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lattrommi, in My weird KDE plasma workflow avatar

I have a similar, but different setup for similar, but different reasons. Some call it ADHD. That’s a terrible term for it but that’s another conversation. I get sidetracked easily, so multitasking is risky. When that happens, I forget everything. If I get distracted, it can lead to hours, if not days, of forgetting to do critical things like: sleep, bathroom, eat, bathe, reply to texts from friends, family, bosses etc. An innocent wikipedia link can cause me to lose a day or two. So I use the virtual desktops as a way to ‘break away’ from whatever meaningless distraction has pulled me away from whatever i was doing. More on that in a bit.

Other important notes: I am left handed. I have rheumatoid arthritis. It effects both hands but my right hand is much worse. Keyboard shortcuts are not friendly to people who are left hand dominant. Keyboards period, are usually not left hand friendly. I have 2 monitors always and sometimes 3 or 4. I recently got an ultrawide and have been using just 2 lately. The 2nd monitor, the smaller one, is where I usually put things that are always running like chat clients, music player, daily agenda, timers for cooking etc. If I have a 3rd, it will have a text editor, firefox or things i read to assist with whatever i’m working on.

I have 4 virtual desktops. They are arranged and named like so: | Main | System | | Art | Porn |

Don’t let the names fool you.

“Main” is what it sounds like. It’s where I do most of my work. It’s also where I keep my ‘to do’ list. The list keeps me organized somewhat. It’s a shortlist of important things I need to remember.

The other 3 are where my biggest sources of distraction go.

“System” is where I put anything related to the tools I use. This is not limited to the operating system, it includes software and hardware troubleshooting stuff but also things like the manuals for my car, planners for building computers, electronic schematics, health related stuff like insurance crap or research papers and plenty more. Stuff that I need to be operational. It’s also a week/month/year planner and where I keep phone numbers, notes for projects, all sorts of stuff.

“Art” is mostly for image and video editing software. If I get frustrated by something, it becomes a vacation spot. A zen garden of sorts. Occasionally I will run “feh -rzsZFD 5 /path/to/my/shittyart” which starts a nice slideshow of images and watch it for awhile.

“Porn” is for anything that is not important. This is where wikipedia lives if it’s not related to anything important. This is where the youtube videos go, that friends/family send me that i’m worried they will distract me. It’s more of a ‘to do later’ section. That’s part of the choice in name for the desktop, ‘do’ sometimes used as a euphemism for sex. Another way of putting it, it’s the “fuck that for now” desktop. Also, I quit watching TV and movies and also playing videogames, as a new year resolution back in 2020. This is where those things used to go. Also, this is where I watch porn.

Keyboard: I remapped a lot of keyboard shortcuts. I wont list all of them, just the important/relevant ones. CTRL+[F1…F4] These switch to the virtual desktops. F1 is Main, F2 is System, F3 is Art and F4 Porn. CTRL+[top row 1…4] These send the currently focused window to the corresponding desktop. Most useful when I catch myself getting distracted by something. I can CTRL+4 to ‘throw it away for later’ Meta+top row 1/Meta+ top row 3 Moves current focused window left or right in regard to which monitor it is on. Meta+ top row 2 Maximize toggle focused window. Meta+4
Meta+WSAD Tile ↑↓←→ F1 Application Launcher (because I don’t need help lol) F2 Window menu F3 Krunner F4 Yakuake toggle

This allows me to use my left hand almost entirely by itself, useful when my right hand is locked and curled up in a clenched fist from the rheumatism. Another part of the reason I named the 4th desktop what I named it, because i’ve become really good at typing with one hand.

There are a lot of F row combinations that are unused. F5-F8 with shift, alt, meta and ctrl can be done with either hand once you do it a few times and understand how your hand can reach them. F5 alone is refresh. meta+f5 and f6 do mouse focus stuff i don’t really understand or use. I don’t use or know of any programs that use any combinations of them. To me it means there are 30+ shortcuts that could be made if i include shift+another modifer key.

