I’ve ran Pihole for years but switched to NextDNS. It gives me more control over my kids access.
For example scheduled access to YouTube and Roblox. Also, since it’s a public service it means I can block them regardless of network. So for example when we are on holiday. My eldest worked out he could use network data on his phone to avoid the Pihole.
Oh, and it’s DNS over TLS so queries are now encrypted rather than plain text that regular DNS.
None of this will block YouTube ads though. For that I use NewPipe or Firefox and uBlock Origin.
His performance in Encino Man moved me to tears. When he wheezed the juice in that wheezing the juice scene I couldn’t breathe. The cashier had such a small role, but my god was it powerful. “No wheezing the juuuuuuh uuuuice!”
When I found out the caveman started a band I was ecstatic. Part 2 wasn’t as good as the first one, but it was still pretty good.
Most of the US military is mostly made up of conservatives, and red states are the only ones with some semblance of a manufacturing base as blue states nowadays are mostly IP farms. I dont think a hypothetical civil war will turn out as well as blue staters think.
Ok putting aside the obvious that 99% of US Military service members honor their oath to the Constitution and respect the chain of command serving the sitting President regardless of politics. Not least of which the DOD has been purging insurrectionist sympathisers the past few years.
So the brass tax of the US Military, our most valuable assets by a LOT are the US Navy. 2nd would be the USAF. Primary of which is arguably our Submarine force, followed by our sea warfare, then our air forces, and the rest of our nuclear arsenal.
Our largest sub base is in CT (blue).
The entirety of our carrier fleets are based in blue states - California, Hawaii, Virginia (blueish).
A significant portion of our nuclear stockpile is in Colorado (blue).
Anyway it all doesn’t matter because any insignificant numbers who would defect would be nowhere near the command of these critical assets. The only real annoyance of Texas seceding would be having to relocate NASA HQ lmao.
The EU had a documented process for a member state to leave. It was untested and messy, but it existed.
There’s no legal basis for a state to leave the US. Now it’s possible we let it happen despite this, with or without armed conflict, but it’s hard to imagine a hypothetical Texit not being messier than Brexit ever was
I don’t know if it’s legally possible, but even if it was, it would never actually work. Texas is propped up with federal funding, our electric grid is slowly failing, and most people who wanted to stay a citizen of the United States would leave if they were able, which would completely fuck the job market, and leave mostly people who want to be Texans rather than Americans, and those people can’t run shit (hence the economicand infrastructure problems we already have). Or maybe I’m just talking out of my ass, idk. That’s my opinion as somebody who lives in Texas against their will.
Nope, it’s not possible. The only way it wouldn’t be treason is if all states agree, or if they start a revolution and are successful; every other attempt would simply be treason. Hence, one nation indivisible. I’m sure they know that; they just want to push as far as they can to make the political situation even more absurd in America. They want to widen the gap between the people. I don’t know who exactly profits from this situation, but it’s not the American people.
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