I think everything goes against the battery? Did you try to recalibrate it? Discharge the battery completely, and then go into the BIOS and wait until it turns off. Now charge it for a couple of hours while it stills off.
I don’t think it is gonna fix anything, because it seems like a battery problem. Maybe try to get one from iFixIt, I had bad experiences with batteries from Amazon (if you got it from them).
Why shoot with the phone and bother mounting it, if such a solution existed, instead of using the phone as a phone and the camera as a camera separately without mounting
Wayland on an Intel iGPU runs flawlessly and has for several years. However, that’s a matter of drivers. AMD is in the forefront regarding having dGPU support, while NVIDIA is playing catch-up.
If you want something that’s under £100 and don’t mind Bluetooth check out the soundcore life Q30s.
Honesty the first time I tried them I though they cost double what they actually do, and they’ve been my daily driver since.
For some reference I also have some audio technica ATH-M50Xs, but I find these more musical and they have ANC so I daily drive these and use my M50Xs for critical listening when needed( I’ve added that just so you know that I know what decent audio sounds like and don’t think that cheap beats knockoffs are good).
How can you distinguish the the alpha cells from the numeric cells?
If you can fit that distinction in an “if” condition I would start by making an adjacent column along the lines of “if left cell is alpha then left cell else above cell”. Then you’ll have what you need except you’ll have some rows of AA BB etc. You could then either delete those rows (but only after copying and pasting values — not formulas) or better yet make a pivot table.
Also: this website shows up in my search results a lot. I know it’s not a Lemmy community, but maybe we should make a spreadsheets community if there isn’t one already!
I usually divide a cell’s value by 1. A value that isn’t numeric will throw an error. Combining that with ISERROR or IFERROR, you can do some pretty powerful stuff.
Yeah, there are plenty of ways of doing that, but I was assuming OP’s sheet had other types of cells and that the A’s and 123s were a minimal working example.
A colleague wanted to throw out Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 3, 10IGL5 (a tablet pc with IMO cool keyboard that can be disconnected and used over bluetooth, 4 core intel CPU taking like 5W & 8GB of ram). Originally bought for his kid but it is absolutely useless under windows. I’ve tested it with current Ubuntu with somewhat meh results (BT keyboard won’t work, no chance to get the automatic screen rotation going, screwy on screen keyboard) then I have installed Fedora and the thing is absolutely amazing. Everything works out of the box, I haven’t done anything “smart” at all and honestly as a XFCE (still deep in x11) user I am amazed how well the Wayland is doing on this. I would dare to say better out of the box experience than Apple - everything is similarly polished but you don’t have to register / pay anything. Now my teamleader is taking it to presentations. He connects the display over USB-C adapter to the projector, walks over the room and controls it with the BT keyboard - Mac wielding accounts are starting to cry. As docker/podman is native he continues to spin up the whole app in a container - at which point every technical person in the room needs to know what the f is that thing?! They are no longer being manufactured though, newer version does not have that cool keyboard…
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