
It’s ok because Linux content really is Windows content because in the end Linux users can’t talk about anything but Windows and how they hate it. Just like someone that got divorced and 20 years later still talks about their ex.

dewritoninja, (edited )

Projecting much


Just pointing out what I see most times Linux memes reach my feed and I see Linux users commenting on tech related discussions.

DAE Windows le suck?

aniki, (edited )


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  • Kecessa,

    “most times” =/= “every time”



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  • Kecessa,

    Because sometimes the memes are funny and this one happened to reach my front page?



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  • Kecessa,

    Well, looks like as many people loved my comment as people who hated it so I guess I’m not necessarily in the wrong place 🙂 But if you don’t like reading me feel free to block me!

    backhdlp, avatar

    I only say that Windows sucks when Windows is the initial topic


    Good for you? You’re one of how many users?

    backhdlp, avatar

    At least 2


    Windows does suck though. I think that’s at least something to which we can all agree and rally around.

    Kecessa, (edited )

    I’ve got zero issues with it, I run 11 on four computers, if anything it’s more trouble every time I have to use my RPi, as if the amount of time you spend using a tool affects how comfortable you are with it.


    I feel the pain, my i3 config is way(land) too long and not elegant enough…


    I thought as well: should be sway ;)


    We need moar Linux memes!

    Seriously, more Linux memes please.


    What about Linux Tech Tips?


    I say… bring them!!

    nogrub, (edited )

    never execute “sudo rm -r / --no-perserve-root” because you whole sytem will be gone edit i forgot the directory

    Damage, (edited )

    the -delete option in find goes AFTER the expression.

    find -delete [whatever] will delete EVERYTHING in the current directory and below, like rm -rf *


    Huh. I wonder if GNU find should be modified, so that -delete only works when explicitly given a directory.

    cows_are_underrated, (edited )

    This shouldnt do anything since you didn’t gave it a directory to start with.


    oh yeah i forgot a /

    clemdemort, avatar

    cat is actually used to concatenate files so if you have two files that you want to merge into a third one you can do

    cat file1 file2 > file3

    Especially useful for cracking old games


    Especially useful for cracking old games




    clemdemort, avatar

    I’ve used cat to actually concatenate files a lot to re-assemble old Wii games once they were copied to a SIM card, less than using it to see inside a file though. Maybe cracked isn’t the correct word I’m not English lol.


    Always remove the French language pack


    Your Mastodon feed will be entirely about who the people you follow are talking about, so follow different people, (or hashtags) and the conversation will change.

    HubertManne, avatar

    yeah, not sure if its a mastadon thing but im coming out of kbing and I don't see very much linux stuff and im subscribed to several magazines. Not that the linux stuff is not there but there are tons of other things to. If I was not subscribed I would likely not see it at all.

    atocci, avatar

    I browse All a lot and right now, without doing any scrolling and just looking at the top 6 posts on All that fit on my monitor, 2 of them are about Linux lol


    I subscribe to people that talk about their pets. It’s a good life.

    ctr1, (edited ) avatar

    This is always the first thing I get set up:

    # focus next available workspace on this output

    bindsym $mod+q exec --no-startup-id ws=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq ‘.[] | select(.focused) | .num’) && ofs=$(i3-msg -t get_outputs | jq ‘map(select(.active)) | length’) && i3-msg workspace $(($ws-$ofs))

    bindsym $mod+w exec --no-startup-id ws=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq ‘.[] | select(.focused) | .num’) && ofs=$(i3-msg -t get_outputs | jq ‘map(select(.active)) | length’) && i3-msg workspace $(($ws+$ofs))

    # move window to next available workspace on this output

    bindsym $mod+Shift+q exec --no-startup-id ws=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq ‘.[] | select(.focused) | .num’) && ofs=$(i3-msg -t get_outputs | jq ‘map(select(.active)) | length’) && dest=$(($ws-$ofs)) && i3-msg move workspace $dest && i3-msg workspace $dest

    bindsym $mod+Shift+w exec --no-startup-id ws=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq ‘.[] | select(.focused) | .num’) && ofs=$(i3-msg -t get_outputs | jq ‘map(select(.active)) | length’) && dest=$(($ws+$ofs)) && i3-msg move workspace $dest && i3-msg workspace $dest

    Works with sway if you replace i3-msg with swaymsg (and remove --no-startup-id, since it’s not needed for Wayland).

    Edit: ampersand issues, trying quote instead of code block

    EmergMemeHologram, (edited )

    This is so much smoother than my vim config and tmux config…

    ctr1, avatar

    My neovim config is a total mess :D. But yeah i3-msg+jq is great, I’ve written a number of solutions to this problem before using the API and external scripts, but it’s nice having things inline in the config file


    My neovim config is unruly.

