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BorgDrone, in QA does stuff

Apparently with all that QA they still missed massive picture quality problems

ImmortanStalin, in fixed cyberghost's "meme"

I’m confused, are you saying he’s using it wrong?

Here’s a copy paste from Webster.

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Replace the word race with party and you’ve got an incomplete yes, but not necessarily inaccurate description of Stalins USSR.

Seriously not trying to just be a troll or shill here, so if you feel I’m wrong please let me know how and why. I am legitimately, in good faith, curious about the perspectives of some communist here. It is an ideology I am somewhat interested in.


Personally I like the definition that the historian Robert O. Paxton uses. Now, he’s a liberal, but he does have good insight into fascism and he doesn’t fall into that trap of deciding that communists and fascists must be the same thing. His definition isn’t materialist, but it’s a good start.

To paraphrase, his definition is “a suppression of the left among popular sentiment.” By left he means things like socialists, labor organizations, communists, etc. Fascism is a situation where a country has found its theater of democracy has failed and the capitalists need anything at all to keep themselves in power, even if it means cannibalizing another sector of capitalists. The fascists are the ideological contingent of this, who put forward a policy of class collaboration between working class and capitalist, instead of what socialists propose, which is working class dominance in the economy. Fascists exalt nationality or race because that extends through class sentiments. It brushes aside concerns like internal economic contradictions. I once had a comrade say something like “Fascism is capitalists hitting the emergency button until their hand starts bleeding.”

Communists using a vanguard party is to defend their own interests against capitalists or outside invaders. The praise of the CPSU in Stalin’s era was precisely because it acted as a development and protection tool for the working class. It did its job and people were wary of any return to the previous Tsarist or liberal governments. Women began going to school, women were given the vote for the first time. Pogroms ceased. In less than one lifetime of the CPSU administrating the country, people went from poor farmers to living in apartments with plumbing, heating, and clean medical care. That’s why there was such praise of the party, because they actually did things people liked, and they didn’t want anything to threaten them.

Also, what does it matter if there’s one party or two? The working class have a singular, uniting interest to overthrow capitalism. Why are multiple parties needed? Anything the working class needs to negotiate for can be handled within a socialist, democratic structure, not two or three competing structures against one another. Take a look at Cuba, which has one party, but doesn’t use their party to endorse candidates. Everyone’s officially an independent in the National Assembly.


I’m confused how he could make these observations and remain a lib, what happened?


He was a professor at Harvard most of his career, if that explains anything. He’s also on record calling the January 6th capitol thing a fascist coup attempt.

Dr_Gabriel_Aby, avatar

I do think it was an attempt. They just didn’t even know that a coup attempt involved more than walking in the door and demanding Trump be president. The next one in America will involve mass killing, and it will be from a similar demographic.


Yeah we’re still in a position where American fascism doesn’t even recognize itself in the mirror. It doesn’t realize it’s a movement that needs coherent aims. It’s still stuck in the American paradigm of politics as consumerism. A comrade the other day here said the explicit kind of American fascism is having a hard time getting off the ground because they refuse to adopt socialist rhetoric, like European fascist movements in the past.

Dr_Gabriel_Aby, avatar

Yea that’s well said, also American fascists luckily have no history to look back to that’s before the US state formation. So instead of wanting a new system, they just want their guy to play President as they sit on the couch.


Harvard, say no more fam


This was an enlightening comment and I appreciate it. I may not agree with all of it but it definitely shows there are some perspectives I haven’t considered. A parliamentary or council type system could definitely provide enough representation of different working class communities within a single party. I wonder if they had term limits, or if their representatives would fall into the same hole as the US Congress.


The common socialist position is that term limits are anti-democratic not just because they keep people from voting for who they want to but, more significantly, it tilts the scales in favor of structures that do not have term limits. In the US, for example, elections are essentially completely controlled by private companies from the media to the National Conventions, and term limits check the power of popular candidates (and therefore popular sentiment) versus capital, which does not expire in 8 years.

axont, in fixed cyberghost's "meme"


Westerners deciding who’s doing real socialism or not. Westerners expressing their most vile sentiment for foreign countries rather than their own imperialism. Westerners praising the words of their own imperialist intelligence agencies. Westerners unironically praising their own nations for civil liberties like the freedom of fascists to assemble, freedom of racists to express themselves, freedom of parents to own their children, and freedom of school districts to continue racial segregation. Westerners praising imperialist nations like Norway as socialist while using bold language like fascism to describe places under that same exact threat of imperialism, like Cuba and Vietnam.

