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callouscomic, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

Is this cartoon originally about the US invading the middle east? Looks like the twin towers in there.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Now your upvote counter is the twin towers.

EDIT: And if you think about it, my upvote counter is the twin towers shortly after

EDIT2: Too far! Too far!


I laughed

aaaaaaadjsf, in Definetly. avatar
BurgerPunk, avatar

michael-laugh one of my all time favorites right here. 99% of pseudo-archeology/ancient aliens stuff is just this

ytg, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

I mean, both Hamas and Israeli leadership should be prosecuted for war crimes

I just think this situation shouldn’t have even been reached in the first place…


I would not equate the too. Not to mention, Israel sponsored Hamas.

MargotRobbie, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

While I’m here, everyone, please get your flu and COVID shots this winter, vaccines work, so don’t get sick, and don’t get other people sick.


I’ll get my flu shot once my cold mostly resolves. My entire face feels like it’s about to sneeze 24/7 and it’s like a personal hell


Got mine! 10/10 will definitely do again

TankieTanuki, (edited )

Getting a shot and then immediately walking to the end of the queue for another like it’s Six Flags. dril

WuTang, avatar

While I’m here, everyone, please get your flu and COVID shots this winter, vaccines work, so don’t get sick, and don’t get other people sick.

How? as it has been demonstrated that it does not protect against transmission?

But take your shots please.

TrickDacy, avatar

Anti vaxxers need your own island. You’d… “sort yourselves out”… in about 10 years.

WuTang, avatar

Strange, so you are protected, you would apparently protect from transmitting too SO why unvaxxed to COVID (not antivaxx, little schmug) would have to isolate on an island?

you see how crazy you are?


Not everyone who wants to be vaccinated against covid can be vaccinated.

And not everyone who is vaccinated can receive the full benefits of vaccination due to being immunocompromised.

As someone who gets a Hep B vaccine every single year, I do what I can to protect myself, but my body is incapable of producing antibodies long term, it’s because of an autoimmune condition, not because the vaccine isn’t widely effective. I’m always going to be more susceptible to it (and I work in healthcare so I have to keep getting the vaccine). I’m lucky I only have this issue with hep b, my other vaccines seem to have “taken”, but I’m not alone, there are many people out there that have this issue with various vaccines.

My cousin had an anaphylactic reaction to the flu vaccine a few years ago, he can’t take it again. He’s in a vulnerable position because he has a trachy, so his airways don’t have as much natural protection. He has to trust that his co-workers will stay away from him if they catch the flu, because he can’t get vaccinated even though he wants and needs to.


Did you intend to make some kind of point here?


Would’ve been better to say something like: Don’t get as sick and potentially die when you do catch one or both of these viruses. Also stay home when you’re sick.


It does technically reduce transmission potential, though indirectly.

If you do contract covid or the flu after having been vaccinated, you are less likely to have severe symptoms, including coughing and sneezing. If you’re not coughing up a lung all over the place, you’re not spreading as much as someone who is hocking loogeys over everyone else.


Except everyone I know who got the shot has gotten sick way more frequently then those who didn’t. That’s backed up by the data that shows the shots give an initial boost in immunity, but slow negative effectiveness long term


It does reduce transmission it just doesn’t reduce it to 0%. Life is not so black and white.


Yeah… For people saying COVID is “just the flu”, I had a friend who ended up in hospital with COVID… When I got covid and thought I may have spread it to her (fortunately she got lucky and somehow didn’t get it) , she pretty much started prepacking for hospital.

It’s still a super serious virus, same as the real flu…

interolivary, (edited ) avatar

I know four people who ended up in the hospital from COVID, one in a medically induced coma for a couple of weeks. All except one of them is in their 30’s or 40’s and in good physical condition, the exception is a friend’s young child who is in the ICU right now and they’re not sure she’ll survive…


I just went to sign up for my covid shot and it asked me to update my insurance information. I have no fucking answers for them so I stopped filling out the form.


Have you tried telling them you don’t have insurance


Nope I’m gonna call and tell them today I think they will say its okay and the website is just dumb 😋 thanks by the way

FlyingSquid, avatar

I highly recommend staggering them though. I did them both together last year and felt so sick that I had to take a day off of work (still better than COVID or Flu). This year, I had a COVID booster and I’m getting a flu shot Monday. The COVID shot did nothing to me but give me a sore arm and flu shots never do anything.


Just got both of mine an hour ago


Also get your dogs rabies vaccines! We are getting dangerously close to having less than 80% of the dogs in the US vaccinated. This will cause pockets of disease in your pets.


Flu shots are only given to the elderly and vulnerable where I live. It’s weird to see people talking about getting the flu shot like it’s a normal thing.

HorriblePerson, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre. avatar

I agree with the comic. I do however disagree with the title. I think the Hamas’ attack shouldn’t to be called “resistance”, just as Israel’s response shouldn’t be called “self defense”.


This! Was searching the whole comment section and wanted to post it just now and luckily hit refresh.


