DosDude, That’s a beautiful tower! And that model m keyboard! I’m jealous.
dan1101, I don’t like that model M because it has Windows keys.
gaifux, You could remove the icon and put a picture of a keycap on it to denote it as a meta key
DosDude, Good eye. I stand corrected.
raoul, Ahh, the scrathing sound of the floppy disks at startup 🤤
Usernamealreadyinuse, I can even smell it!
aeronmelon, Well, if it’s good enough to host GTA Online, it should be good enough to run GTA 6.
KpntAutismus, i wanna build a pc in that case.
0x4E4F, That’s gonna be a loooong build 😂.
match, now I’m curious what the most powerful MS-DOS machine ever made is
mathemachristian, That piling though 🤤
HerrVorragend, Ah, the sounds of my early teenage years
0x4E4F, Mine as well ☺️.
ArousedByJoinery, Probably. Without Visuals though, you’ll have to settle for the text based adventure Version.
abbadon420, I don’t care much about gta6, but this pc is a beautiful historic piece. I would love to own something like this
victorz, Honest question, what would you do with it? Would you use it? If so, for what?
abbadon420, Frist thing that comes to mind is write a hello world program XD
I’d probably play around with the OS too. Maybe buy a book to help me explore all the “new” features. I recently found an old palmtop computer with an old school touch screen on my parent’s attic. I had lots of fun figuring out how that thing worked and now I’m trying to tweak it.
flambonkscious, Sopwith, csnipes, scorched earth, the classic worms (before it went shitty), so many neat games
The play mechanics were a lot more frustrating back then, however. Games were punishing
HerbalGamer, No you need a scroll wheel.
capt_wolf, It will, but you’re gonna need to hit the turbo button…
gogosempai, 60 frames per hour easy…
BananaPeal, Only if you delete system32
VieuxQueb, There is already no system32.
Coreidan, Wow so many floppy dicks!
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