You guys are crazy. I don’t really do decorative pillows but I will not abide a sofa in my house that isn’t covered with soft comfy things to burrow under
The original Anarchist Cookbook was incredibly scary to the feds. It was filled with mostly useless and dangerous (mostly to the “Anarchist”), but the name and the feelings at the end of the Vietnam war captured the public’s attention.
It was passed around mostly by Xerox machine or fax copies. By the time I saw a version in the late 80’s the one I ran into was a blurry and unreadable mess. The original author is on record saying that he had no idea what he was doing when he wrote it and that no one should follow any of the bomb making bits because he’d never made one himself.
Even with all of that, it holds a serious impact on our communal memory and social ideas. The name alone is going to live forever, even if the original text is lost to time.
There’s a book called Recipes For Disaster by Crimethinc, which is an actual Anarchist Cookbook, has less bombs and stuff, but there’s a lot of neat stuff that will actually work.
It’s a neat idea, and the name is so good. I even saw on an .onion site that had it told in plain text, and the visuals were ASCII recreations.
There is a (conspiracy) theory that the writer was actually working for a government since a lot of the instructions don’t work, or would potentially kill the person making it. Thus anyone who tried to follow it would not get results or die from making a project at home.
Seeing as it was published in 1971, and the FBI’s COINTELPRO ended that year, it’s not impossible. They hated anarchists and anyone too “un-american”.
That said, zero proof. Hence the conspiracy in conspiracy theory.
That said, zero proof. Hence the conspiracy in conspiracy theory.
Conspiracies are real, and they happen all the time. A conspiracy is just a group of people colluding in secret. It has nothing to do with proof.
The problem I have with the term “conspiracy theory” isn’t the word “conspiracy”; it’s the word “theory”. These aren’t theories. They’re bullshit. “Conspiracy bullshit” sounds much better.
This was actually my pappy doing my hair growing up. That fukkn’ flowbee sucked not because it was attached to a vacuum but because my dad would constantly hit me in the head with it trying to get the correct length. He kept the blades nice and oiled tho.
To be fair, I bet there is a town named Iran in the US. There’s a Cuba, Bolivia, Lebanon, and others.
Okay, I just looked it up and no, but you can see where I coming from - lots of places named after foreign countries/cities. It probably is stupidity, but with included confusion.
I wonder if it asked them to point out “the country of Iran.”
Of course people also confuse cities and states. Like on the game shows, people will say things like Los Angeles when they mean California, and vice versa.
I know it’s a rhetorical question, but briefly. I ate a burrito in Fort Smith, stayed at a crappy motel by Fayetteville one time in the shadow of Jesus billboards, and drove through Little Rock. It was very “natural”.
It was a very average burrito in a sit-down Mexican restaurant, one of those places that has a nice building and atmosphere but seems to cater to a midwestern palate. I think it was La Huerta Grill. Probably would have been better any state to the Southwest of there. Looking at the map now, if I was there again, I’d go to a pupusa place… those are always super good.
Western european countries would definitely do better. Every time I see one of those videos of a guy on the street asking people geography the Americans are completely worthless but and random european is almost perfect. Americans can’t even get their states of our own country correct
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