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GasMaskedLunatic, in Please DownVote If You Dislike The New Apple Vision Pro

Could you please delete this post and post it again so we can all dislike it a fourth time? I need more dopamine.


This shit is funny. What’s your deal?..


I was meming on OP for deleting and re-posting this multiple times because they were frustrated by the amount of downvotes.

Zuberi, in Please DownVote If You Dislike The New Apple Vision Pro avatar

This is a comment about how much I love Apple Computers. If I could give them all of my money I would do it!


Thank you so much for sharing your love for Apple Computers! We completely understand your enthusiasm, and we believe the Apple Vision Pro would be an extraordinary addition to your Apple ecosystem. With its stunning display quality, advanced technology, and seamless integration with other Apple devices, the Vision Pro offers an unparalleled experience. Immerse yourself in breathtaking graphics, enjoy crisp visuals, and indulge in the precise color accuracy – it will truly elevate your computing experience to new heights. Owning the Apple Vision Pro would be a fantastic way to enhance your love for Apple Computers, making it an investment you won’t regret!

courtfindsyouguilty, in Please DownVote If You Dislike The New Apple Vision Pro



Honest insanity. You see how they’re voting?

starman2112, in Eternal struggle. But swapped avatar

Literally exactly me irl

I can physically feel people’s interest dissolve as soon as I start talking about something I find interesting


Haters gonna hate, then go back to talking about Taylor Swift or whatever.

Daqu, in Target Acquired

Business class costs 5x economy, first class is 10x

I would have to work months to be more comfortable for a few hours. Nope.

Appoxo, avatar

Those taking first class peobably have their own jet anyway.


No, it’s expensive but not “private plane” expensive. I rode first-class international once because I was recovering from covid and didn’t want to deal with the pain of coach (and the travel company that was responsible for my getting covid was paying some of the bill). I’m also 6’4" and don’t physically fit in coach. So like, yeah, I’m being physically forced out of coach cause it’s too small and I have to pay out the ass to just exist on a plane without physical pain. Must mean I have my own jet, and not that I’m getting fucked.


From another tall guy, how was it? Obviously not worth the price, but is it absolutely not worth the price or just very not worth the price?


While I am not super tall, I am heavy. The one time I got to fly international first class was the first and only time I could sleep on a plane. I got a nice large bourbon, fluffy comforter, pillow, and burrito-ed myself in that pod. It was utterly glorious. I was glad that I wasn’t paying for it… Was something around 4k for a 5-6 hour flight.

If the flight is international and sufficiently long, getting better seats is worth it. Better food. Free booze. Lounge access (it depends…). More space. If the price is right, get first.


It was the most comfortable plane flight in my life. It wasn’t super comfortable, the sleeper pod things are made for smaller people obviously, but there wasn’t pain and there were positions I could move through if one got a little too uncomfy. It was so nice compared to every other flight in my life.


Those taking first class are often traveling on a company’s dime or using credit card points.

MissJinx, avatar

The truth is.If you have first class money you have money to get your own plane and go anywhere without babies crying.


This isn’t true at all… My wife and I fly first class and are no where near being able to afford flying private 🤣 the no babies part would be fantastic though.

MissJinx, avatar

Oh, I’m sorry sir I’m too poor to know the differece lol.




Is that an exaggeration? Deltas first class is like 4x economy.


I compared AA flights from NYC to Paris on Google flights. Those were the real prices.

Kyrgizion, in Eternal struggle. But swapped

Other way around for me. People find me both boring AND annoying, no matter what I do or don’t.


Haven’t found the right crowd, I suppose.


Most people are boring and annoying but that’s OK.


What an interesting response! I was not annoyed and it was not boring. Maybe you’re just listening to the opinions of bad people…?

PeriodicallyPedantic, in Steve from blues clues went down a dark path.

Lol sounds like something an AI would generate if you asked it how to include more alcohol in your day.

So that’s what I did:

They may drink alcohol as a way of enhancing their creativity and overcoming mental blocks. They may believe that alcohol helps them to think outside the box and generate novel ideas. This could be especially relevant for jobs that require artistic or innovative skills, such as writers, designers, inventors, etc.

  • They may drink alcohol as a way of reducing stress and improving their mood. They may believe that alcohol helps them to cope with the challenges and pressures of their work environment. This could be especially relevant for jobs that involve high levels of responsibility, risk, or conflict, such as managers, lawyers, doctors, etc.
  • They may drink alcohol as a way of building rapport and strengthening relationships with their colleagues and clients. They may believe that alcohol helps them to be more sociable, friendly, and persuasive. This could be especially relevant for jobs that require interpersonal or communication skills, such as salespeople, teachers, counselors, etc.
  • They may drink alcohol as a way of celebrating achievements and rewarding themselves for their hard work. They may believe that alcohol helps them to enjoy the fruits of their labor and appreciate their accomplishments. This could be relevant for any job that involves goals, targets, or milestones, such as athletes, engineers, scientists, etc.

