based. On Usain Bolt they might as well be the Winged Sandals of Mercury, but on my flabby ass they’d just make me a fairly competent runner.


I agree with all of this except for the penny. If it makes everything you try go right for 12 hours, you could do some pretty awesome and life-changing stuff, even if it has a long cool down! It could be A or S tier depending on how you use it


I mean… A vial of Felix Felicis with twelve hour effectiveness and a 50% chance to proc once every fortnight… Maybe I am underestimating it.


Plus… Underwear is until un equipped. Imagine about to get sexy time and you need to take them off. Lots of vomit will suddenly appear.

Clbull, (edited )

Depends on how it mitigates bad odor and poor hygiene. If it pauses rather than masks what harms your hygiene, then you’re all good. Otherwise… 🤢🤢🤮

I just overall think it’s not a useful artifact.

SnipingNinja, (edited )

The lucky penny is broken af. For example, you can use it to replicate everything else on the list or learn abilities to match them or better.

Basically, it’s exactly how luck is purported to work in various fictional universes. It’s kinda similar to Constantine’s (hellblazer) ability.

Edit: I am seeing people disagree with the penny, but unless the penny is magical in not only giving you luck but also in how the flip goes you can practice to make the flip go in your favour by practicing (I have been able to take the equivalent of a penny in my country and make it fall on the exact side I want almost every time)

With no explicit negative feedback and the penny going dormant in between, you can absolutely practice it. Hell make it so the first time you get the lucky heads you both practice and attempt to make the penny’s lucky effect permanent or at least semipermanent so that it goes in your favour the next fortnight you are supposed to flip it (if it can’t be made permanent without flipping)


I think the major limit in the penny is the phrasing… “Works out in your favor” isn’t the same as “succeed with your desired outcome.”

That lotto ticket might win $6, the supermodel you asked out can say no, but respect you for asking…


Ok, the mask if you are actually rested and not just “feeling rested”. Being hit with the physical effects of sleep deprivation and having organs start failing after a couple weeks would be a real problem.

Otherwise, that damn penny. Knowing that I have 12 hours of “I win” without any real limitation, even if it ends up being 12 hrs/month, would be obscenely broken. None of the other artifacts even come close. I make sure I always flip on a Monday at about 8am, if it’s heads, I apply for jobs I want and trade some stocks until about 1 pm, then go for a walk and see what goodness I can fall into for my life. Head home around 6pm with 2 hours of perfect luck left which I spend working on the cure for Autoimmune diseases and Cancer. Once I have enough wealth built up and have found plenty of cures to Salk the hell our of to piss off the pharma companies, I start working on Nuclear Fusion. Continue this pattern until I get bored.


I apply for jobs I want and trade some stocks

Bro, why are you applying for jobs? You are rich!


Again, not all jobs are about money. I want something meaningful to occupy my non-lucky time. All being rich means for me is that I don’t have go suffer while I pursue it. It also affords me more time to focus on what I want to focus on and lead a much lower-stress life. I’m not looking to enrich someone with the job, but I would like to enrich the world.


I agree, with one huge exception. Why the hell are you wasting your lucky coin applying for jobs?

Also, sure, do some trades once to get some starter money. But that’s a waste of your precious 12 hours a month. As is going for walks. You can be on vacation the other 98% of the time; spend every second of your penny time doing as much good as you can.

Cure diseases, solve nuclear fusion, end wars and violence, build infrastructure. There seems to be no limit the way it’s worded. Hell, build the Enterprise from Star Trek (or a better space ship) and spend your non-penny time exploring the galaxy.

Do physical laws even apply? Can you build replicators for everyone? How about a mansion in a tardis for every person on the planet?

For how long do you have to try something to succeed at it? Maybe you can do each of these things in just a couple seconds. If that’s the case, maybe penny time will quickly become non-valuable if you run out of ideas.


I actually wonder if the coin interacts with an int stat. What if it’s more nuanced than you’ll attempt to create a replicator by doing x and you will successfully find out that it’s impossible to do it in the way you intended.

I’m thinking like “I’m going to make a replicator in my garage” then getting stuck since you don’t know how to make the attempt. If you would know how then you’d be successful of course.


I have always had the power fantasy of the superpower of “I can manipulate anything I can understand. The better, more nuanced, and more correct my understanding, the more fine and powerful my control.”