    I have a folder with config files that I source, one for plugin installs, one for custom commands and hot keys, one for themes (I have a script to manage light and dark modes by time of day), one for project specific file type augroups. I’ve got a bunch of scripts in my home/.bin folder that parse different project files into json on git commit, and then I use vim script and FZF to do custom completion helpers and jump tools with that data. Then there’s my snippets folder…

    I can never leave vim. It has taken over the pathways in my brain.

    ctr1, avatar

    Nice, sounds pretty cool. FZF is great, I need to try out some new things with it. Never got into snippets but I’m sure that speeds things up considerably, will think about it.

    Yeah separate config files is probably the best approach if you have a lot of things configured. I haven’t done that yet, but might try soon. My config has generally been pretty simple, mostly bindings and plugin settings. But I started developing in the TTY and had to shoehorn-in a conditional theme and such to get it to work properly, leaving it pretty unorganized.

    | I can never leave vim. It has taken over the pathways in my brain.

    Haha, yeah


    I don’t see that much linux on my feed, you can always unfollow the Linux community.


    No don’t unfollow us! Instead RTFM


    Some people are running Linux but just don’t care that much about linux-related content.


    I had look up what RTFM meant, but I had a good laugh afterward.


    “read the friendly manual”


    i3? Sorry I use hyprland.

    Btw. I thought it’s just a unixporn wm. But I can be very productive with hyprland.

    ichmagrum, (edited )

    “unixporn wm” and “productive” is not a contradiction at all.


    Sure, but come on, Unixporn people are only productive in their dotfiles.


    Meh. I did that kind of thing for maybe a year 4 years ago and then I just stopped changig it.

    Now, I’m not productive (mostly because of health reasons), but I’m certainly not busy with editing dotfiles.

    h_a_r_u_k_i, avatar

    What’s so special about hyprland? Why is it getting so much hype?


    It’s near to sway but has some smooth animations, rounded corners, blur effects etc.

    Th4tGuyII, avatar

    As someone who browses KBin/Lemmy fairly often, I can't say I ever see massive amounts of Linux talk even on the All tab. Usually it's just pictures of cats and star-trek memes



    WashedOver, avatar

    And German posts in German. Not even sure why they come in my feed as I’ve not subscribed to Linux Memes in Deutsch

    Th4tGuyII, avatar

    True, true. Lemmy seems to have quite the large German base. I have to block them as I go otherwise a bunch of my feed ends up in German


    Your fault, bro. Just install Linux. I use Arch, BTW.


    petition to rename Arch to btwOS

    Jumuta, (edited )

    btwFS is so good btw, so much btr than Btrfs


    I use btwOS btw doesn’t roll off the tongue tho


    You have to pronounce it like "Buh-twoss".

    agent_flounder, avatar

    Butt twos




    BTW I use butt floss.

    Yeah it rolls off the tongue.


    what about breaking the naming convention and calling it OS-btw




    My favorite part of Arch is reinstalling it over and over again. That first successful boot after the install gives too much dopamine.

    oce, avatar

    My favorite part of Arch is that my install from 5 years ago still works perfectly and I didn’t have to do any major version upgrade that breaks everything.


    Just had to reinstall arch 3 times yesterday, since the installation script fucked up the partitioning.

    Reinstall nr1(manually, since the script didn’t work): I forgot to add users and couldn’t log into my machine Reinstall nr2(manually): my mirror lists was so fucked up that I couldn’t install or update packages(there also were some missing databases) Reinstall nr3(script) : finally everything worked.


    Don’t use the script. Ezpz problem solved


    Agreed. I’ve been installing it manually since 2012, never had an issue I couldn’t quickly fix. I attempted to use the installer about 6 months ago and couldn’t get past the disk partitioning step because it wouldn’t allow me to do the things I needed to do, then I think it crashed.

    Titou, avatar

    What’s the point of installing Arch if you don’t do it manually

    portside, (edited )

    You won’t believe what he did…


    Good boy!

    jvrava9, avatar


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  • callyral, avatar

    ysk (you should know) that i use void linux


    use linux mint of you’re coming from windows


    Nah… I’m on Arch (BTW)


    rocky linux supreme

    BautAufWasEuchAufbaut, avatar

    Let’s do it right here!
    Sway is a Wayland i3 implementation and you really should be using Wayland instead of X.

    ctr1, avatar

    For a while I would have agreed, and I used sway for years. But recently I switched back to i3 (i3-rounded) due to display issues with my AMD GPU. I started doing most of my development in the TTY, and found that switching from TTY to Wayland takes half a second and can sometimes break my GPU (until I switch between TTY and display a few times). With X11 it’s instant and without issue ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Hoping that gets fixed down the road, or that it’s specific to my GPU.

    ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

    Is Sway nice?

    dabu, avatar

    Sway is rice

    Gentoo1337, avatar


    ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

    I might be swayed to try it out


    Counterpoint, Wayland is still undercooked and not ready for proper daily use.

    sirico, avatar

    Lets apply that logic to everything in the linux eco system get rid of BTRFS,Flatpaks,Libadwaita,pipewire…

    dustyData, (edited )

    Most of those are perfectly ready for every day use without issues today. All are alternatives that bring new features and specific use cases, solving new problems, or solving old problems in innovative ways. Wayland is an active replacement to an existing technology, as the old X is expected to just not exist anymore at some point in the future. BTRFS isn’t intended to replace Ext4 wholesale, Flatpaks doesn’t intend to replace apt/pacman/etc., Pipewire does the same that Pulse and Jack but Pulse and Jack won’t stop existing. Adwaita existing doesn’t mean that you can’t use QT or GTK in your projects. That’s the difference.

    As a result Wayland has the burden to actually fulfill and comply with all the features and use cases that X11 already does, with all the new security improvements on top. That’s a tall order, and until it can do so, it will be undercooked and under adopted, because they set themselves up to that bar, nobody but them is responsible for this. Is the ancient “let’s rewrite from scratch” trap that all dev teams fall on at least once in their lives. It isn’t impossible, but it always takes way longer than the optimist project managers anticipate.


    Feature parity with X has never been the goal. Because most of X’s features are a legacy of the 80’ and dreadfully obsolete anyway.

    I’m all for maintaining compatibility where it makes sense, but carrying over a 40 years old feature set just in case is the best way to prevent anything from moving forward.

    Wayland can already do or is actively being developed for stuff that is relevant to modern systems: multi-monitor with different refresh rates and scaling, HDR etc. Stuff that X would never dream of.


    Feature parity, maybe not, but use cases, definitely is the goal.

    I’m just saying that if users have to run X compatibility portals to get basic functionality for every day tasks, then something is not fully baked yet. There’s nothing wrong with that. But apparently pointing it out is some sort of herecy.


    I don’t think it’s heresy, but I always find it funny that an extremely vocal community shits on systemd for being a bloated tentacular monster shat should be abandoned, but praise X for being a bloated tentacular monster.

    In a way, Wayland is much closer to the Unix Philosophy than X. It’s a display protocol, nothing more. Everything else should be implemented by the applications using this protocol. X has grown over the decades to include way too many features and edge cases.

    Translation layers like XWayland are important and extremely useful for the transition period, but shouldn’t be taken as a sign that Wayland is not ready for prime time. If 10% the people shitting on Wayland had instead worked on adding Wayland functionality to their favorite apps (that includes you fuckers at nVidia), the transition would have ended years ago.

    wfh, (edited )

    Counter-counterpoint: Wayland is perfectly fine and production ready and has been for several years now, as long as you’re on AMD or Intel GPUs. The nVidia drivers are still undercooked and not ready for proper daily use.


    Remote tools aren’t working on Wayland.



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  • Samsy, (edited )

    Mostly all. At work we have to use teamviewer. Remote from Wayland to others work but you can’t connect from another client to a wayland client. Tried hoptodesk, ruskdesk etc. always the same.


    Counter-counter-counterpoint: I have a rtx 3050 and not enough money just lying around to upgrade to an AMD just for Wayland.

    spez, (edited )

    You running the proprietary drivers or Nouveau?


    Proprietary because I game and I had some screen tearing issues with nouveau.


    I don’t have personal experience with nvidia graphics. How does proprietary work now? I have heard it’s gotten great this last year? Or is it horrible still?


    I haven’t found any issues except sometimes when I switch to another window out of baldur’s gate 3 and switch back again, baldur’s gate 3 freezes. Not sure if it’s the game not being Linux native or the driver.


    Happy to hear that you’re having a decent experience :)


    Still, 100% nVidia’s fault, not Wayland.

    No offense, but your argument is exactly like “electric cars are still undercooked and not ready for proper daily use because I still have to put gasoline in mine and can’t afford one”.

    russjr08, avatar

    Sure, but at the end of the day, for better or for worse, there are going to be tons of people who simply don’t care about whose fault it is - they’re going to want their system to work.

