ryannathans, Need a community for star wars memes
Klear, Just post it to ten forward. I’m sure it will be fine.
some_guy, When Vader cums, do the walls shake?
FenrirIII, Pretty sure his junk got burned off.
Viking_Hippie, When Vader shakes, do the walls cum?
Lepsea, Customer: excuse me sir, my cake is supposed to say “Rebel, cunt” not “cum”
Dart baker: I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further
hungryphrog, I think it’s supposed to be “rebel scum”.
FenrirIII, Wooosh
philycheezestake, When your dad’s name is Rebel…
TseseJuer, dog’s*
MelastSB, I wouldn’t eat that white stuff if I were you, it’s full of midichlorians
photonic_sorcerer, Master Qui-Gon sir, what are midichlorians?
Kyrrrr, Is that frosting warning me that it’s not frosting?
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