I also made caps lock the 3rd level chooser, pause/break the compose key, mousewheel on the desktop switches desktops, mousewheel on the titlebar of any window moves that window and switches desktop, alt+menu (the keyboard menu button) and crtl+menu to open the emmoji picker and special character select dialogues.

I originally designed this with the KDE desktop cube switcher. It really helped the ADHD aspect of things. Something about being able to mentally ‘put stuff on the cube’ helped keep me focused. The visualization itself also worked as a distraction, one that I could use to help break away from my distractions. Convoluted way to do things, I know. Losing that silly cube animation really messed me up for awhile. I can’t wait for it to return, although I doubt it will have the same functionality.

Like you mentioned at the end, I am probably forgetting to talk about something.

This is a low quality gif I made, when I was first working out the shortcuts and stuff. Felt relevant.

TrickDacy, in "Help me choose my first distro" and other questions for beginners avatar

This is a great write up. Thanks for this. I may daily drive Fedora as a result of reading it. I recently installed it on an old laptop when I was looking for the lightest distro that comes with gnome by default. I took a liking to it immediately and I now feel validated knowing Torvalds himself is a fan :)

anothermember, in Selecting the New Face of openSUSE is Underway

Is there a reason given why they can’t use their current logo?


They can, they just want to change branding to look less like SUSE logo

executivechimp, in Navigating around in your shell avatar

Good article. Rather than aliasing `cd …/…" etc. I’ve got this function in my setup:

<span style="color:#323232;">up () {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	local x='' 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	for i in $(seq ${1:-1})
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	do
</span><span style="color:#323232;">		x="$x../" 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	done
</span><span style="color:#323232;">	cd $x
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

This lets me do up 4 to go up 4 directories.


What I use to automatically extend stuff like ls … to ls …/…/…/…

<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">function </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#795da3;">expand-dots</span><span style="color:#323232;">() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">local </span><span style="color:#323232;">MATCH
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">if </span><span style="color:#62a35c;">[[ </span><span style="color:#323232;">$LBUFFER </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">=~ </span><span style="color:#183691;">'(^| )...+' </span><span style="color:#62a35c;">]]</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">; then
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        LBUFFER</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">=</span><span style="color:#183691;">$</span><span style="color:#323232;">LBUFFER</span><span style="color:#183691;">:fs%</span><span style="color:#0086b3;">...</span><span style="color:#183691;">%../..%
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">fi
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">function </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#795da3;">expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete</span><span style="color:#323232;">() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    zle expand-dots
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    zle expand-or-complete
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">function </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#795da3;">expand-dots-then-accept-line</span><span style="color:#323232;">() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    zle expand-dots
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    zle accept-line
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">zle -N expand-dots
</span><span style="color:#323232;">zle -N expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete
</span><span style="color:#323232;">zle -N expand-dots-then-accept-line
</span><span style="color:#323232;">bindkey </span><span style="color:#183691;">'^I'</span><span style="color:#323232;"> expand-dots-then-expand-or-complete
</span><span style="color:#323232;">bindkey </span><span style="color:#183691;">'^M'</span><span style="color:#323232;"> expand-dots-then-accept-line

(for zsh)


You could also do a “up” for one up “upp” for 2 and “upppp” for 4 because of fun

executivechimp, avatar

True. That is something that could be done.


Oh I really like this. I never had an alias for this since I need to do multiple backwards cds very rarely, but I might just copy this

executivechimp, avatar

Go for it. I’ve been using it for years without a problem.


