Thcdenton, Got an MRI on tuesday. I was already nervous about it 😆
ObviouslyNotBanana, Just remember to look out for fire and good luck!
cactusupyourbutt, as long as you dont have any metals or buttplugs in you there is absolutely nothing that can go wrong with the test itself
hoping you get positive results my friend
Thcdenton, Positive?! 🤣
cactusupyourbutt, positive as in good results lol
groupofcrows, “Positive” for who? The parasites, cancer cell civilisation, the organ donation industry?..
snek, (edited ) When your trousers rip during a work day but you have to keep going.
sxan, Sauce? I want to know the back story here.
einlander, The title Google gives me is: Martyrium des hl. Veit (Vorderseite); Christus vor Kaiphas (Rückseite)
Bakkoda, An alternate universe where a zombie rose from the grave after 3 days and the sensible thing was done to the body.
sxan, (edited ) Noooo! If Return of the Living Dead taught us anything, it’s that you don’t burn the bodies!
OpenStars, I hear they let you do it if you are famous.
ininewcrow, Don’t worry, after this scan, we’ll be able to see what’s wrong with your bones.
not_again, Dammit. Beat me to it
nieceandtows, Oof ouch owie
ObviouslyNotBanana, My bones
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