How to make your day more fun with a dash of booze:

  • Kick off your morning with a fizzy mimosa
  • Treat yourself to a frosty beer with your lunch
  • Savor a glass of wine as you relax in the evening
  • Shake up a cocktail to go with your dinner
  • Cap off the night with a shot of whiskey to knock yourself out
Bread, in Its the only way.

Yeet? No. Eat. Yes. We reduce pollution and world hunger at the same time!


Trebuchets require no permits to own or operate, are environmentally friendly, and can yeet the fattest of fat cats over 100m. That should be sufficient.

This message brought to you from /trebuchetmemes


I like the way you think.

Serinus, in Its the only way.

“Hey, we’re sending you guys to the moon. You have six months. Prepare.”


Launches rocket fleet directly into the sun.


Nah. Just load them all up on the same day, same time, and just detonate. Save on fuel and greenhouse gases.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

It takes more fuel to fire them into the sun, than deep space. It’s counterintuitive, but you have to shed a lot of velocity to “fall in,” but only expend a fraction as much to hit escape velocity, as you’re already going quite fast.

workerONE, (edited ) in Its the only way.

I really like that design. But realistically a socialist society would be better off if you integrated the rich into the middle class and forced them into service to society.

iAvicenna, avatar

include in this list all the ruling party politicians for the last 50 years. let them experience the mean of what they were able to achieve


Lol this guy thinks a socialist society should have a middle class. Realistically they’re a goddamn moron.


Not that I care what they want, but I think most would prefer to be yeeted.


All the more reasons not to

FlyingSquid, in Got Promotion avatar

I’m not working anymore- I’m helping my daughter with a state online school which requires a parent to be a full time ‘learning coach’- but in my last job, I spent as much time as I could on Reddit. Then Lemmy. Now she doesn’t want me to sit with her during her video lessons, so I have a similar amount of time to kill and post on Lemmy.

One day I’ll have more to do and you people will be rid of me.


One day I’ll have more to do and you people will be rid of me.

And that day will be a sad one.

iAvicenna, in Its the only way. avatar
iAvicenna, avatar

yes I know its not an adjective thanks

streetfestival, in Venus de Milo avatar


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  • Traister101,

    Nooooo really?


    Down votes is the price you pay for trying to be informative

    streetfestival, (edited ) avatar

    Thank you, kind Lemmy, I appreciate it. Getting down-voted and mocked for trying to add context that some might find useful (judgeing by the title and top-rated comment) is one of the more negative experiences I’ve had on Lemmy

    chalupapocalypse, in Lemmy isn't what I expected but I love this place

    We just need Monty Python and hitchhikers guide and we’re golden


    And more C A T P I C T U R E S

    The true foundation of any internet community.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


    I’m from a planet around the star Betelgeuse. Drink up, you’re going to need it for what I’m about to tell you.



    • Earthlings: Uhh, nice light for months!
    Omega_Haxors, (edited ) in YouTube

    [even bigger rock] “No, Youtube, I don’t want to watch TF2 content. Stop recommending it to me”

    It’s like why even have an algorithm if it’s just going to show you what it wants you to see rather than what you want to see.


    Because you are the product being sold, and advertisers are the customers


    I would get that but valve isn’t paying them to push that shit, they’re doing it out of their own volition.

    Omega_Haxors, (edited )

    Doesn’t change anything I’ve literally NI’d every single post of that matter and THEY KEEP SHOWING UP. I’ll even DRC to channels that post that content primarily and they’ll start show up half a year later. I’ve had it up to here with youtube’s fucking algorithm deciding what I want.


    Check your watch history. Did anything TF2 related end up in there by mistake? In my experience, you can remove it and it’ll help.

    Omega_Haxors, (edited )

    Nope it’s an association link, i’ve been at war with that stupid game for well over two years now. I’ll even block content shitting on it.


    I guess another option is to give up and become a Titanfall fan ; )


    I’d rather die.

    snowe, avatar

    Do you pay for premium? From what I’ve seen the algorithm is much more hostile to people who don’t pay. I literally _never _ have these problems about YouTube recommending stuff I don’t care about.


    Their algorithm is constantly trying to groom its viewers to the far right. They aren’t getting a cent from me.

    snowe, avatar

    Like I said, none of that happens to me and I’ve been using YouTube since 2006. It really does seem like a difference between paid and unpaid amounts.

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