I have the zsh option autopushd set which calls pushd in interactive shells for every cd, that way 90% of the time when I want to go back up to another path I can just use popd


I use Fish and have keybinds for previous and next directory, 99% of the time when going up in a directory it’s to (one of) the previous directory/ies I was in


Holy shit


Look into zoxide.

z direc

Will take you to the most used directory starting with “direc” eg “/home/me/random/directory”

executivechimp, avatar

I’ve tried things like that before but never got on with them. I found when I had many projects with similar directory structures it was easy to end up in the wrong place and took more thought to get to the right place than just cding

beeng, (edited )

The dir’s are the same names or similar? A few extra key strokes to get the fullname should be easier than cd’ing back and forth.

There’s also z foo “space” “tab” as per docs to get interactive list for matches.

But, just a suggestion!

harry315, in GIMP 3.0 finally has a release schedule

wait, what? I’ve had a GIMP 2.x for at least 15 years now. they can’t just… increase the number?? it’s part of the program’s name now

ininewcrow, avatar

It’s been so long that the two versions might as well be completely separate different programs at this point.

I’ll probably run both when the new version is available because I’ve become so normalized to GIMP 2.10

It will take me another decade to get used to GIMP 3.0


They’re moving over to GTK3, so it makes a lot of sense.

ares35, avatar

so soon? gtk4 is only like three years old.


It makes a lot of sense to use GTK4, but I guess they wanted to respect the chronological order for the GUI library?

winety, avatar

The GTK3 port has been in the making for a very long time. Long before anyone even mentioned GTK4. Porting an application to a different GUI toolkit is a lot of work.

sxan, avatar

And it shouldn’t be. Sure, there are some new features you may want to take advantage of, but it’s lamentable that GTK doesn’t try harder to maintain backwards compatability.

You know who does major version changes well? Go. Excellent backwards compatible over a decade of very active development, and when there are recommended or required changes, the compiler provides tooling to update source code to the new API.

optimal, avatar

GTK2->GTK3 was a major leap. For something like a GUI toolkit, changes and advancements are inevitable. A GTK4 port would be much less difficult, as the developer-facing changes are an order of magnitude smaller.

winety, avatar

Yes, it shouldn’t. Unfortunately, the developers of GTK thrived on changes to the API during the GTK3 era. I don’t know why Go devs don’t (and I am indeed very glad that they don’t). Perhaps it’s because of the different structures of the development teams or perhaps because GTK has more hazy goals. 🤷‍♂️

Aatube, (edited ) avatar

According to the GTK team, trying to maintain backwards compatibility dragged the whole project down. I agree that a basics' automatic porting tool would've been nice.

aard, avatar

I guess we can give GIMP a pass to be a bit slower in migrating to new versions of the _G_IMP _T_ool_K_it than others…

Aatube, avatar

It's just the GTK now, mein freunde.


I think it’s gonna be Linux 2-7 for Gimp 2-3.

Nougat, (edited ) in "Help me choose my first distro" and other questions for beginners

Request for clarifications "for beginners":

systemd, XOrg, Wayland - you have mentioned those without an explanation of what they are.

Last time I did anything with linux, Ubuntu was all the rage. I'm interested in hearing more details about what makes it a distro to avoid.

@snaptastic, please let me know if this comment is relevant enough.


I’ve updated my post with “I heard conflicting stuff over the Internet and now I’m scared” and an introduction. Those are legitimate questions for people who, like me, do a lot of research before committing to something. Some of the discussions here and in other communities might scare people off, as they might feel they’ve done the “wrong” choice or are afraid to do the “wrong” choice.

Audacity9961, (edited )

Nothing. OP is being an idealogue that is doing a disservice to new users.

Snap can be undesirable for some, but honestly Ubuntu works very well for beginners and arguably has a more intuitive gnome interface by default.

rattking, (edited ) in The Linux Kernel Preparing To Drop Infrastructure For Old &amp; Obsolete Graphics Drivers - Phoronix avatar

01:04.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. MGA G200eW WPCM450 (rev 0a)

Oh no! My 10ish year old supermicro server has a Matrix MGA built in to the motherboard and integrated with the ipmi OOB management system. I’m sure I can add in a newer video card but I assume the impi won’t be able to redirect video from it. :'(

Edit: hang on… crisis averted I think, my system is using the mgag200 driver and it doesn’t look like that one is being removed.

aluminium, in Selecting the New Face of openSUSE is Underway

Please not another ultra minimal mono color logo

funkajunk, avatar

Too bad for you, they already have the logos for some of the variants and that’s exactly what they’re going for.




