Trains are good for short distances, like going to work.
When you compare trains to planes, why would you take a train for a long distance journey? It takes much longer to get there and it’s also more expensive.
Yeah, that’s why things like Indian, Chinese and West Indian cuisine became parts of British cuisine bu osmosis is it? Get to fuck with this racist nonsense.
Honestly I’m sure babies died. Some may have been decapitated maybe even intentionally. But even accepting that I would still call it propaganda because we all know Palestinian babies would never get the same treatment in the media.
I’m pretty sure LiveLeak used to have 40 hours of IDF sniping children uploaded to it daily
Of course, it would be just as useful if they claimed 0.4 babies or 4,000,000 - the only thing that really matters is they have a unified line the media can repeat ad nauseum for the next month.
"I would love to live here"photo looks like a typical suburb - with a population density that is at a level where everyone still needs to own a car. I’m thinking European cities like Bern. Most people don’t need one to get to work but basically every household still needs one for non-work use.
Car-free population density should be more like minor Japanese cities (like Kanazawa, etc), or old towns in Europe (downtown Bordeaux).
I love how Game Of Thrones ended like 3 years ago and the internet is still processing our collective trauma from how objectively terrible season 8 was.
“Fake meat” is a broad term that can be more or less “processed” depending on your preferences. I made some teriyaki seitan last night that was basically high-protein bread with herbs and spices.
I for one have student loans. It’s about 2-3k by my estimation. No interest, it’s only half of what I got as loan (you only pay half of it back) and if I can’t pay it, they will eventually just let me off the hook. I will actually financially recover from this.
Sadly, it’s not just the US. A whole generation of students here in The Netherlands were made to take loans. They did change it back, but it was in place for 7/8 years. And, as a cherry on top, there was no interest initially. Then a small (~0.5%) interest was added, and now a few days ago they announced that the interest would be five-folded. It sounds too American to be happening here, but sadly it is the truth.
Yes, in America you either pay for college, qualify for scholarship(s) or grant(s) or you get student loans. Considering the cost of a college education can easily climb into the six digits and interest rates into the double digits, along with low stagnant wages, these loans can, and do, last a lifetime. And since there is zero guarante you will even find a job remotely relating to your degree after you graduate that allows you to both live and pay off your loans you end up double fucked. And and you can’t just not pay because then they will garnish your wages so you’re still fucked.
Education and the job market are total and complete shit in the US. I encourage all my nieces and nephews to look into union based trades work instead of higher education. Hell, as much as I hate the police union I even encourage them to go there because damn are the benefits and pay good.
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