Westerners claiming foreign governments are merely pretending to be socialist, while claiming unorganized misinformed chauvinistic westerners are the true heirs to socialism, despite all they do is post online and complain about foreign nations.

Westerners praising anarchist movements from 100 years ago despite having no common cause with those movements, no connection to the circumstances within them, and probably no actual admiration of them. Westerners praising a bastardized, sectarian, perverse form of anarchism rather than attempting unity with organizations in their areas. Westerners refusing to speak with actual anarchists in their area, who by and large don’t give a shit and just want to hand out food or help at shelters. If Buenaventura Durruti were alive today he’d be regarded with scorn by western chauvinists.

Westerners continuing to bring up Trotsky of all people, who wasn’t relevant to world affairs for the last 15 years of his life and certainly not the past 80 years. Westerners not reading a single word of Trotsky’s work, westerners focusing entirely on Trotsky’s feud with Stalin, westerners not knowing that Trotsky was a literal military commander. Westerners calling themselves Trotskyists in 2023 for some reason. Westerners deciding they have a feud with Joseph Stalin, a man who died in 1953.

Westerners attempting to praise their own socialist leadership, who happen to be a scattered group of imperialist-aligned social democrats, Twitch streamers, and actual antisemitic grifters such as in the case of Caleb Maupin.


Its hard to challenge your opinions when you gish gallup 500 talking points

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

500 talking points and you couldn’t find a single thing to call into question


I dont want to be a victim of hexbear road rage thanks. You guys just vomit out material in hopes that you can string it together to form a cogent argument. Then you come back smug as ever asking why i didnt respond to the 10k talking points as if I was a human encyclopedia.

AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

How would I distinguish you, based only on your reply, from someone who took one look at two whole paragraphs and decided you weren’t going to read that but had to keep arguing no matter what and spewed out some sour grape nonsense?


Its information overload aka gish gallup


How should we frame our arguments in response to a meme that paints every single prominent socialist and socialist country as fascist without addressing each one?
Really the burden of proof should be on the one making the claim, shouldn’t it?


People confuse facism and authoritarianism all the time, and people respond to this as if they’ve never figured this out.

So instead of anything productive these threads churn out:

Omg communist countries are fascist!

actually no socialist!

lol oppression


hey why do so many socialist states end up being super authoritarian?

hey yeah thats a huge problem, but lets ignore it because west bad


We don’t ignore it when a socialist country takes security measures, we say they’re an unfortunate reality of steps a country has to take in order to defend itself against external and internal aggression. Having your country go socialist earns you a lot of enemies and having a lot of enemies means you have to build up things like intelligence agencies, military apparatuses, and centralized agencies for combating sabotage and spying. These are things every country does, but western nations like to paint the security measures that socialist nations take as purely authoritarian, or needlessly tyrannical, or whatever other word gets thrown around. The nations yelling at socialist countries to change their domestic policies are usually the most imperialist and have the most to gain from socialist states being dismantled.

When your enemies are the global capitalists who operate global finance and industry, you should probably build up something to defend against it. Nukes tend to work as a deterrent, but they only go so far when you’ve also got an internal population that can present a security problem.

China’s taken the smartest strategy of all honestly. They’ve intertwined their economy with the imperial powers to the point it’s impossible to disentangle. The west can’t take violent action against China, since that’s where the industry is.

Also, so called authoritarian measures against our enemies are a good thing. It’s good when fascists, racists, and imperialists lose civil liberties like the freedom to express themselves, organize, fund politicians, or operate businesses.


Do you think that we will see true communism ever arise from authoritarianism? I don’t think that is possible.

I think that authoritarianism is a lot more palatable to the imperialists than actual communism would be, I worry that, quite apart from it being wrong to curtail civil rights, by being authoritarian a socialist state is simply dancing to the tune of the imperialists.

I don’t think I’m comfortable with a central power having the authority to decide that certain groups don’t have rights, that power is too often abused widely.


Personally I don’t believe the term authoritarianism is a useful description of anything. It’s too vague. I’ve seen one definition that’s like “a system that rejects the involvement of certain groups or interests from the political process.” Well that would be all socialist nations by default, since socialist countries by definition have denied political representation for the capitalist class in some way.

