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frippa, in Based KDE 🗿 avatar

Bel nick 10/10

MazonnaCara89, avatar

Grazie brother ❤️

JoMomma, in OpenSSL 3.2 Adds Support for TCP Fast Open on Linux, Argon2 KDF, and More


prole, in Just install EndeavorOS lol

Recently switched to Linux a couple months ago and can’t recommend EndeavorOS more. It’s great.

luthis, in Fixed Arch install error

Both lines are commented out, # means that it is ignored


TheUUID is not comented out. Only nvme0n1p is


Should there be a space between ‘relatime, flask=’ ? Is that in fstab? It should all be one string, like in mine mine rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro


It’s one line with no spaces but I’m writing on a phone and Jarboa autocorrect is ass.


Still same error

kshade, in Based KDE 🗿 avatar

KDE nerds: Is there a way to get a normal app launch indicator (cursor with a loading icon/hourglass) instead of either nothing or the little hopping icons that don’t animate right?


I don’t know about an hourglass specifically, but there are some options. Should be in system settings, applications, launch feedback and/or busy cursor.

Kierunkowy74, avatar

System Settings → Appearance → Cursor Theme → Configure Launch Feedback

kshade, avatar

That only has nothing, static (icon), blinking (icon) or bouncing (icon) though. I find anything involving the icon jarring, especially because it keeps lagging behind the cursor. And yes, this is incredibly minor.


Seems to be some cursor themes that do it that way, like this one for example:


I think you mean different. I find the bouncing very normal after all these years. The spinning wheel and hourglass is there but they are used to indicate system waits, rather than launches.

Of course you can shut the bouncing launch off if you dont like it.


No. Some people wanted to change it to that for Plasma 6, but on Xorg there’s apparently no way to make that happen, as the cursor is always decided on by the window you’re hovering over…

kshade, avatar

Oh, I see, thank you! Never noticed the cursor changing back when I put it over another window in XFCE, but I also never looked for that. I really just want that brief feedback, especially when I’m using a touchpad.

Nibodhika, in Fixed Arch install error

Refind does not generate the proper Configs when ran from the live image. From the wiki

Warning: When refind-install is run in chroot (e.g. in live system when installing Arch Linux) /boot/refind_linux.conf is populated with kernel options from the live system not the one on which it is installed. Edit /boot/refind_linux.conf and make sure the kernel parameters in it are correct for your system, otherwise you could get a kernel panic on your next boot. See .conf for an example file.

This is how my /boot/refind_linux.conf looks like:

<span style="color:#323232;">"Boot with standard options"  "rw root=/dev/nvme1n1p2"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"Boot to single-user mode"    "rw root=/dev/nvme1n1p2 single"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=/dev/nvme1n1p2"

Using nano it just created new file

Nibodhika, (edited )

Have you mounted /boot? Usually it’s in a different partition so you’ll need to mount it.

Edit: yup, your boot is in a different partition according to your fstab


From where should I mount it? Emergency shell? Chroot?

Nibodhika, (edited )

Every time I made this mistake I booted again the live iso, mounted the boot drive and edit it.

Edit: you can also just edit the entry on refind directly to boot once on a correct config, and then fix it inside your actual system. The error is that the root filesystem will have an uuid that relates to the live iso image, not to your actual system.


I think I managed to mount it but what should I edit?

Nibodhika, (edited )

Ok, if I understood correctly your fstab what you should do is:

  1. Boot the live iso
  2. Run mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt
  3. run nano /mnt/refind_linux.conf
  4. Alter the file so it says this:

<span style="color:#323232;">"Boot with standard options"  "rw root=/dev/nvme0n1p2"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"Boot to single-user mode"    "rw root=/dev/nvme0n1p2 single"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"Boot with minimal options"   "ro root=/dev/nvme0n1p2"
  1. Save and close
  2. Unmount the drive umount /mnt
  3. Reboot

That should work

Edit: noticed my disk was 1 while yours is 0, didn’t remembered I had two ssds on that machine hahahah

Edit2: check that the file exists in /mnt, it should if you ran refind-install the first time.


I get the same error. Should I install grub?


Did you confirm that the file existed before editing? And that you were mounting the correct boot and not root partition?

I don’t know what else it can be if that doesn’t solve it.

yianiris, avatar

systemd doesn't like booting with ro, too dumb to check then mount filesystems.

