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flipflop97, (edited ) in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks avatar

That looks… really inconsistent

  • Why is the mac icon black while the rest aren’t?
  • Why are the games/downloads icons offset while the rest aren’t?
  • Why are some icons really minimalistic and some really detailed?
  • Why do the colored folders have a line while the rest don’t?
  • Why are java/android/deb/blender colored while the rest aren’t?
  • And why is the black folder blue lol
be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

IIRC they refined the Breeze icons over a LONG period of time to get them to the current state - I'm sure the same will be true here.

kautau, in systemd 255-rc1 Brings "Blue Screen of Death" Support and New Tool To Spawn VMs

The systemd-bsod will also display a QR code for getting more information on the error causing the boot failure.

That’s pretty neat. Nowadays with the proliferation of smartphones that’s an easy way to move straight to troubleshooting the issue

kogasa, avatar

scan qr code


troubleshooting link is just a jpg of a frowny face

ronweasleysl, (edited ) in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions)

I have extensions that do small QOL things. I can still use GNOME just fine without a single one of them enabled.

How do you cope with the lack of a dock and system tray?

I don’t cope with that. I don’t really see a huge benefit to having a system tray. Before GNOME 44 added the background apps view to the quick settings menu I just put anything that was ‘background’ into a workspace. Even after 44 I still have this habit and rarely actually need the background view.

As for the dock argument I’m not sure what an always visible dock would provide that the current dash does not. I think I might even prefer the current dash over an always visible dock. Whenever I want to switch windows I just go to the overview and pick out whatever window I want. It’s a lot easier to hit a huge window than to have to target a small icon at the bottom of the display.

I understand that some people might disagree but I actually love what GNOME does (most of the time).


How do you tell when you’ve got mail, or someone messaged you?




And if I wasn’t there for the notification?

mfat, (edited )

The thought of not being able to tell how many apps are running at a glance is unsettling for me.


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kuneho, in If only more Linux programs followed sandboxing best practices... avatar

this sandbox craze is slowly pushing things back to the point where we used cartridges and booted off from them straight to the program. who needs an OS at this point? it’s bundled with the app anyway 😆

/s, somewhat

BaalInvoker, in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions)

The only extention I use is system tray, cause I rely on apps that use it. But everything else is Gnome-way and I love it

technohacker, in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend avatar

As an Indian myself this makes me happy :D

user224, avatar

Beware that what OP posted is old data. India is over 14% on Linux as of October 2023.

Vincent, in Firefox needs a 180° turn to full privacy out of the box. - Feddit

Use Tor Browser if you want it dialed up to eleven. You'll quickly find that it's way more of a hassle to use, and also still pretty easy to accidentally compromise the security measures.

Of course Firefox isn't perfect; nothing is. But a 180 turn implies it's the opposite of perfect now, and it really isn't - especially in a world where basically every other browser is waaaay closer to that.


From this comment I suppose you never used Librewolf or Arkenfox. The Torbrowser is only a hassle because

  • it uses “private browsing” always, which completely hinders people from saving anything. This is not needed, as cache, session etc could simply be deleted via the settings.
  • it uses the Tor network, which is a huge thing. Cloudflare and all that BS block you 90% because of that. Its even worse than with VPN
  • The real difficulties just come when you use Noscript, or Ublock with hard settings. The hardened browser alone is unproblematic. But if you use Noscript, you dont want to not use it anymore. Sites are so bloated with third party javascript that is simply not needed.

Firefox on Default is not stopping much tracking. It should teach users how to be private. Also work of course, but really. Other browsers will scream out way more data, thats for sure. But Firefox has all these features but nobody knows them.

So, in the end there is no real usecase for Firefox. And people use any other “secure” Browser instead


I mean, you're just saying that if you don't dial it up to eleven, but just to nine, then you'll hit less breakage. Which, sure, but that's kinda my point: a usable browser needs to strike a balance, and that's exactly what Firefox is trying to do - which is really something different from "needing a 180-degree turn". Firefox by default is stopping way more tracking than e.g. Chrome, and guides users to installing e.g. uBO.

Also note that most breakage isn't immediately obvious. For example, if you turn on privacy.resistFingerprinting, then Google Docs will become blurred. However, by the time you see that, you won't be able to link that to the flipped config. This is the kind of breakage that many "hardening guides" cause, and by that, they eventually lead people to switch to Chrome, which is the opposite of what they're supposed to achieve.

And sure, Librewolf draws the line at a slightly different place than Firefox does. But the main difference is not sending data like hardware capabilities, crash stats, etc. to Mozilla - which don't threaten democracy or result in hyper-targeted ads, but do enable Mozilla to optimise the code for real-world use.


Agree. But again, as this hardening is not accessible via GUI, it is mysterious as it is. With a switch similarly places like the brush in torbrowser or the shield in FF this could be easily dealt with.

More fancy would be whitelisting sites via gui.

No, Librewolf doesnt only limit data sent to mozilla, but its basically as hardened as Arkenfox/Torbrowser.