A better question is: How is a socialist country supposed to defend itself? It may not be possible for a country to achieve what Marx called upper-phase communism. It may not be possible for money, states, and all property to be abolished. That’s a question for the future. But when a country tries to curtail the power of capitalists, even attempts to create what’s known as true communism, they find themselves on the receiving end of an entire world against them. Sanctions, invasions, sabotage, spying. The shape that a socialist country will take is the result of its conditions. We’re living in a world dominated by capital and socialist countries represent a resistance against capital. If socialist movements are threatened, they either defend themselves or collapse.

You’re right that countries are dancing to the imperialists, because the imperialists hold the most power right now. That’s why an anti-imperialist movement is important, why a multi-polar world is important. Once the threat of imperialism subsides or is defeated, then I’m going to guess socialist countries will begin to express their policies differently.

I don’t think I’m comfortable with a central power having the authority to decide that certain groups don’t have rights, that power is too often abused widely.

Is there any society that isn’t this? A central authority deciding how to distribute rights is a governing body.

Socialism is a movement about denying the right of property to capitalists. That’s the entire purpose of the movement, to elevate working class people to the point of dominating society and to restrain or abolish the capitalist class. Landlords and capitalists shouldn’t be able to exercise the same rights they have in a liberal capitalist nation. Fascists, racists, transphobes, imperialists, etc shouldn’t have any civil liberties and should be subject to arrest, reeducation, or worse.


Thanks for the detailed response, you’ve given me a lot to think about.


It’s hard to challenge my opinions because I’m cool as hell and I exude a pleasant aroma mondays


If their post is short, accuse them of not engaging properly.

If their post is long, accuse them of gish gallop.


Said no one. Except you. You either know what a Gish gallop is, or you don’t. A long comment is not necessarily a Gish gallop. In this case the charge is entirely accurate.


Oh spare me, we both know full well that there was no long comment they could have posted that wouldn’t have been called gish gallop.


As if it’s somehow impossible to make a long comment in support of a single argument? As if Gish galloping comments don’t actually exist? Do I follow your logic properly? What part about this do I not understand?


Accusations of gish gallop are almost always just a bad faith way of dismissing an argument without bothering to address it.


What argument? 20+ arguments were made. Which one am I meant to address?

If I focus on one you’ll jump on me for not addressing the 19 others, which is why it’s a bullshit tactic.


Their argument was that so called Western socialists are mostly just Western chauvinists who make their determination on what movements are “real socialists” based on how closely they align, racially and culturally, to the West.

There, that’s their argument.

BurgerPunk, avatar

You gish galloped, you ad homin-ed, you no true scotsman-ed, you one true scotsman-ed, and then you mot and bailey-ed.

Checkmate sir smuglord


Its ok to say you dont know what any of those mean. You dont have to make an ass out of yourself in the process

BurgerPunk, avatar

I believe you just engaged in a masked man fallacy taken to the ad absurdum.

Checkmate smuglord


I believe you just engaged in ligma balls fallacy with a terminally online spin.

Checkmate smuglord

AdmiralShat, in fixed cyberghost's "meme"

Prepare for the 14year Olds on hexbear to come in and pretend that China has a great government


Just got banned from Hexbear for saying something negative about China and the US at the same time. They have no tolerance of any discussion that challenges their preconceptions.


You know, that actually makes sense. 14-year-olds. It would explain a lot about hexbears.


Yeah, the Chinese government is totally very democratic and is receptive to the criticism of its citizens! They never censor words and topics they don’t like on their social media platforms!

sewerkat, avatar

It also respects women so much and represents them very proportionally


Also they don’t censor any single website internationally

seitanic, in unholy software.. avatar

I’ve been using Linux for almost 20 years, and I can’t remember the last time I had to stress over drivers. Of course, I always check Linux compatibility when I buy hardware.


I’m embarrassed to say I’m a SE and don’t know anything about Linux. What makes it worth using over windows?


Linux by itself is just a kernel, there’s a whole range of operating systems using it. Most of them have some commonalities, but there are also huge differences. Most of them can run directly from a USB stick (or in a VM obviously), so you can try some out.

Some things that basically all of them do very well, compared to windows:

  • mainly open source components (± some proprietary drivers and apps, if you want)
  • no ads in the OS
  • support for very old hardware, being (depending on actual OS more or less) light and resource efficient
  • very good package management
  • customizability

There are many things that are specific to some OSes. I switched from Windows 10 years ago, and I can’t see myself going back. Everytime I have to use it somewhere, I get annoyed quickly.

