Kjatten, And then you imagine the “person will remember that” up in the corner
FrankTheHealer, 26 year old here. Happens constantly. I really wish reality would let me kinda pause time for a second like in a video game, so I have time to weigh up my options. Tbh tho, I’d probably still end up regretting things I’ve said
I’m getting better though. I can have a conversation with most people and most likely not say something completely fucking retarded. But there are times I say dumb shit and end up reliving those moments constantly in my head.
Cheskaz, Give me that quick save/load function
GratefullyGodless, One thing you can do for a pause in the conversation, is simply to put a thoughtful look on your face and stroke your chin for a moment while you figure out the best answer. This way the person you’re talking to knows that you were listening, so they don’t feel ignored, and it gives you that moments pause you need. Plus, bonus, sometimes they think you’re smarter and more thoughtful than you actually are.
wurosh, Or just be honest and say “I need to think about it.” Wins hearts and minds big time.
rony4102, Instant regret
bucketofcandyfloss, How to load previous save?
ChickenLadyLovesLife, I used to work for a large corporation and one day I found myself in a meeting with a bunch of female vice presidents where I was the only man there. The presenter was unable to display on the big screen because she didn’t have a connector; I happened to have the right kind and loaned it to her.
She said “you’re pretty handy to have around.” My brain decided that a clever thing to say in response would be “well, I’m pretty well-endowed in the dongle department” and I started to say that before my brain thought better of it and cut me off. So what I actually said was “well, I’m pretty well-endowed”. One woman in the room actually guffawed but everybody else managed to ignore it - although I’m willing to bet this story was told later more than a few times.
BigBenis, This one’s a weiner winner
victron, I felt the pain through my phone.
Wilzax, When you realize how that sounded you can save it by looking embarrassed and apologizing, and clarifying you meant something like “equipped”. Typically a gaff is better than leaving things at creepy
NikkiDimes, Jesus fucking Christ, how did you not just die on the spot?
Agent641, Dying
simin, (edited ) used to. i mean live and learn. and realize what you and / or others think is important
Subtle, deleted_by_author
simin, what?
puchaczyk, (edited ) Me starting a conversation with my dad about some mundane things that instantly turns into him talking about conspiracy theories.
AgentGrimstone, It’s been over 20 years and there are two that haunt me to this day.
Stamets, As someone with one haunting me for a little longer, fucking mood.
However I am curious about yours…
racsol, After that, you just start anticipating this feeling and unlock social anxiety.
Kolanaki, Just like Fallout 4, I only ever select the sarcastic option.
drislands, I bet you do. 🙄
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, I should go.
mossy_, There’s a settlement that needs your help, I’ll mark it on your map.
originalucifer, no worries, my brain will remind me every 45 seconds for the next 3 weeks
Tier1BuildABear, Lucky.
user224, And keep going for the rest of your life, just at a lower frequency because there’s more screw-ups to keep getting reminded of.
originalucifer, ha, yep. theres a lot of backpressure there in that pipe
Sylvartas, Only 3 weeks ? Lucky bastard
Olhonestjim, Weeks? Luckyyyy.
CliveRosfield, For some people that’s just how dating works out
AnonWyo, It’s really not a risk for me until I try and get past online chat. Online chatting, I can proofread my…ahem flirtations. In person? It’s a crapshoot.
That being said, I prefer to disappoint potential romantic interests in person. I’m old fashioned like that.
pimento64, “Oh, you’re not pregnant? I thought you were, you look like it”
Czarb, It’s the missed quicktime events that gnaw at my soul.
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