    I was lucky enough that I was finally able to make enough money to swap out my 2080 with a 6700 XT this week (and wow what a significant difference in how the Linux desktop works with AMD cards), but I have plenty of friends who do have Nvidia cards and if they asked me whether they should give Linux a try I’d have to warn them that they’re going to get a subpar experience due to it - and all they’re going to hear despite me saying that it’s Nvidia’s fault is that Linux isn’t good enough.

    So when it comes to Wayland + Nvidia, hopefully Nvidia gets with the program, but otherwise we’re (the Linux community) going to be at a crossroads of whether we want to get more adoption on Linux - Nvidia is not a small market by any means.

    I don’t go and try to proselytize people into coming over to Linux, but there are absolutely plenty of people who do and the mindset of “It’s not Linux’s fault, its X (ha)” isn’t exactly going to work there.

    I get it, you get it, but plenty of people won’t.


    Does multi-monitor sets work yet? Does it still randomly crashes when logging out? Does it have support for touch monitors already? Is Pipewire support ready? Is the Compose key still broken? Does it handle internationalization better now? Does accessibility software like on screen keyboards and screen readers already work on it?

    I love Wayland, BTW, the more secure ecosystem is a net positive. But we can’t pretend it isn’t a lot of effort for something that has no tangible difference or immediate advantage for the end user, is extra work for developers and currently has a higher potential for errors, malfunctions and missing features that are taken for granted. Again, it’s a worthy endeavor to improve something that already works, but that also means there’s no rush. We can afford to wait.


    Does multi-monitor sets work yet?


    Does it still randomly crashes when logging out?

    It hasn’t done that for the 1.5 years that I have been using it for.

    Is Pipewire support ready?

    Yes. It’s so ready that even ubuntu uses it with wayland by default.

    Does it have support for touch monitors already

    Yes. It, in fact, has better support than x org.

    Does it handle internationalization better now?

    I don’t know about the problem with i18n but I don’t think this will affect most users.

    Onscreen keyboard is still a pain to run but maliit works on kde+gnome/wayland. When was the last time you used wayland dude? I am not trying to sound this argumentative. If I do, my apologies but I have been listening to these same points being regurgitated over and over again when they have been fixed long ago.

    cygnus, avatar

    Wayland is perfectly fine and production ready and has been for several years now

    … for you.

    I regularly do presentations for work and in Wayland I can’t play a video in a slide deck if presenting on an external display.

    rambaroo, (edited )

    Wayland integration with most DEs is absolutely incomplete regardless of Nvidia support. Wayland causes a ton of bugs every time I try to use it with KDE. There are still bugs even with GNOME like wine applications not working or screen sharing not working. So no I will not be using Wayland until it’s ready for everyday usage, which it isn’t right now.

    He’s a thought. Stop being a power nerd, stfu and let people use what they want.


    My desktop crashed three times so far after updating gnome, linux kernel and nvidia driver two days ago. Not sure who’s the culprit, but I’ll blame nvidia by default.


    No, unless your use case is very specific (like being an artist needing color calibration/the software you use needs to position a multi-window setup etc. And color calibration is being actively worked on should have basic support in Plasma 6 according to Nate Graham) wayland is pretty much ready for daily use. It does have annoyances but they are getting actively fixed unlike X which is barely maintained and has glaring security issues. Fedora KDE has even decided to completely remove the X server on its 40th release.

    dustyData, (edited )

    You do know that the people who make Wayland are the exact same people who made and maintained X, right? Like, they are intentionally abandoning X in order to make Wayland, and eventually X will just be actually XWayland as compatibility to transition to only Wayland.


    Yeah I do know that. How does that affect my argument?


    “Unlike X” doesn’t support your argument. If X11 is barely mantained, is on purpose. X11 and Wayland are not in competition, one is the rewrite of the former. They literally have no rush to push Wayland to main stage until it can do all that X11 does, including the annoying edge use cases. Because if X11 does it and Wayland doesn’t, then people would just continue to use X11. No brainer. They need more time, that’s fine, we can all do with being a bit more nicer and gentler. There’s no rush to push adoption


    There is a rush because Red Hat isn’t interested in maintaining wayland anymore. Neither red hat nor Kde/gnome are interested in supporting x org in the long run. For wayland to get better and do the things it currently lacks at it needs a greater user base and that’s why there is a rush by major people in the linux community (kde and fedora for example). Right now its at that there are somethings that wayland can’t do that x org can and somethings that x org can do but wayland can’t. Since wayland is being developed actively and is the future it’s the obvious choice and x org has far more annoying use cases that are just not gonna get fixed “unlike wayland”. Majority of the users shouldn’t have any problems switching to wayland.

    taaz, (edited )

    I would love to but 1. I love my simple awesomeWM setup 2. Nvidia shenanigans.

