No because VPNs route your traffic through an encrypted tunnel. But PiHole can filter traffic on any device on your network regardless of whether or not you can install a plugin.
It does not. Domain based blocking does not work with youtube.
Your link event says it:
Some ads may […] be served through the same domain as the website, making them harder to block without blocking the website itself.
There is no point in using a proxy for this, because of https it won’t be able to block more than with DNS blocking. Maybe a tiny bit more if you set up mitm but that’s really not worth it.
Nope. Youtube ads are served from the same domains as the videos so there is nothing you can to to block them via DNS. Your best bet is just installing Ublock for them. Now a days an ad blocker is a security necessity anyways.
Installing uBlock is so quick, all you need is 30 seconds of their consent to lean over their shoulder and install it. The whole process can be faster than the actual ad break, in some cases.
I actually really like the unified remote app. It lets you use your phone as a remote for any computer on the same network. I think the premium version just lets you link more computers otherwise the free version is just as good.
I once had a coworker who just took a bite out of a raw onion right in front of me. They were completely unfazed, like it was an apple or something. I’m still a little emotionally scarred.
Younger guy from the southern US here, I have done this just to fuck with people. I’m just not very sensitive to the “bite” onions are supposed to have. I can chop quite a few of them before my eyes start to water.
Southern guy probably was eating a Vidalia onion. The soil is low in sulfur, I believe, and has a more neutral acidity, so the onion is pretty uniquely sweet. I heard one older southerner call them dirt apples.
There are actually onions that you can do that with. I think the soil where those are grown is low on sulfer or something so the onion cant make the chemical responsible for making your eyes water.
I’ll usually eat a could wee chunks of an onion after I dice it up, and the other day I was surprised by how palatable the onion was that I was eating. Normally I enjoy eating a couple tiny pieces raw, but this was an onion I could see myself taking a big ol bite out of
I had a surly paternal grandmother who seemed to revel in making the lives of children miserable.
When I was about four years old, I asked for a snack, and she gave me a raw onion.
I sat at the kitchen table and ate the entire fucking thing like it was the sweetest piece of fruit known to history, staring her in the eye the whole time.
If I had been just a little bit older and thought of it, I would’ve asked her for another one.
She died when I was seven. My reaction to this, as she lived in Washington State, was, “Does that mean we get to see Mount Saint Helens?” as the volcano had gone off just a couple weeks prior.
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