@Nibodhika @Hiro8811

hperrin, in Fixed Arch install error

Check your /etc/fstab file to make sure your root partition is correctly specified, then rerun your bootloader install.

luthis, in Fixed Arch install error

Also come on guys, let’s prove that the Arch community isn’t all full of assholes, let’s help this dickhead sort their stupid ass issue.


araozu, in Just install EndeavorOS lol

If the arch wiki doesn’t have the answer, I just give up

library_napper, avatar

The most unrealistic part of this


It does have the answer, you just can’t find it

Helmic, in Spending a few days with Hyprland made me realize how awesome Gnome is

Starting with someone’s dotfiles is a much better way to start with these minimalist window managers. You can see what they did and only tweak the the things you want to work different. Still not as easy as a DE’s unified settings, but if you like that fine grained control it can be worthwhile. My setup is quite basic, but having everything bound to the keys I want lets me do what I want quickly.

fury, in Based KDE 🗿

Me still trying to figure out how to get it to auto start / auto login on boot on my fresh new Raspberry Pi 5 without locking up at a flashing cursor screen: 😩

psud, (edited )

I haven’t had luck with auto login, as soon as it’s logged in it wants a password to unlock its keyring

I wish installers let you set low local security mode. We don’t all need strong security, some of us are just playing games

glibg10b, in Based KDE 🗿

Windows 11 takes your money, gives you ads, sells your information and ignores your bug reports and feature requests

KDE is free, ad-free and open to contribution

I think we have a clear winner here


Not to mention free as in freedom.


Also free as in beer.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

Sadly there’s no beer in it however


You can look up beer recipes and buy equipment and ingredients from it though. And use web based or spreadsheet calculators on it to do beer related calculations

That beer is also not free, but assuming you make beer for a long time the price per pint (half litre to split the difference between UK and US pints) tends toward about 20c (though highly hopped beers like hazy pale ale can get towards a dollar a pint) which is pretty cheap


But not free as in Murica.


You could get Ubuntu in a free like America style


But in America, Freedom isn’t free.



And anytime you mention that anywhere when somebody is being fucked again by windows, people find you annoying


But can it play Starfield with an Nvidia GPU? I originally had popos on my PC until Starfield came out, I had to switch to Windows to play.

FangedWyvern42, avatar

In a nutshell; it works with a lot of tweaks.


I mean Starfield was just terrible optimized for Nvidia at launch and still isn’t ideal no matter what OS you use.


I play it on max settings with no problems on windows

desconectado, (edited )

But can it run proprietary software used in the industry? From Excel to Photoshop, if you are in a collaborative professional environment, you can’t run away from those, and don’t tell me you can use the alternatives in Linux, because no, you can’t. This is not linux fault, but it’s still an issue you can’t handwave.

I love linux, but you can’t expect people to adopt it just because it’s objectively better than windows.


List of things to consider

  1. There are alternatives
  2. You can use wine
  3. You can run a windows VM and install it there
  4. Dual boot windows
  5. Microsoft has built a proprietary moat around their operating system. The reason why it’s hard to switch from Windows is by corporate design. A mix of early adoption, network effects, and just plain cold hard cash makes them dominate the operating system market. Of course it’s infeasible for your 60yo coworker to switch; but KDE presents an alternate reality, an opportunity, for people fed up with big tech’s bullshit. Yes, figure out how to run and use alternatives you fucking nut. Way to go disparaging countless volunteer hours spent on open source projects so that people like me can switch to linux.

Comments like these make me irrationally angry. Why complain about open source software and give bad PR? It’s open source; contribute.


Read my other replies. 1 and 2 don’t really work, the performance of using wine, or the alternatives, is just not there, if you do amateur work, maybe that’s fine, but for professional collaborative work, good luck using freecad instead of autocad.

Personally, I use 3 and 4, but you have to understand that the regular user is not going to go through that much hassle to set up a virtual machine.

hyaudreyzane, (edited ) avatar

@desconectado @glibg10b Wine exists... And that's all I have to say. There is a good installer in lutris for creative cloud that works pretty good if you own it. And if you have a NVIDIA graphics card, it works even better, almost like on windows. It's not 1:1 but we're getting close. For excel you have wine again or a great free alternative is WPS or softmaker if you want to buy it.

desconectado, (edited )

I wish Wine worked well enough to use Excel. We are not talking about adding up numbers in a cell. Once you include macros, or a reference manager in Word, Wine is not good enough. The same can be said about propietary software, like autocad, or software used to control equipment. Also, good luck convincing a regular user to get familiar with wine.

WPS is great for simple files. Again, not good enough for complex files, especially if it is a corporate collaboration environment. I have lost count on the amount of ppt files that didn’t display well when it used WPS.