There are some drawbacks:

  • software has to be built against a specific kernel, and some proprietary software is not offered for linux. There are compatability layers for running windows software on linux without emulation, but they are mainly optimized for games (I’ve had windows-only games run faster on linux than on windows!).
  • some drivers are unavailable for linux, as the device manufacturers have to cooperate somewhat. However, almost everything will work.
  • some drivers are available, but require binary blobs distributed by the manufacturer. The proprierary NVidia drivers, for example, are faster than the open source reimplementation noveau, but they can cause problems with some software like sway. If you have an AMD gpu, their open source drivers are great, so no problems.

Roughly all the servers (including Microsofts own cloud), half the mobile systems, lots of the larger embedded stuff and some small percentage of deksktop systems are using Linux. Again, just try something (maybe Pop!_OS or Mint) and see if you like it.

RobotZap10000, in Colonialists be like

Civ 6 players be like:


Campus would be better because of the mountains adjacency bonus

Infamousblt, in Genzedong get mad when people don't like the CCP avatar

Liberals be like: Yeah I love democracy.

The thing I love most about democracy is that I get zero choice or control over who represents me in government at all and I let them make decisions for me that hurt me. In fact I celebrate it when they make decisions that hurt me

Mouette, in Defediverse

If the ‘thing you dont agree’ with is hate speech or shit promotting violence for example that’s the only sane option you have lol


Find me one neoliberal who isn’t promoting violence.


Here’s a comment thread where a Hexbear user said “I hope to kill people like you” because I simply said I supported democratic socialism.

Going on any Hexbear instance people froth over telling anyone right of Karl Marx to “get up against the wall”. You guys are, and will always be, a joke.

a_blanqui_slate, avatar

Haha, classic Catradora_Stalinism, what a rascal.


She would make a great staffer in the Lubyanka.

a_blanqui_slate, avatar

She’s probably like 16 dude chill and welcome to the Internet where people fling the most unhinged nonsense at each other without a second thought

American_Communist22, avatar

mfer im in college im crying ahhhhhhhh

a_blanqui_slate, avatar

Hah classic Catradora bamboozle you rascal.

American_Communist22, avatar


a_blanqui_slate, avatar

The Duality of Posts

Pixels on Screen, 2023.


An aggressive communist with no sense of how the world works could be a child? You’re the most self aware Hexbear user.

Also lol to “dude chill”. I’m not the one fantasizing about murdering people.

a_blanqui_slate, avatar

She’s not here, do you want me to pop into that thread and chastise her for you?

My mind just boggles at the fact that anyone is taking this two bit reddit clone seriously enough to carry a grudge longer that the lifespan of a single thread.


You’re doing a lot of coping with that seething.

a_blanqui_slate, avatar

I’m fucking livid

Mindfury, avatar

because I simply said I supported democratic socialism.

so you promoted violence first?
i’m failing to see your complaint here


I simply said I supported democratic socialism

So you said that you support the regime of extreme global inequality against the third world in order to maintain treats in the first.


I support what are realistic policies actually will push the status quo in the direction you want.

Larping on the internet waiting for a revolution to occur seems like a nice fantasy.


IDK what country you’re from, but in America at least, a democratic socialist has about as much likelihood of being elected to any given office as a communist does, so if you’re looking for “realistic” policies you should look elsewhere.


There are numerous democratic socialists who are in Congress, you just aren’t paying attention.

Run for office. There have been many spoilers from genuine grassroots campaigns. Don’t want to do either? Keep coping and seething online.


The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. Entryism always ends up changing the entrant instead of the system. We are revolutionary socialists.


It’s clear you never studied US politics if you think that is remotely true. The Gilded Age and the Great Depression briefly pushed America away from corporate interests towards policy that benefited the working class. We averted overt fascism a la the Business Plot and the ratfucking that Smedley Butler disclosed while being the most badass anti-capitalist ever.

You’re not a revolutionary socialist, you’re a larper who won’t do anything to better the world other than wait for this revolution like it’s the second coming of Christ.

You guys are the QAnon of the left.


We averted overt fascism a la the Business Plot

You’re describing one group of bourgeoisie resisting a takeover by a different group of bourgeoisie. This is not a meaningful resistance to capitalism, this is the maintenance of a capitalist state.


