Once managed to drop a bit on the floor without noticing, then step in it. Only realised when I attempted to suddenly turn and walk away, ripping my foot from the floorboard with a sound I shall never forget.
i mean i’d still love a 5 floor apartment building built halfway into a hill, those at the bottom get to live like hobbits and those at the top get a shorter distance to the ground
A city near where I lived had an underground house that looked like this. It was the “house of the future” because of reasons I don’t remember. I passed by it a few years ago, and it looked empty, overgrown and run down.
A meter of soil is a pretty good insulator. There is plenty of more newer houses built like this by enthusiasts, that practically go without extra heating or ac, because the sun warms it up enough in winter and the soil keeps it cool enough in summer.
I have a distinct memory of driving past a house like that repeatedly as a kid, but that was decades ago now. Tried searching for it now and cannot find it. I suspect it suffered a similar fate. Can’t find any photos or references to it online though, so maybe I imagined it…
Dark Lords handing out rings is no basis for a system of government. I mean, If I went around saying I was an emperor just because a shape shifting necromancer lobbed some jewelry at me, they’d put me away!
I just realized, that bit about being an anarcho-syndicalist community with an elected officer who is in charge for a period is pretty much how government worked in the Shire if I remember correctly.
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