Fuck them right in the...?

aeronmelon, (edited ) It looks like someone crossbred a VW Bus with a panda bear then startled it.
Viking_Hippie, I mean, you gotta have a hobby 🤷
Annoyed_Crabby, It’s called an XBus now. Yes it’s not better.
But this is actually a pretty cool ev, the bed is swappable.
Viking_Hippie, Would possibly create some confusion in Denmark where the public inter-region busses are called X-Bus…
LemmyKnowsBest, (edited ) I don’t get it. Please tell me the double entendere of “XBus.”
anarchy79, ![]()
SkybreakerEngineer, The next one will be called xbus 360, then xbus one, then one s…
Mac, (edited ) I hate EV torque ratings. They’re not even remotely comparable to ICE vehicles.
The power ratings for the eBussy don’t adhere to SAE-J2908, btw.
Please at least use SAE-J2908.
Ilovethebomb, Where do they even measure this, is it at the wheels?
GBU_28, You measure the bussy.
Mac, Exactly my point. You get it.
Ilovethebomb, Torque is a stupid, meaningless figure in almost any situation, but particularly in a vehicle where there is a transmission involved.
EasternLettuce, deleted_by_author
Ilovethebomb, it directly measures their ability to get up to speed
No, it doesn’t. power measures how fast the vehicle will get up to speed, torque is meaningless unless you know the RPM that torque is being made at.
GBU_28, Most legitimate torque ratings include at what rpm. Many articles do not include all the details.
Ilovethebomb, That’s true, but of course the article doesn’t give an RPM range.
GBU_28, So you love me?
EasternLettuce, deleted_by_author
bilb, ![]()
You’re both completely wrong. The only important measurement of a vehicle is spirit
Tremble, (edited ) Don’t forget to check your tires people that’s a lot of torque
Edit: wherever the rubber meets the road
Mwallerby, I thought it was style, control, damage and aggression
original_reader, And here I was thinking HP might be the Hit Points.
Delta_V, Only if you’re playing a mage. Otherwise you’ll want to know the vehicle’s HP, AC and THAC0.
Ilovethebomb, Also wrong. If you compare two otherwise identical vehicles, the one with more power will both accelerate faster and have a higher top speed, assuming it has the gearing to use that power.
Stop getting all your vehicle knowledge from old top gear episodes.
anarchy79, ![]()
Here’s something tp calm your nerves, Talk The Torque, the best damn car review show on the Internet!
Glemek, Torque is a stupid, meaningless figure in almost any situation
Are you the one overtightening all the bolts in my shop??
Ilovethebomb, Maybe.
HerbalGamer, ![]()
i don’t know what bussy means and at this point I’m to afraid to ask.
erev, ![]()
boy pussy, so just a man’s ass
HerbalGamer, ![]()
thank you
tacosanonymous, I’ve also heard both “back” and “butt.”
madcaesar, Ooooohhh 🤣
HappyFrog, And then there’s wussy, or woman bussy
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