It is essentially an int stat demipotence. Obviously, I would never achieve omnipotence or omniscience, but it would be cool to just rewrite the laws of physics because I understand how they work normally.

Also, I know better than to ever touch the Hubble constant or vacuum energy state. It would be fun to do extremely local manipulation of the gravitational constant or maybe some of the Riemann curvature constants to adjust the local shape of spacetime.


If you send us all hurtling into the sun, I swear to god…

Just, uh, be careful with gravity lol


I’ll be careful. Keep things very local. That said, I cannot promise that I won’t create a pillar of negative mass curvature to enable instantaneous, non-inertial, light speed acceleration directly into the sun for specific humans.

  • I specifically stated that “I apply to jobs I want”. Your statement indicates that you consider all work to be a waste of time. I personally want a job developing AI tools that work for the betterment of humanity. I wouldn’t need it to pay well as the investments I make on penny time would be my income. Also, it is one of those things that take too long to do in 12 hours, and having a team to work with helps a ton too.
  • The trades aren’t taking 12 hours. If you had the golden touch, and intended on making trades that had long-term viability with 100% success, then an hour or two a month would be all you needed. This also makes sure that the growth is slow enough that the SEC doesn’t get alerted.
  • I didn’t say I was going to take a walk to take a walk. I said I was walking around for a few hours to see what good fortune I could find. Again, if I have 100% successful luck, then everything I do is charmed. Walking “aimlessly” around most towns while under such an effect greatly increases the opportunities to happen across something that is beneficial.
  • The limitation is that you mentioned at the end, the 12 hours every 2 weeks. There is only so much that can be done in that span of time. Everything I mentioned was specifically designed to expand the knock-on effects of the good luck into the rest of the time that I don’t have it. A stock portfolio with guaranteed long-term growth, research breakthroughs which need to be built upon by experimentation and work, meeting the right people and forming the right relationships in my community, a long-term employment that provides me the challenges and long-term results in the world. The biggest challenge is to make sure that you have a good life that makes a difference while you have your normal luck, not concentrating on short term success.

The mask would solve all of the world’s problems.


If everyone has them the work hours will double. You can thank capitalism.


I mean, if everyone sleeps 7 less hours, that’s 7 more hours to do other stuff, and a lot of people do “other stuff” that require some kind of investment - painting requires colors, carpentery requires wood, most stuff requires electricity etc. - so people would HAVE TO work more in order to fuel the 7 more hours of economy.


there’s already plenty of unbought products in this overpricer capitalistic hellhole we live in


I wonder if the underwear also works if the user gets splashed with neurotoxin or hit by a wave of radiation. I know theres gotta be a clear cutoff but I’m not sure where it is.

Don’t get me wrong, running faster than Usain Bolt seems cool, too. The sleeping mask seems like a great idea at first until you realize it would increase your food expense dramatically.


The sleeping mask seems like a great idea at first until you realize it would increase your food expense dramatically.

So what?? It would add years to your life! Imagine having 7 more hours of wake time every day for a decade! 7/24 or 29% more conscious life time! This is absolutely my choice :)


TBH I’m not really doing that much with the 17 hours I’m currently awake and I have trouble keeping weight on. I’m not planning to pick up another job. I’d just be bored and hungry for additional years of lifespan.

brianorca, (edited )

But when you wake “fully refreshed” you are only good for the next 16 hours. Then you will be tired like any end of day, and out of sync with everyone else’s schedule, and still have to wait for the 20 hour cool down.


that is absolutely not what the description says.

brianorca, (edited )

I mean, when you wake up normally “fully refreshed”, how long can you go? 16-17 hours is all I get, unless I really push it. The description doesn’t say you don’t get tired, just that there’s a 20 hour cool down.

raspberriesareyummy, (edited )

Once fully rested, I can easily be up for 20 hours and fully awake / focused. Often more. My biorhythm seems more happy with a 30 hours cycle: 10 hours sleep, then 20 hours awake. If only the earth wasn’t rotating too fast ;) So this item would be perfect for me

Catasaur, avatar

I’ve always been envious of people with great social skills. I could accomplish a lot more if I had them. The glasses for sure.


Agreed. Wish I understood just how much more important spcial skills are over a professional skill.


I was sold on the mask at “the wearer go falls asleep in 30 seconds” then read the rest. Undeniably the best one here.