    CheesyFox, (edited )

    Nvidia shenanigans

    i know that feel bro :(

    Ooops, (edited ) avatar

    The Sway implementation (not Wayland as some DEs seem to run really smoothly) sadly is still completely hit or miss depending on your exact hardware setup. I have two device (both even with nvidia grphics sigh) and one of them is just a buggy and flickering mess.


    Sway devs don't support NVIDIA graphics

    Ooops, avatar

    I know they officially don't. And I didn't try to say that Sway was bad in any way or that it is their fault. I was just stating facts about state of it with NVIDIA graphics (that kept me -as a long-term i3 user- from switching to Wayland).

    BautAufWasEuchAufbaut, avatar

    I disagree. Sway is extremely high quality software. Nvidia is a known terrible player with FLOSS software. I hope they will continue their path of recent improvements.


    No, you only should be using Wayland if you need some of it’s features. If you don’t need mixed refresh rate/mixed scaling you’re fine using X.


    X is abandonware and full of security issues probably time to switch to maintained aoftware


    This is FUD. Here’s a security fix from a month ago: ……/541ab2ecd41d4d8689e71855d93e49…

    Abandonware my ass…

    aniki, (edited )


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  • ExLisper,

    Sure, activity in the repo and new versions don’t prove the project isn’t abandoned… Maybe you just don’t know what abandonwere means?



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  • ExLisper,

    No one stops you from moving to Wayland. It has it’s uses. But the FUD you’re spreading is stupid and boring. X is fine, it’s exactly what a lot of people need and it doesn’t make sense to move their DEs to Wayland only because it’s ‘new’. The fact that it took Wayland 10 years to reach any sort of usability shows just how little does it offer to an average user.


    This sentence works really well for twitter too

    BautAufWasEuchAufbaut, avatar

    X’ architecture is insecure. There’s no isolation between windows, and each process can spy on your input. That’s just one example.
    Wayland is necessary.


    Yet no known active exploits use this insecure architecture to cause actual harm. It’s just another FUD.

    BautAufWasEuchAufbaut, avatar

    I’d hardly call that an exploit. There’s no protection.

    shellsharks, avatar

    I am a pretty heavy “Fediverse user” (Mastodon + Lemmy/Kbin) and my feeds have VERY little Linux talk. There is an incredibly diverse set of folks on the ‘verse but admittedly discoverability is hard. If the only people in your circle are Linux nerds then that’s all that might be boosted into your timeline. Put some effort into finding other folks and unfollow some of the Linux-only voices :-).

    RandomStickman, avatar

    Maybe people aren't used to curate their own feed anymore.


    That’s the biggest thing. My Mastodon is very curated as is my subscribed feed. Put work in, get quality out.


    How do you curate your mastodon feed? How do you find interesting people to follow? I haven’t created a mastodon account yet because I honestly not sure how to do this.

    shellsharks, (edited ) avatar

    Here’s some tips for discoverability and building out a Mastodon follow feed -…/mastodon-discoverability

    Here’s some tips for paring a feed gone mad down……/curating-mastodon-feed

    Happy Fediversing!

    Emanuel, (edited )

    404 on first link…

    Edit: nevermind, it’s just that you included a dot at the end of the link.


    Thanks! Some of the tips are certainly not obvious to people not familiar with mastodon like me (follow a lot of people first to discover stuff they boosted then prune it later, follow people that boosts a lot).


    Yeah you have to follow hashtags on mastodon and it helps to find good curators with similar tastes to you.

    At least with lemmy the situation is simpler, all you have to do is join /c/Risa to fill your feed.

    baseless_discourse, (edited )

    I think a good and easy way to discover new people is to follow hashtags.

    I follow couple local pets work-related hobby and urbanism hastags, and I was able to discover new conversation and new people in these space quite quickly.


    I’m a huge Linux geek and I rarely see Linux on my feed.


    I think it’s mostly people viewing the “All”/“Community” feeds. Which I feel like you have to do in general as the niche communities haven’t really gotten to a self sustaining point where you can check your “Home” feed and not run out of stuff to doom scroll.

    Not to mention that if you happened to mention certain things in communities that are tangentially related (Windows/Nintendo/Apple) then it usually starts another off topic discussion on linux/piracy/whatever.

    Honestly the linux stuff doesn’t bother me as much as every topic seemingly turning into a critique of capitalism.


    what is lemmy/kbin you meant lemmy and kbin

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