As an Indian, I would like to congratulate everyone here, you tax returns are here, but there is a spelling mistake in your name and it would take $5000 to correct it, please call 1800420SCAM to get your refund.
bad jokes aside, these are the scum of the country and I am sorry for this shit.
If we’re apologizing for national issues that aren’t our fault, I’d like to say sorry for mass-shootings, exploiting poor people and the widening wealth-gap, and (worst of all) obnoxiously loud Americans abroad!
I wish there was a separate meme community for normal memes and these Zoomer memes. I just can’t find the humor in so many of these. Like what does this text really do that’s funnier than easily readable text? Why are the images always like 4 clear pixels and the rest a blur?
I too wish there was a separate meme community, where those who have never contributed to a meme community can go to whine about the content of the existing meme communities instead of scrolling past things they don't understand or like and moving on with their lives. I just can't find any fucks to give about your need to make everything about you and your personal taste. Like, what does this whining achieve? Why are there always people who think everything on earth needs to cater directly to them, and if it doesn't it must be bad?
(hint: instead, you can just block and move along, just like I've done with you!)
If you believe there is anything you can do about this. Then you are naive. There are almost eight billion of us. We have an immense industry. People not worrying about things like that is normal. Because they are to busy feeding there children. Trying to live a little. Also why do people think that you can stop climate change. The dice has been rolled. Alea iacta est.
It has become fashionable for some to take a defeatist condescending stance like this when it comes to issues that affect everyone. If you think it makes you look smart, it doesn’t. These are pressing issues and people have to take action. If you don’t want to, go ahead and disappear. But don’t talk down to those who are and those who are calling for it.
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