Sincerely, a night owl who takes forever to fall asleep, and is perpetually tired


I was like f yeah let these glasses turn into superpowers but then yeah, it’s not even a contest. 1 hr and fully rested is OP, you have to keep it quiet though, don’t let your employer know, or anyone else, or the things become mandatory.


Take the underwear and go into the deep ocean or outer space.

Unlimited fresh breath is an invaluable bonus.


“Listen here, you little shit”


Until you get crushed by pressure or frozen from near zero temps


If I equip the shoes and the frying pan, I can RP as the scout from tf2.




I’m not even winded!

HipsterTenZero, avatar

That underwear is cracked, gimme gimme.

also the coin holy shit, time to do some crimes

BambiDiego, (edited )

Or just gamble legally. Start with straight-up casino gambling, work your way to 100k, do investment gambling using the coin every chance you can, get yourself to 10mill, do property and hedge investing, eventually you don’t need the coin, save it for when you absolutely need it while your money makes money and you actually live a comfortable easy life

Sanyanov, (edited )


Look, everyone votes for penny, but really if your social skills are exceptional, rendering you able to “flawlessly navigate social situations”, you can get a lot of it anytime.

Want a super high paying job? Glasses! Wanna hit that girl? Glasses! Wanna get anything you want? Stay cool, with the use of glasses!

Penny does seem OP, but only for as long as it’s active, and while it is on cooldown (which is, on average, a month) you live your regular life with all the misery, and even if you’ve managed to accumulate money and influence through your lucky streaks, there’s always a lot that can go wrong. Besides, a random nature of a penny means you can never rely on it, and always have to assume you’ll lose. Betting on a penny makes you the ultimate RNG person, with dramatic rises and even more dramatic falls. Betting on glasses makes you insanely powerful on demand. Always. Anytime.


yeah but- you can get a high paying job, successfully hit on that girl, and so much more with the penny, yeah it’s only a 12h effect every two weeks (if you’re lucky) but during those 12hours you are a god


Glasses are cool and all but you start to disappoint as soon as you take them off. Finding a girl that you will like forever that really likes you for who you are is a coin skill.


Fair criticism


Wanna hit that girl?

:: glasses get knocked off during raucous sex ::

Oh. Oh no

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

Penny. I like to live dangerously.


I reread the penny, and theres actually no danger, NOT getting heads doesnt net you negative luck, its just a normal two weeks for you instead

pomodoro_longbreak, (edited ) avatar

That’s legalistic genie logic. I think the intent of the penny is pretty clear, even if the wording is way too open.


Its called the “LUCKy penny”, not the “Penny of Chance” it not bringing bad luck if you fail could very well be the intended mechanic of it


Ok … duh … the glasses are the best artifact.

You could be running the world in no time with that kind of charm applied to politics.


Jesus, who the fuck wants to do that…?


I am definitely not qualified to run the world.

V0lD, (edited )


Look, the glasses are nice and all, but they don’t give you a 50% change to win the lottery and randomly realise a way to prove/disprove the Riemann hypothesis every two weeks

I wonder how this works with elections. In my country, the votes are counted within 12 hours. When I’m voting on a party, I am attempting to make said party the largest one. Does the coin just give me a 50% chance to unilaterally decide my government every election cycle?

Edit: oh shit, it’s not 50% chance, but 100% after it came into effect once. The first time it lands on heads, try to guess the next flip’s outcome by guessing it would be heads. Since the coin is in effect, this guess is correct, even though the next coin will only be flipped in two weeks

In other words, the coin just gives you reality warping for halve a day every two weeks


It says “everything the user attempts” which technically you can guess what the next coin result will be correctly but your guess will stop being lucky after 12 hours and your attempt won’t be lucky.

Coin sounds the best tbh. It’s an infinite money with extra benefits.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

I’m assuming there’s a downside, like you have to commit to whatever thing you were planning before the flip. So like I say I’m going to slap a cop, and then I flip the coin, hoping for the best.

Maybe the effect only lasts until you look which side of the coin came up - so you won’t know how it will go until you’ve tried it. :D


Does the coin just give me a 50% chance to unilaterally decide my government every election cycle?

No, this one is the most like a “monkey’s paw” on this list. Here’s why:

everything the user attempts will work out in their favor

For instance, the worst possible candidate in your district/country is absolutely going to lower your taxes. Doesn’t matter who you want to win.

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