Yeah felt very obvious which ones will be chosen regardless of the survey…


I don’t feel like they’re inherently bad, but they’ve become so popular that they all feel like they’re blending together. I think it’s kind of stale at this point.

atzanteol, in "Help me choose my first distro" and other questions for beginners

What’s with the weird anti-Ubuntu bias? “It’ll probably work fine but I don’t like their management?”

You’re recommending a distro for beginners. Personal disagreements with the company are irrelevant.


You quoted half of the sentence. I think there’s enough substance on there to consider that an informed opinion.


Is there?

“these two have major issues in management, packaging policies or philosophy that might make your life as a beginner difficult”

What issues are these that I’ve never seen?

Pantherina, in Linux Mint XCFE -> Gnome?

Yes, KDE is a lot different and has waaay more features, thus being more complex and sometimes a little buggy but not a Problem.

Wayland support is great, and this is a must.

I dont use GNOME but dash to panel + appindicators + normal decorations + x could fulfill some needs.

CubitOom, (edited ) in Linux Mint XCFE -> Gnome?

If you like xfce, I think that kde is more similar to it than gnome. So I would recommend giving kde a try too.

An easy way to test out both is to just use a live image booted from a USB. You could always install them to your everyday PC but then you have a lot more packages installed and I personally would rather keep my installed packages to a minimum. If you can’t do a live cd because your os doesn’t provide one then I would try a vm or a different drive that you can boot into.


op did mention they tired of xfce

live image is a great shout. you could ventoy to boot into the different images as quick as possible

TimeSquirrel, (edited ) in Any experience with teaching kids Linux? avatar

With my kid, he just gets on Steam and starts doing his thing with his friends like everybody else as if he was on Windows. It makes no difference to him. I figure I'd let him learn the same way I learned computers, by just standing back and letting him poke and prod around and giving assistance and guidance when necessary. He can't break anything important.


I tried this with my son, who is now 17 and not nearly as computer literate as I was by his age, let alone Linux literate at all. I think it’s a generational thing, as a kid growing up in the 90s I HAD to learn how to administer our PC at a higher level to do the things I wanted to do. Now with easy apps and tablets and auto-installation of all-the-things you just don’t need to be an advanced user to do what you want to do. This is just my experience, YEMV

cosmicrookie, in Selecting the New Face of openSUSE is Underway avatar

The survey is crap on Mobile! Literally not useable

corsicanguppy, in Based KDE 🗿


I can’t wait until community ADHD picks another inscrutable word to mutter arbitrarily and signal clique membership.

ikidd, avatar

What weirds me out is that this was a Maga/redpill thing to start with.


I remember it first from twitch, many years ago.


that’s the joke


Better teach yourself what ADHD is if you ever want to get out of your basement.

psud, (edited )

I like the word, it fits well with biased which is approximately opposite

My least favourite new word is ‘doom scrolling’ which is now used to mean “scrolling internet feeds mindlessly” where it originally meant “constantly refreshing the internet feed in the hope the result of the American presidential election will change”

I’d be happy if it was used in another doomy context

HaunchesTV, (edited ) in Any experience with teaching kids Linux?

It’s obviously not representative of the overall Linux experience but I recently realised that messing around on the Linux bits in ChromeOS would be a pretty good way to learn Terminal things, at least for Debian. It’s sandboxed so it doesn’t matter if you screw up and if you do it’s like two or three clicks to start afresh, way simpler than setting up and resetting a standard VM for the inexperienced. It, of course, means using a ChromeOS device but maybe that can be a secondary lesson on having megacorps profit from your data.

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