Bringing back memories of my own. Mandrake in 2004 was a but before my time, but I’m sure I’ve still got my Ubuntu discs I downloaded at the local library and burned myself almost a decade after this Mandrake disk.
I’m currently using ROC on my laptop and desktop. Latency is low enough to not be noticeable when playing video on my laptop and streaming audio to the desktop. Audio can get a bit choppy if my laptop is on WiFi. But that is most probably because the signal between the repeater on the second floor and my DSL modem on the ground floor is pretty meh.
Latency is low enough to not be noticeable when playing video on my laptop and streaming audio to the desktop.
That’s basically my use case. Want to use my HTPC as the source and some RasPi’s or repurposed thin clients as the sinks - pretty much what I do now with MPD and Snapcast. I absolutely do not want to have to mess with audio offset settings in Emby to keep the dialog in sync. lol
I’ve only skimmed the docs (holidays are a huge time sink haha), but do you know if it can do one-to-many or just one-to-one? Like, can I have one source and multiple receivers? The docs seemed to imply it could do one-to-many, but I didn’t get to dive into them deep enough.
I don’t know if ROC can do multicast on its own. I use the Pipewire source and sink. And I only do the one-to-one setup.
I did some tests in Pipewire:
Configuring multiple sinks is possible on a machine. They simply present as additional output devices. So if you want to switch audio to another source, that should be doable by switching to another output device.
Doing one-to-many: I don’t know if that is possible with ROC alone. You might be able to do something with Pipewire graphs
I ended up ripping the HDDs and putting them on my server, then proceeded to share the drives as normal. My docker containers now use them perfectly fine. IDK wtf Synology is doing but it’s cumbersome AF.
If you’re a beginner then don’t worry about the encryption. Unless you’re hiding from some three-letter agency or being targeted by hackers or something, LUKS1 encryption is more than good enough (for an average home user).
But just so you’re aware, whilst it’s trivial to convert to LUKS2 using cryptsetup convert, you’ll need to first switch your bootloader to systemd-boot from GRUB, and that may not be a trivial process as there’re multiple variables involved - is your ESP big enough, have you mounted your ESP to /boot, whether you’re using secure boot or not, whether you’re dual-booting or not etc. Plus you’ll also need to manually create a bootloader config file that’s specific to your system, and maybe even add a line to load a CPU microcode file if you’re on Intel… there’s a lot of things to consider here.
Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend EndeavorOS to you as a newbie, because it’s basically Arch, but by making the installation easy, you’re skipping all the knowledge you’d get of your system and how it works. And when it comes to situations like you’re in, you reach a roadblock because you took the easy path.
If you’re really interested in Arch then I’d recommend wiping your system and install Arch manually, the Arch way.
That patch looks promising. But I wouldn’t recommend PBKDF2, I mean if you’re going to go thru the trouble of converting to LUKS2 for stronger encryption, might as well go for Argon2.
When I updated Debian Unstable 2 days ago, it forced me to uninstall isc-dhcp-client in order to upgrade network-manager.
So I looked up the reason and found the ISC’s blog post. I shared it here thinking it might be interesting to some, since Debian’s packages are the basis for a lot of other distros that might be affected soon.
Is it possible to get this to work with OBS studio? I see the author mentions OBS as an “Alternative Project” but it seems ideal to have these pieces work together.
It won’t teach you about the kernel, it’s just a tool that papers over the existing tools for building and debugging the kernel.
If you want to learn then follow a tutorial for building the kernel by hand. Going through the kernel configuration (it’s long) and searching details for the entries is what teaches you the most.
Fair warning, it’s a very deep rabbit hole about computer architecture, networking and lots of other things. But it’s an amazing teaching source.
You’ve messed up partitioning and EFI partitions. There are leftovers from Debian and Windows. Wipe both drives, star fresh. Make one EFI partition on the NVME drive, 512MB, and use the rest for the main OS. Use the entire SATA drive for the other boot option (no need for EFI partition on that one). When installing the second OS, skip the bootloader install. Boot into the main OS, set grub to search for other OSes installed on the laptop and update grub afterwards. The second OS should appear in grub’s menu.
I would start fresh but I got data on my sata. Also sometimes it boots in grub. I think it’s from Debian. Can I use that or do I need to be in a system?
OK, then here’s what you do. Wipe the NVME, install your main OS on it. Boot to it, it should read the SATA drive. Mount it, copy whatever you need from it to the NVME drive. Then wipe the SATA drive (dd or any other program of your choice). Install your second OS on the SATA drive, but skip installing the bootloader. Reboot, boot to your man OS, set grub to search for other installed OSes on the laptop, update grub. The second OS should appear in grub’s menu.
If the data on the SATA drive is bigger than what the NVME can take, use BTRFS with compression (zstd=10 should do it, after the copy, you can drop the compression to 5 for better performance) on the main OS. It will compress binaries or plain text/document files quite nicely. Media, not so much, but it will cut down a few % off it.
Also, when you update the kernel on the second OS, grub won’t detect that. You have to manually switch to the new kernel, but from the main OS. Also, removing old kernels on the second OS will become more complicated, since there is no bootloader installed for it.
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