Yes, but as soon as it is accessible via the GUI, more and more people will start getting blurred Google Docs (and similar weird issues) without knowing how that happened - because that's already happening even with people who know enough to make changes in about:config.


Add a long readme, with a “yes I understand possible consequences”. If this is so well known, it could be easily integrated. I never used that stuff.


Ah yes, people are indeed known for always reading long readmes and fully grasping the consequences of their actions, especially if those occur long after said actions :P


Okay, so a button in the URL bar with 2 scentences of the possible consequences.

wopod77356, in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend



Hahaha they did a racism so funni


Fuck off streetshitter


It must be hard to make your way through the world with a shatteringly low IQ. Unfortunately for you, one does not have to be Indian to object to racism… so we can confirm that your cognition is at rock bottom.

I guess that would explain why you act like such a bottom-feeder, spewing so much garbage because that’s all you like to eat.

This was fun to type, thanks for the opportunity! Go fuck a cactus :D


People will seriously believe anything just to feel superior. No wonder most people spewing bullshit like this are losers in dire need of feeling like they’re worth something.


It’s facts

mintycactus, in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend avatar


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  • Dogeek,

    My guess is click farms with some unknown custom made os that skew that data?

    That also might be a source of Linux users hence the relatively high market share of the OS?

    Not to mention that India still has a lot of call centers (some for scams) that may use Linux because it’s free (compared to a windows license)


    A lot of people who work in those call centres are uneducated and don’t know shit about tech, they’re only parroting off a script. In those call centres they use windows 7 still and don’t even know about the existence of linux. Also piracy is big in India so they don’t care if linux is free. And most of all their victims/“customers”(old people) don’t use linux so they have no reason to either. It’s just the fellow Indian nerds using Linux.


    Yeah, if you look at some of those YouTube channels that scam the scammers, you’ll usually see that the scammers are all running Windows.


    I saw one where a guy used linux mint and the scammer used the usual tree command but other than that he knew fuck all what he was doing. He was tryna look for notepad. It was hilarious


    Statcounter works by collecting and processing user agent strings from browsers accessing sites that use their analytics. Unknows OSes are probably the ones who don’t give that info.

    30p87, (edited ) in Firefox needs a 180° turn to full privacy out of the box. - Feddit

    I’m much happier to install one of the dozens of adblock addons, than to disable the built in one and still install an addon. Cuz that would mean bloat. I want to have the options to choose the adblock I have installed, and not only which one I use.
    Builtin adblockers of other browsers, especially more commercial ones, have proven to be buyable by ad companies. They also fail, and have failed, on YouTube, where some addons still succeed.
    One could argue Mozilla could encourage the users to actively choose an adblocker, but that would mean annoying popups and basically ads for adblockers.

    Default FF with a few settings and addons is fine.


    Okay I just saw firefox advertises nice Collections now! But their privacy selection is… veeery lacking. But its a start

    Blaiz0r, in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions)

    You’re trying to use Gnome the way you’re used to using a desktop.

    If you try and learn the Gnome way, you’ll have a better time.

    To be honest I had the same problem when I first went from Windows to OSX, I was struggling, trying to make OSX familiar, but when I decided to learn the Apple way, everything became easier.


    My problem is that I feel gnome is geared toward a certain group of people users who use a limited set of apps and want to focus on development work.


    Well I think that’s the issue here. It’s not geared towards a group of people, but towards an ideal workflow which is the Gnome Way.

    If you’re someone that likes to have masses of applications or windows open you can certainly use Gnome, but the Gnome is more focused on one or two windows per desktop/workspace and I encourage you to embrace that way of working too

    Again, it’s not about people, but the intended user experience.

    I remember when Windows first introduced My Documents folder and subfolders for images, music, video. To begin with I rejected this folder because I wanted my folders in the root C: as I had always done. Eventually I decided to use these folders and I learned to appreciate the convenience of this, including all the additional thumbnails and meta data that the OS provided automatically for those folders.

    registrert, avatar


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  • Blaiz0r,

    Well said, although I do think Gnome is for everyone, they’re just being stubborn 😜


    Herbstluftwm fans disagree

    jokro, in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions)

    I use it with a system tray but no dock. The overview when you press meta is enough for me.

    SimonSaysStuff, (edited ) in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks

    These are definitely an improvement over the current icons but while some of the design rules are evident, i think a bit of refining is in order.

    The games and download folders both need a complete redesign as the ignore the design rules that the other folders use, and why are the symbols on each folder white except for the Mac folder?

    hottari, in I made it to Linux! What is your must-have FOSS or Free Software for linux?

    Flatpak for all *possible installs of user apps. But if there’s an app I respect most, it has to be MPV.


    Why do you respect it the most, or why is it better than vlc?


    Aside from the fact that I’ve used it long enough without encountering any breaking issues or bugs, it is very powerful and highly customizable.

    dino, in I made it to Linux! What is your must-have FOSS or Free Software for linux?

    MPV, although you could also have used it on windows already. Also freetube, you can also combine those two with a little bit of internet search.

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