I agree with you that it needs to be clarified further. While I think it is still “resistance” in the sense that it was done with the intention to resist occupation and all what Israel does, I do agree that civilians died that didn’t need to, and it did not lead to positive results.

When you live your whole life in a concentration camp and get bombed almost daily, you may lose some rationality and start justifying more things in the name or resistance. Ultimately I blame Israel for putting them in this situation, and putting civilians so close to their border.

In the end, my whole point is that Hamas attack must not justify a response from Israel. It should lead us to pull back instead.

Mercival, in There's a reason they went to war over Helen of Troy

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should…

wreckedcarzz, avatar

Yeah, I certainly don’t want women in my threesomes

HowMany, in Trust me bro it's 100% true

On a lighter note, they’re all in heaven now. Unless of course they weren’t christian babies, at which point they’re all roasting in hell at the moment.

Religion… makes all the sense, doesn’t it?

paddirn, in *Sad ' boom boom psst'*

This chick is dyin’ I ain’t lyin’ This bitch is done multiplyin’ Chuck her ass out the door While I’m flyin’ Won’t catch my eyes Ever dryin’, No cryin’

aggelalex, in Free Palestine

Kinda debatable. A free Palestine can be terrorist as well.

Whattrees, avatar

They could be, but we won’t ever know as long as they are treated the way they are by Israel.

Terrorist groups don’t tend to form in stable, prosperous, and free countries.

SpezCanLigmaBalls, in Do you know? avatar

After the baby plane comes out it takes a week for it’s wings to grow in

HowMany, in Definetly.

Fifty years later “Fred who?”

30p87, in It's gonna be tremendous.

Nah, IntelliJ IDEA is much better.


Underrated comment


Sir, may I interest you in the word of our Lord and Saviour Bram Moolenaar and his Vim text editor ?


I am already enlightened by Vim for use of Python and C, but compiling and coding Java seems to be much more complicated than a standard Vim setup could handle.




well you might want to look into vim’s built-in make and compiler commands for the compiling and LSPs for the coding.



DoubleOwl7777, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre. avatar

both sides are stupid. youd think after all these years of fighting a compromise could be found, but NO, they just always fight. gives me the feeling that they dont want it any other way.


Gimme that good old fundamentalist religion


Who’s “they”, exactly? Certainly not the average Israeli or Palestinian.


Have you ever heard the phrase, “you can’t negotiate with terrorists?” Turns out it’s true.


Didn’t the United States consider the Taliban terrorists? Did that stop them from negotiating a retreat from Afghanistan? America sure seems to believe you can negotiate with terrorists.

TheBat, avatar

Negotiate? They straight up support terrorists or conduct business with them for ‘the greater good’ or ‘the big picture’.


What America considers “terrorists” are often the least problematic of their associations. Let’s not forget how South Korea used to be ruled by a series of dictators, or the installation of Pinochet, or the South Vietnamese dictators.


I mean, I guess you can try, but you’re going to be dissapointed every single time. 10/10 don’t recommend.

Gadg8eer, avatar

The terrorists in that case managed to outlast a billion/trillion $ anti-terrorism budget, I don’t think the US had much negotiating power or a choice to not negotiate in that case. Ironic considering how many times that it’s been the other way around.


I doubt that you will be swayed by facts, but just for the record: in 2000 Israel offered Hamas to become a fully sovereign nation on 100% of Gaza’s territory (and 95% of the West Bank) with East Jerusalem as their capital. Hamas declined. In 2005 Israel voluntarily disengaged from Gaza and enabled self-rule, hoping this would be a step towards peace. It wasn’t. In 2011 there was another offer for a “two states for two peoples” solution, Hamas once again rejected it.

None of this is surprising since the Hamas is a fanatic Muslim group following the most militant tenets of Islam. Their publicly-stated charter is to utterly destroy Israel (“drive the jews into the sea”) and create a Muslim nation on the entire area of Palestine. So anything less than that is a non-starter. Any Jew left alive in Israel means that they haven’t finished yet.

Note that there’s nothing in the charter about the Palestinian people - The Hamas takes no civic or sovereign responsibility for the population which they govern. In other words, Hamas sees the Palestinian people as a consumable resource in their fight to bring Islam to 100% of the territory historically referred to as “Palestine”. So building tunnels under schools and hospitals is allowed. Diverting humanitarian aid to the military infrastructure while the population starves is fine. Indoctrinating children from kindergarten about the glory of killing Jews is standard procedure. etc. Using the Gaza residents as human shields is valuable both for reducing Hamas casualties as well as increasing collateral damage which makes Israel “look bad” in the international community.

Compromise is difficult because when negotiating with someone who wants you dead, how do you meet them halfway ?

BaldProphet, avatar

Go further back, even. The UN Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947 would have given Palestine its own territory, splitting it with Israel 45/55. The Arab League and Arab Higher Committee of Palestine both rejected it.

It's not like compromises have never been offered. The Arabs have simply never been willing to accept anything less than the expulsion of the Jews from the territory.