Who are you talking about? AOC? If your definition of a democratic socialist is a left-leaning Democrat then it is thoroughly incompatible with mine, because I would require at a minimum that anybody classified as any kind of “socialist” be staunchly opposed to Capital.


I’m talking about Emmanuel Goldstein. Anyone I can possibly list will never meet your purity test.


Yes. We purity test. People who support capitalism cannot be counted upon to overthrow it. Glad we’re on the same page.


I too support democratic socialism





Allende just needed more people’s militias


I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but the Allende thing is more a US intervention problem that a democratic socialism problem. Certainly Mohammad Mosaddegh would agree.

ShimmeringKoi, avatar

Wow, you mean the US will just destroy you no matter how much you play by their rules, and that all that handwringing about evil communism is just bad-faith obfuscation from the world-eating vampire class to mislead their billions of victims? Wild.


Extreme violence is still violence. Industrial violence on a massive scale is still violence. You are advocating for violence, terrible violence, and then getting upset someone else advocated for comparatively mild violence.

Cleverdawny, in Maths 🗿

I like how this trash comic is becoming a meme

Wage_slave, avatar

Thinking the exact same thing lol. I really do hope the person who is behind the og comic sees these remakes and gets that gut wrenching feeling knowing that his art is a fucking joke.

And pretty damn funny when others add the talent to it.

ciko22i3, in Iphone 15 avatar

I’m out of the loop. What did they do now?


Apple will have a USB-C connector (capable of fast charging tech), but will only support slow 5V charging (for most non-apple chargers?)…


is this confirmed or just a rumor? can’t find any sources atm


It’s false information. It will support fast charging but have slow data transfer.


Who uses a cable for data transfer anymore anyway though

black0ut, avatar

It’s faster than network data transfer. I don’t know exactly how fast can WiFi go, but most if the time it can’t even exceed 1Gbps. However, USB-C 4 V2 can reach 80 Gbps, and isn’t all that affected by electromagnetic interference.

For transfering a few photos, you won’t notice a difference. But if you need to back up a 256 GB phone, the difference in speed is actually big.

variants, in This wasn't covered in training

This is getting awfully close to a string of words that can reset the universe if said in the exact order

01189998819991197253, avatar

Now, would that be such a bad thing?

Unrelated, what string of words would that be?

ScrivenerX, in Defediverse

Funny how one instance is the one everyone wants to defederate from.

Flinch, avatar

people hate getting called out for their terrible opinions shrug-outta-hecks


Lol is that why hexbear is defederating from so many instances?

Zuberi, avatar

Any instance not arguing in good faith gets removed normally.

Why so much drama over fed or defed, just change instances if you don’t agree with your admin


I think where that falls down is if a big community is in X instance, the instance admins have control over that instance

Doesn’t matter what instance you switch to if the communities you participate in are under that instance’s control

Not saying that’s a huge problem yet but it could turn into one and then we get powermods all over again


Currently. Of course in the past it was exploding heads for being Nazis, Lemmygrad for being insufferable tankies, then Burggit for lolicon, now hexbear for being insufferable tankies.


Heck I think Lemmygrad is more tolerable than Hexbear, by a lot.


Do they allow downvotes? Hexbear doesn’t which means everything they disagree with gets a reply with a handful of large emoji.

MazonnaCara89, in You get a tax break! You get a tax break! You all get a tax break! avatar

At least they have donated $10 million to the fund.

ForbiddenRoot, in Another Starfield Post

I somehow entirely missed the hype around this game and came across it again only accidentally on early release day when looking at some other sale on Steam. Been playing it and it seems fine to me in a vague Skyrim-in-space sort of way, which is all what I was expecting from a Bethesda RPG.

The world seems alive enough and there are plenty of side-quests and amusing / interesting things to discover. Now suddenly I have been coming across a bunch of posts everywhere where the game is supposed to be terrible or something. Still seems fine to me, but maybe I have lower standards after decades of gaming. shrug.

Vuraniute, in Fixed Vuraniute's "meme" avatar

you fixed it by deleting it

slow clap 👏…👏…👏

jokes aside the image doesn’t load also I think the score speaks for itself

ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

Skill issue, works fine for everyone else

Vuraniute, avatar

ok apparently it was just jerboa being amogus but this feels like a bait and switch that goes from politics to silly shitpost

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