Every other year I try all the alternatives you mention, hoping they got better, and I always come back to use a dual boot or a virtual machine, which is not a thing your regular user wants to do.


You just gotta make an effort. The one who are too lazy will never be free of Microsoft’s clutches. Which probably just means pretty much everyone will stick to windows.


That’s my point, I use linux as much as I can, but if 80% of your colleagues use Windows… You don’t have much choice.


Sounds like you need better colleagues.

desconectado, (edited )

I use linux 50% of my time, I’m not going to ditch my job so I can use it 100%, lol. What kind of advice is that for someone who wants to use linux.


It depends on your industry. I’m in an agile development team, working in AWS in Java. I’m not a dev, so my work is in spreadsheets, word processor documents, web utilities like Azure Dev Ops

All that is platform independent, though we have to work on the organisation’s computers, so we work in the office on windows PCs or from home on whatever, remoted into a windows machine or VM

The devs work in VMs which are variously windows or GNU/Linux depending on what the person’s previous project was.


If you want real change you have to change for real.

FangedWyvern42, avatar

Wine can run most of those, not all. You can still dual boot Windows if you need to (VMs are an option, but they aren’t always the best).


I mean, that’s what I do. Will I be able to convince my 60 yo colleague that had been using the same workflow for decades? No, not a chance.


Are you talking about for work or home usage? And do they have any specific proprietary application/hardware requirements?

desconectado, (edited )

Work use. The are hardware requirements (XRD machines, potentiostats, CNC machining) and software requirements (3D design). My workshop asks for files in Autodesk Inventor, if I send it in any other format, they just won’t fabricate my pieces, and I completely understand, who am I to change the workflow of a complete department just because I refuse to use Inventor (which is provided at work).


But you understand that’s a massive Ballache to deal with on top of your normal workload?


I haven’t tried running anything new, but the stuff I have run in wine has worked easily, without any tweaking


There are enough web based office instances running for Linux to be functional in that regard.

Photoshop on the other hand…


Photopea is a solid replacement.


GIMP will be great once it no longer needs to dodge patents

Audio players work great now MP3 is out of patent (before that MP3 was really only available if you were willing to ignore the patent)


I love linux, but you can’t expect people to adopt it just because it’s objectively better than windows.

Excel o,O


Meh I had a dual boot machine ages ago. Still here collecting dust. Basically I only switched to use the Linux for down time, movies, and study, most day to day tasks from engineering software to anything I considered important enough that you do not want the results hacked or broken I would use Windows.

I think of modern machines kind of like a hammer. These days almost nobody actually remembers the guy who made the first hammer, or who discovered fire, but there’s a price tag for the bow, the paper and the hammer, not so much the making of the hammer, because the actual skill involved or required to learn about it has become challenged if not cheapened to the degree that there are now multiple paths to obtain or create a hammer, yet the benchmark quality of the hammer as well as the process for creation itself as a whole is now more of an authority than the actual original statue or monolith of “hammer man” himself.

This is why I think the many flavours of Ubuntu including the many esoteric Linux distros are still interesting but still lack the diversity of use and specialization. The fact that whole blockchains are built for XYZ while sitting around pumped then dumped to trading at cents with no use goes to show how cloud computing systems and lower level computing is still very disconnected and becoming further thrown aside to uphold ponzi schemes.

I’ll give you an example, more money is wasted on onlyfans per year than for people trying to use system XYZ for solving problem A, or curing cancer. Consider that to be one of the “good” reasons many men and women are so misogynistic, even without looking down on sex workers.


I… what? What does Ubuntu have to do with misogyny?


This post reminded me to take my meds.


Get a life and stop trying to diagnose people via any observable behaviour. One day you’ll understand child lol

1847953620, (edited )

Look. Everything is like a hammer, in terms of specialization. From Linux distros to gender roles, if you want to understand the world, just look at the hammer. We live in the Hammer Age. It is hammer time.


No but yes it’s a useful analogy


Because plot twists and funny 🤣 nobody cares

heygooberman, in Based KDE 🗿 avatar

It’s not my primary driver, but I would gladly choose KDE over Windows.

const_void, in Based KDE 🗿

KDE is the best desktop environment.

WeLoveCastingSpellz, (edited ) in winewayland.drv: part 10.2: Vulkan swapchain support - 2/3

In a few months/years I expect gaming on linux to be more performant than windows on both nvidia and amd for about.most games. cause both nvidia and winee are taking steps to support nvidia better and I have heard that wine wayland already runs faster than wine on native X11

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