Just an addendum, the partition is based on the previous split of Transjordan Palestine after ww1, where there was a 80/20 split for the Arabs. With the Israeli getting most of Palestine.

FaceDeer, avatar

From their perspective, someone just moved into their house one day and when they objected they said "let's compromise, you can keep half of the house." No wonder they rejected that compromise.

Unfortunately we're now a couple of generations past that initial event so it's a lot more complicated at this point.


Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I don’t think they “just moved in”. They’ve lived there for a long time as well, but the former country of Palestine was quite divided ethnically, and that caused issues due to extremists (on both sides).

The purpose of splitting Palestine was to get two countries that were at least less divided ethnically, but due to where people lived Israel still remained quite evenly divided between muslims and jews whereas the new Palestine was close to 100% muslims.

Countries have been split all over the world before in somewhat similar manners without causing as big conflicts, showing that this could’ve been done in a peaceful manner. What went wrong here? I don’t know.

DarkGamer, avatar

At this rate they shall soon have no house at all. Constant terror attacks against an undefeatable enemy and an unwillingness to compromise will ensure it.


Palestinians are not saying to expel Jews. They are saying to remove the ethnoreligious state, not the Jews themselves.

This was reiterated countless of times. They seek a Democratic state where Jews and non jews can be equal.

BaldProphet, avatar

Sorry, I was wrong. They want to "obliterate" the Jews, not expel them. When talking about genocide, it's important to specify the correct flavor.

Regardless, they have multiple times rejected concessions and compromises that would have enabled them to have an independent democratic nation. If that's truly what they wanted, why would they always pass on the opportunity to get it without bloodshed?


Why agree to this “compromise” when Israel violated the previous one?

Drive the vast majority of a population from their homes, and to a tiny strip of their former homeland, then “generously” offer them to just remain there in their little concentration camp. And not even guaranteed, given Israel’s history. Gee, I wonder why they rejected?

It’s not surprising that this is what occupiers think is “compromise”.


If you know enough history to be familiar with the “previous ones” then you know that that they could have gotten half of Israel’s territory in 1947 but instead they (the Arab nations) preferred to go to war to take it all. And they failed. And then again in 68, same story. BTW Israel has repeatedly offered to transfer control of Gaza to Egypt, the Egyptians have no interest in helping them out in any way. It’s more expedient for all the Arab world that Gaza remains a festering sore in Israel’s side - of course at the expense of the poor Palestinians who are stuck there. Even now, Egypt is unwilling to open it’s border for Palestinians who wish to flee the area. But it’s obviously more fashionable to blame Israel for creating a “concentration camp” even after all of that. No-other country in the region is willing to lift a finger to help them, yet you expect the most from the country which Gaza has sworn to destroy and attacks at every opportunity?


Israel already look horrible to anyone paying attention, the entire West is backing them


“hurr de durr, both sides”

What a giant load of crap


There’s many Palestinians in Israeli territory right now. If they were willing to compromise, they wouldn’t be brutalizing them weekly, gassing them in places of prayer and stripping away their rights.


One of my best friends has a whole bunch of Israeli cousins that I’m friendly with when they’ve visited the states. According to them, a lot of Israeli people have a lot of Palestinian friends and vice versa, especially the younger generations, it’s primarily the Israeli government and Hamas that keep this shit going. Most of the average people don’t take issue with each other outside of extremists and nationalists on either side, they’d rather just all get along. They say the issue tends to lie with governing authority over holy sites, that Israel is trying to be the big kid on the block in the region, and the Palestinians just want to live in peace with equal rights and to not be treated as substandard citizens on their own land and are rightfully pissed that they keep getting pushed around.


Of course, the issue is the Israeli state, not the Jewish people. There are even organizations in Israel fighting for Palestinian rights and against the Israeli state (and many get punished for it).

But unfortunately there are also many who support what is being done to Palestinians. But in the end, the Israeli state and military are the main entities to blame.

sneezymrmilo, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

Man is there any popular meme communities on lemmy that ban Political posts? Getting sick of this community.


I doubt there’s any. There’s not a good definition of a “political meme” that wouldn’t have many people disagreeing whether certain memes are political or not, hence breeding power trip mods and bias. Most likely, it’ll just be allowing the political memes that agree with mods opinions, or are status quo to the mods, and hence not seemingly “political” even if it is.

But if you find one, please comment it here. I’d love to see it.


The question of whether politics should be allowed in meme communities is itsself political


This meme is dank and if you don’t like politics that’s totally fine but you don’t get to dictate to others what this community is about.


What an incredibly hot take. Like how is asking about a place to go where you’ll find memes that are more enjoyable to you dictating anything?


Hey please don’t reply to my comments. Thanks!

  • Chunk

What about this one?

  • Not Chunk

Not exactly an answer but you can block communities you don’t want to see.


Imagine being this deplorable

ZoopZeZoop, in *Sad ' boom boom psst'*


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